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Friday, April 16, 2004
Hi people. Sorry I've been gone so long. -_-' I... don't have an excuse... -_- Well, I've been working on my site[a lot] and this is the result... ^^' It's a lot better than it was before[of course, that's only my opinion] Tell me what you think[so if it's really extremely crappy, I wont brag ^^']
Nothing else happened over my extremely long absence. Christina and I are stil together[~-^]. The lil annoyings are stil annoying...[and lil]. And... I'm still weird/strange/whatever you people describe me as. [me confused @.@] [XP]
Well, that's really all I can say to you people so... see you[space cowboy] ;P |
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Oy.... Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just sorta... forgot... -_-' Yeah, I know, that's always my excuse. I'll have to come with a new one. hmmmmmm...... I don't really have anything to say, I just posted so you would know I wasn't dead. I know you want me to be, but still.
I found this poem by Shel Silverstein. One of my lil sisters couldn't fall asleep, and she made me read to her. Needless to say, she fell asleep after that. -_-'
The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Me who?
That's right!
What's right?
That's what I want to know!
What's what you want to know?
Me who?
Yes, exactly!
Exactly what?
Yes, I have an Exactlywatt on a chain!
Exactly what on a chain?
Yes what?
No, Exactlywatt!
That's what I want to know!
I told you-Exactlywatt!
Exactly what?!
Yes what?
Yes, It's with me!
What's with you?
Exactlywatt-that's what's with me.
Me who?
Go away!!!
...Knock knock...
Strange, no? Well, Michelle liked it. That's pretty much all that matters, that the lil ones like it. -_-' It was pretty funny though. I laughed... sorta.
I'm gonna go watch my DragonBall Z DVD for the two-hundredth time! C ya! |
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
Hi all. Sorry I have not updated in a while. I was busy with... ya know... stuff.
The little annoyings are being extra annoying today. I'm going on a date with Christina tonight, and they have been bugging me about it all day. When I come back from the date I know there going to say something like "So what did you do ?" It's so fuckin' annoying! I'm probobly just incouraging them by posting this... -_-;; ......
That's really all I wanted to say, so... Later. |
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
hehe... Sorry about the noy updating thing. I kinda forgot to... ^^;; It's not like anybody ever comes to my site anyway. So why do I even bother posting? I'm annoying that way that's why! ...sorry ... Well, anyway. The reason I post is cause I thought of something funny and felt like telling you. Hope you like! ^^
Have you ever wondered why Vegeta's hair stands on end like that? There's no need to wonder any more, I found the answer! ^^
It was a terrible accident concerning a fork and an electrical socket. Lets just say Vegeta was a very curious child.
Vegeta: Mooommy! What happens when you stick metal objects into those holes in the wall?
Vegeta's mom: ...don't do that Vegeta. ... Vegeta. Vegeta! VEGETA GET THAT FORK OUT OF THE ELETRICAL SOCKET!!!!! VEGETA!!!!!
*zap zap zap*
Vegeta's mom: .... OOOOO That can't be good...
hehehe... I got bored. Well... I thought it was funny! |
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Thursday, January 22, 2004
Sorry I haven't up dated in so long. I was lost in my backyard for two years and they finally decided to send out a searching party for me. Good thing they found me when they did, I was starting to get hungry.^-^
I hope y'all didn't miss me to much. I went out surfing today, yeah, that was awsome. I also started work on a new song. Hope it turns out all right. I hope its not crap 'cause we gotta get a new song. We can play the old ones in our sleep. |
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Saturday, December 6, 2003
Today was awsome! Me and my friends all got up early and skateboarded to the beach. We paddled out, and kept catching waves until lunch. Before we went home, we played some volleyball. When we got back to my house, me and the guys set up, and started to play.(WHAT!!!! I DIDN'T TELL YOU I HAD A BAND?!!!! Well I do. It's called Brain Dead, cause we all are... except Christine, she's a girl.(I think...)) We played until my sister yelled "SHUT THE F*** UP!! I'M TRYING TO STUDY!!!!" Yeah. Today was awsome. |
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Saturday, November 29, 2003
I finaly figured out how to do the background music thing. My site is all hi-techy now! MilleniumChaos was the one who told me how to get a background. I can always find someone to blame!^-^ Tell me if you like this table thing.'Cause I'm not so sure about it.
Do you have pig's feet? Yes I do. Wear shoes and maybe nobody'll notice!-King Kai, Dragon Ball Z
I-I-I don't even know what comedians read!! COMIC BOOKS?!!!-Goku, Dragon Ball Z |
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Friday, November 21, 2003

Little Gohan getting chased by a T-rex!
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Friday, November 14, 2003
Here are some of the quotes I'v gotten from one of my favorite mangas, Dragon Ball.
Wow...! You mean you can tell if it's a man or a woman just by looking?!!-Goku
...Let me just tell you up front...I'm MALE.-Kuririn
You're funny! Your head looks like a pachinko ball!-Goku
Why would I wanna feel your dirty butt?!-Goku
Bulma? Dosen't that mean "bloomers"?! HA HA HA!! Bloomers!-Goku
...So instead of a tail, you've got an extra BUTT?-Goku
You don't have a boy's wee-wee do you? You must be a Girl!-Goku
Perhaps between those men's legs, sir...-Mai
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Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Hi. I'm newbie here, so I have no idea what i'm doing. *BOOM* heehee... Maybe I shouldn't have "pushed the button".
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