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Monday, March 26, 2007

I changed my site! I hope you like it!
im soo exited that i finnaly figuerd it out!!!
please tell me what you think^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^


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Saturday, March 24, 2007

this is coffeeberry. she looks a little cranky though.DX her eyes are sapost to br hasil, but i couldnt find any eyes that color.DX Please comment^^
elouai's doll maker 3

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   This is for my best friend shrine maiden^^ its kiichiki in human form. i hope you like it^^ please comment
elouai's doll maker 3

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Friday, March 23, 2007

   that is totaly my personality!!!!!!!!1

What are you feeling inside? ~With Anime Pics and 8 Results~ --For Girls Only--

Your feeling is glad...You always seem to have a good thing to say. Something might good might have happened to you, you're not even sure why you're so glad and happy, but you think it's because everyone you care about is safe and you are too. You're so thankful for everything and think of everyday as a new beginning. Although what you're feeling deep down is glad, you are never afraid to show your feelings and have a strong heart. You are a optimist and although you might be klutzy or naive, people like you just the way you are...and maybe that is why you're glad. If someone were to describe you, they would probably say you're bright, bubbly, and fun; which is a very good description. You may be a bit naive, which also defines you as "cute". However, being naive sometimes isn't a good thing and can lead to getting hurt. But you don't mind, you're already happy. Not on the sensible side though, and try to cheer everyone up no matter how hard the fight is; and you get nervous if you did something wrong and may apologize many times before reassured.
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Monday, March 19, 2007


What kind of friend are you? Anime pics!!

You are a great friend! You're friends with many people! You always have a great time with your friends and your great to be around with! You are like the perfect friend!!
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   that is so totaly me^^!!!!!!!!!!!

It's back to school! What subject are you? Anime pics

You are Art! Expressing your feelings through drawings and paitings.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

I made my first doll^^ My Mew Suri dosent look the same as how i drew her, but i had fun making her anyway^^
elouai's doll maker 3

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

   The worst has come!! (at least i think..)
I must have cougbt Adams (my little bro) Flu! TT-TT!! Im coughing and hagging all over the place.
I also have a sore thought and cant eat anything but popsickles. Not to mention that im tossing them up every half hour. Cold sweat and fever have hit me as well.
But at least i dont have to go to school.
That way i can talk to you guys^^
I wont get into anymore sickness details, but i hope to talk to you soon. Im getting sicker by the second. see ya!


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Sunday, March 11, 2007

My little brother Adam has a horible cold today.
Hes coughing abd gaging all over the place. :(
I think ill be starting to get it to, since i get sick very easyly. but who knows? mabey ill be lucky.
I will be joining mewmew rebirth soon. but i need to fill out a form. I dont know if i needed to put the form with one of my pictures or not. But i will put it on my site just incase.

Mew Mew Rebirth Form:

Mew Mew Name: Mew Coffeeberry
DNA Infusion: African Pygme Hedgehog
Mew Weapon: Mommonko Sphear
Name: Tachiri, Coffeeberry
Age: 14
Birthday: November 28th
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Hasil
Hair Color: Copper Brown with black layers underneeth
Hight: 5.9 ft
Weight: 49 kg
Skin Tone: Caucasian ( white)
Race: Human
Blood Type: O+
Personality: Sweetheart, loves to shop and be with friends. She can also be sassy at times, Prefures to do things her own way. She is very indapendint, and rarly exeps help from others.
most of the time she semes to be a little bossy.
She mostly acts like she dosent care about her friends, but deep down she would do anything for them. She loves the spotlight and Ice cream.
Overall, she is a deeply caring and loving person.
Weakness: Bugs
Stainghts: Faithful, Brave, loyal, Kind
Hobbies: Ballet, Drawing, Baking, Cooking, Tie-Kwon-Do
Profestion: Prima Ballerina, Head Chef
School Activites: Animal Conservation Team, Cooking club.
School year: Freshman in Senor High School
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Fave.Food: Maple Toffee Covered Cinnamon Buns
Fave.Color: Orange
Home: 3 story house
Fave.Drink: Pulp Free Orange Juice
Boy Friend: ???
Mew Mark location:A little under left sholder

I hope there is enogh information here.
i forgot to tell you that im changing my Mew Kyrie's Name to Coffeeberry.i hope thats not confusing you.^^
God Bless,


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Thursday, March 8, 2007


What season are you? (anime pics)

You are spring! You are very social with other people! You have many great friends too! Most people like to be with you but sometimes it gets on your nerves...you get alot of attention but sometimes that bothers you too.
Take this quiz!

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