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Thursday, March 8, 2007


What's your hair color? anime pics

You are Brown!! You're laid-back, calm, and careing!! You like to relax. And you always have good advice for people! You love to be with your friends too! You can be very stubborn at times also. Evem though people may think your calm and not much of a fighter well you also have a tough part in your personality! And your not afraid to stand up for yourself and other friends.
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What color are you? (anime pics)

You are Pink!! Girly, cute, childish
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   please comment!

What kind of elemental angel are you?anime pics

You are a Water angel!! You luv to live in/close to the sea! You like when things are peaceful! You are usaully quiet...me too haha!
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

   Shooot!! *whimper*
O.k heres the story, mu friend Rebekah was just on the phone with me a few minuts ago. She had asked me if i wanted to go to a theam park with her tonight. of course, my mom has to work tonignt. So when i told her that i needed 20 bucks and needed to be there in 2 minutes, she fliped out!!
she said that she had to work, she didnt have any supper, and she didnt have any 20 bucks to lend me. So just after she said that i could go, she changed her mind. And i only get to see Rebekah 2 or 3 times a year. So now im totlay depressed, and am in defenat need of some cherring up. TT-TT
Can someone please draw me a picture?
AND HOW DO YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF MEW MEW REBIRTH?? I REALY WANT TO JOIN. someone tell me please? *sad puppy eyes*
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

   Soo ture!

What Makes Your Heartbeat?

Nature makes your heartbeat. Never under-estimate how the beauty of nature can pick you up when you're down and catch you when you're falling. Live for all that is around you!
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   New theme everyone!
Mew Kyrie In Cafe Uniform

Hosted By theOtaku.com.

i guess you can tell that i changed my site again.^^ I had a hard time disiding what the color would be. My P.Js where purple, so thats where it came from. ^^
How are you everyone? im fine.
if your wondering if im going to change my song, im mignt wait a while. But you tell me what you think i should do.
Good news, my dad is almost finnished with the scanner. He will probobly be finnished sometime this morring...mabey.

Like, no offence to anyone, but no more requests please! I am getting a little tierd of doing them.
So all i ask is that you give me a little vacation o.k? I will tell you when im ready to exept more, as for the ones that i need to finnish: i will finnish them, but after that no more for a whyle.
thank-you everyone!
God Bless,


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Monday, March 5, 2007

   thats sooo me!

What does your soul contain? (lots of pics and lots of outcomes)

Your soul contains Happiness. You are bright and fun loving inside and out! Being bubbly and full of life draws people to you. You have good friends and people find it hard to dislike you.
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What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)

People see you as a Saint. You are kind and always do the right thing. You don't loose your temper easily and are kind to any one and every one. Maybe we should check you back for wings!
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Sunday, March 4, 2007

   Its March break!!!
Hi everyone!
I havent talked to you much have i?
Well, here i am!
I am soo releved that its march break, i have been up to my eyebrows with homework latley, and since the scaner is broken(again...) i havent been able to post any pictures. sorry everyoneThe funniest thing just happened: i was looking in the Kingdom Hearts fanart, and i just clicked the picture that Sailor Usagi Chan drew of Arial( which was beutiful by the way) and all of the sudden my dad changed the channal and the little mermaid movie form Walt Disney was on the T.V! Coincidence? I think not!!
More good news! Shine-Maiden is comming down to B.C to visite me over the march break! yay!
A whole week with my best friend!!!!
1. Do you like Disney Movies?
2. Who is your favorite Disney princess? Why?
3. If you answerd questions 1 and 2,what is your favorite disney movie so far?
please comment below! :D
God Bless,


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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Which Anime Cat Girl Are You? (kewl anime pics.)

You are a "light cat"! You are friendly and kind-hearted. You are opptimistic, and wish for world peace. You are against fighting, and especially war. You are gentle towards everyone, even if they despise you deeply. You are willing to bring warmth into everyone's life, and you're also determined you can do that. Go ahead, give that emo kid over there a great big hug.
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