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myOtaku.com: Suri Mulan

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

   New theme everyone!
Mew Kyrie In Cafe Uniform

Hosted By theOtaku.com.

i guess you can tell that i changed my site again.^^ I had a hard time disiding what the color would be. My P.Js where purple, so thats where it came from. ^^
How are you everyone? im fine.
if your wondering if im going to change my song, im mignt wait a while. But you tell me what you think i should do.
Good news, my dad is almost finnished with the scanner. He will probobly be finnished sometime this morring...mabey.

Like, no offence to anyone, but no more requests please! I am getting a little tierd of doing them.
So all i ask is that you give me a little vacation o.k? I will tell you when im ready to exept more, as for the ones that i need to finnish: i will finnish them, but after that no more for a whyle.
thank-you everyone!
God Bless,


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