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• 1756-01-05
• NY
Member Since
• 2006-12-10
• student/notorious sushi samurai
Real Name
• Its Karou's favorite name XD
• walking
Anime Fan Since
• 4 years old
Favorite Anime
• X, Loveless,HOLic, Raphexon, Gundam Wing, Legal Drug, Neon Genesis Eva, Death Note, Necroholic, DN Angel, D Gray man, Ragnarock, Chobits, S-CRY-Ed. Full metal Panic, Gun Parared March, .Hack//, King of Bandits: Jing, Samurai Cha
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• writing, reading, learning, photography, video games, thinking
• writing, photography. running, video games!
| SushiSamurai
Sunday, January 14, 2007
You say goodbye and i say hello!
Randomness: (im making it quick)
WORD: Light!
Music: Alice Nine-NUMBER SIX and Dir en Grey increase Blue
Thought: Not much of a thinker of crazy thoughts today. Just deep endless ones, that make no sense unless you have a mind such as I.
Foodige: Potato Skins
What i adopted today: I'ev always wanted a toaster!

Person of the day: Sakito! ^-^

I went to see a "Night at the musume" yesterday and invited my friend Chels as well. The winter ball at our school was yesterday, but we didn't want to go and instead went to see the movie. Which was much better then a dance, which i hate by the way. (Social gatherings make me cringe in distaste)
The movie was awsome, and we got food at Wendey's afterwards. I didn't know how hungry i was until i started to eat my Jr. Backon chesse bugar, YUM!! Wendey's frostys are addicting! I had a medium one, which might as well of been called a large. We got really hyper for some reason and my mom let us get the new white hot chocolate at dunkin doughnuts. It was ok, but it made us even more hyper. XD She wanted to listen to the Goo Goo Dolls, so i let her put the cd in (even thought in my head i was suffering from 2-hours away from J-Rock withdrawl) It was a sad song so i kinda zooned out looking out the window thinking holding HOT chocolate in my hand. When i felt someone slapping me in the arm and chels's voice calling "LOOK LOOK A RED LIGHT!" I was kinda out of it because the sugar rush was getting to me, so i nearly jumped out of my skin. Then she made me laugh when i was eating the last bit of my frosty and it went up my nose! ECKK! I blew my nose and suffered from a brain frezze because the inside of my nose was cold. XD
When we got to her house, i showed her my site. She seemed to not care to much (she dosen't like J-Rock or anime, though she admitted that Shou had a nice voice) Then i went threw a whole bunch of pictures of J-Rock bands and had her gusse guy or girl.
Her gusses: Shou-girl (wroung), Tora-guy(thought she proably thinking girl. XD), Toshiya-guy, Hiroto-guy, Gackt-guy, Miku-girl(wroung)Saga-girl(wroung) I was surprised that she thought that Uruha was cute! There were more, but i don't feel like mentioning them.
So then she started to look up pics of the guy who played the pharoh in the night at the musume, she thought he was cute. I didn't.
So then she wanted to see the pics of the guys i liked, and i was thinking i already did. She typed Gackt in the image search, cause she knew i liked him, and i jumped to stop her from clicking eneter, because i knew what would come up. We both froze as the page came up and chels starts laughing. They were naked pics of him, and i look in horor, and qucikly click it away. Then i got to say the famous line "I told you so!"
~see ya space samurai!~
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