Randomness(im getting lazy with this latly -__-)
Food: Cocoanut cake, YUM!!!!!
WORD: Rain
Me MOOD: confused and excited for some reason. i still don't know for what though. ?_?
Music: Dir En Grey ( i don't feel at trying to find the name, i should know the names of the songs now. I feel like such an undedicated fan. *hits hand* Bad Lama
The weather: I keep forgetting to tell you all that there is snow finally in New York. YAY!! Its beautiful outside, everything is coated in ice, the tree branches are frozen a good inch or more. The phone lines are tubes of ice with tiny iceicels hanging from them. *-* PRETTY!!!!!! i love winter its my favorite season. I don't even mind the cold.
Person of the day: Akiya!! I liked his hair like that, i don't know why he changed it. CHANGE IT BACK AKIYA! Sometimes they change thier hair and it looks good and sometimes they do and you hate it. -__-

I was looking at the little playlist i created above, and the number of plays the songs got. Apperantly peoples are not intersted in 12012.
:( I love thier music espically,i think its the name of the song, wana.
Anyways, record high on comments yesterday, a total of six. More then usual which is usually three or two. Thankyou for commenting, everyone.
Not much happening, only that i saw Akiya changed his hair.
To everyone: i got an A on my sketch. I drew one of the advertisment pics for genji dawn of the samurai (the art of revenge) A sword with blood dripping to creat a koi. We were soppouse to do an pic from a magizine. Appeartly with all your good lucks i did well. Not that i don't
Slive Wolf Shiko: Im printing pics as i type. The printer is running low on ink, i hope i get to my favorites that i so conveniently located at the end. Im such an Baka. -__-
Knox: you really think that butterfly is a cool word. I just kinda randomly picked it, but yay i gusse it is.
Crimson-Rose: I was surprised to find that i wasn't lazy, just couldn't find the motivation to get off the computer. XD
I also need to paste my walls more in J-Rock, all i have up on my wall is Antic Cafe the rest is anime and places i would like to vist. The anime takes up the most room.
Otakufvr: Thats sucks, i don't think i would be able to go to sleep with bare walls. My friends parents won't let her put up pics of the yankees on her wall for the same reason.
I like to so sketches as well, a sketch a week for me is too much drawing. I only draw once a month and spend alot of time on one drawing untill it is prefect.
Tiger Fantasy 17: I remember im just a paranoid freak who is nervous about getting something wrong when i know its right. I asked my brother to send me magazines from Japan. i hope he gets the time to get them. XDD
~see ya space samurais!~