There was a water main break at our school so we don't have school tommorow. Untop of that we were going to have a half day tommorow as well, YAY!!!
Musica: Malice Mizer- Color Me Blood Red
Foodige- Orange Juice (im sick today)
Thought: What my cat would look like if she was a shrimp, she's curled up in my lap right now, and is reminding me of a shrimp.
Color of the day: Red with a hint of sliver
Person of the day: Gackt!!!!!!!!! CHA!!!!!! HE should go on Nija Warrior!! *-* *eyes a burn with fire at the thought* XDDD
Hey! Look Hyde in the bg, i love thier sun glasses!

A while back i made this little doll out of paper towels and pipe cleaners and my older sister and I named it Tom Cruise. Then recently i found my cat eating it, so when the oscars were on and tom cruise came on. I told my sister it would be funny if he couldn't make it because of an arm injury. XD
DAMNIT! I forgot Shiya's birthday, that was last week. O_O Opse!
A late happy birthday to Shinya Im a sun glasse High at the moment so any pick with them with the kick ass sun glasses i chose it! XD Plus this is what i was doing during the award assembly for my school. Apperantly i was so asleep i didn't go up to get a award. XD Oh well it was just a presiden't educational award. XD (I dislike Bush anyways)

My mom wants to take me to the doctors and then to get blood tests, but i don't like going there. Its always bitter cold, like its underscoring that you will die. XD If i have to get blood work i'll listen to Beast of Blood or is Feast of Blood by Malice Mizer. I can never remeber that. XDD
I was depressed again yesterday, so i sat and watched Alice Nine concerts on imeem. Then that only made me more depressed because i had the sudden desire to go to one of thier concerts. I was laughing so hard when Nao just randomly fell when they were coming out. XD He was holding his butt, so i suspect it must of hurt alot. XD
Then i went on thier site, ^-^ New photos!!!!!!! I amused myslef for 5 mims refreshing the page and seeing who was on the bg. Hiroto's eyes looked so cute for some reason! XD
Im feeling Dizzy and light headed again, so i have to lay down.
~see ya space samurais!~