Musica: Miyavi-Jibun Kakumei ^-^
I feel like dancing!!
Me thought: What Miku is doing right now. XDD NOt really, for some reason the weather outside and this song make me want to play kingdom Hearts 2 again
(since i haven't been on the computer for a long time my typing has gone to hell -__-)
The weather- Cold, but its sunny, and there is no wind. No more snow -__- *sob*
Me MOOD: Hyper and perky for the first time in a long time
Person of the day: HIZUMI!!! WOOT!!

Sorry its been a long time, and i kinda put this theme together within mintues, so i'll have to clean it up when i get a chance. How has everyone been??
Its official my ipod is 95% J-Rock and there are a few american songs on it that i never listen to, so i should just delet them.
My package came in, no magzines, but i got an oriental dress. Its black on black silky material. ^-^ More to add to my collection of oriental clothing!
Books: Twilight, which im misserably disapointed at. You really can't get into a book, if you don't even like the main character. -__- Stupid book. Plus its a love at first sight kind of book, so that just angers me as well. Something about them being high schoolers just ruins the whole thing. *sigh*
I bought a pair of sunglasses the other day, and when i was looking up pics for a new theme, i found a pic of Gackt with the same sun glasses. Except the color is different, mine is maroon, and his are brown, and mine are a bit smaller.
Track: -__- what can i say about track, it sucks, and coach likes to put me in the fast groups, because im fast. So i get sepperated from my friends, and put with a select few. -__-
I might even have to do the relay again. O_O I was anchor last track season.
By the looks of it im going to be dead before the first meet if coach keeps up the killer intervals and box drills and non stop sprint drills.
I don't feel like doing huggle feast right now. Maybe next time, when im not so tired.
I was watching this show on demand, called PopJapan.Tv, because i was bored. I was surprised L-Arc-En-Ciel was on there, just a short clip of one of thier music videos.
Well im off to try to get to your sites!
~see ya space samurai!~