Musica: *looks at ipod* Agitated screams of Maggots-Diru
Thought: Mozart's Magic Flute opera, i was watching that with my older sister this morining. It really is a cute little opera and not at all boring as people suspect opera to be. Mozart was a werid person, he wrote pomes about farts. XDD Mozart rocks!
Foodige: Bagels with coffee, i think i have a cafine addiction. -__- Oh well!
Color: RED!!! MURHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!! Vampires, blood, war, and your thinking im going to say love, but nope. Red dosen't make me think love. White actually dose more.
Person of the day: Shame on you Slive Wolf Shiko, for not knowing Hizumi!! XDDD just kidding just kidding, im just picking on you. Anyways, hmmmmm....Well my sister wants it to be her boyfriend's day. But i don't know. Oh fine, because im such a nice little mon petite soir( little sister)

But secretly its Daisuke's day! XD

I have to finish reading Anne Rice vampire books, now that im old enough to read them. Well actually im not sure in some people's eyes if they would find these books suite for my age. -__-
Im more mature for my age then i appear to be, and since im quite fine with anything, nothing really phases me. There are some things that make me twitch but thats because its in my nature to react to things such as that.
Well off of that rant about i have no idea what it was about. Anyways i have a four page rough draft due tommorow. Im good at procastnating, so i'll be fine i have three pages done and it only took me a half an hour. If i don't say so myslef, its pretty darn good of a report for having little soild information to work off of.
Question: Who was more violent: the Incas, Aztecs, or Mayans? Its an easy question. -__-
MURUAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!! I feel like jumping up and down and just sing about absoulty nothing. I wish i had someone at my school i could relate to, and sing V-Kei songs with. :( Its getting hard to be smothered by this mask.
OH! I had to go to a school play last night, they were doing Cinderella. I give it a thumbs down, it was boring as hell, and the person who was playing the prince, was singing so bad that i had to surpress from smiling and laughing threw out the whole play, as so i wouldn't seem rude. Though at the same time his voice was so terriable that it didn't even deserve a laugh. My mouth was sore, and even more sore was my ears. An half hour of Shou's voice and some Diru healed my ears though. Though my head was spinging with Shou and Kyo's voices still flowing threw my head, so i couldn't sleep. Shou's voice is to much to handel when im tired, in a good way because im stuck craving more. Damn you! XDD
*-* Ese Urnai-Antic Cafe just came on my ipod. This one always made me hop in my seat, even in public places. One time i had to sit next to this snobby girl in the ortho. waiting room, and she had her ipod so loud i could hear the crapy lyrics of this pointless rap song. It was interupting "The Final" and just at my favorite part, where kyo signs "I can't live, I can't live, ect." The stupid song gose into a giant rap rant about love, and how women are items and i felt a bit of pity towards the writer for thier suck ass lyrics. As for the girl i felt nothing more then pleasure to know that her choice of music was proably as low as herself, by the way she was giving peole looks, and acting. I can't stand people like that. The way she talked was also irritating, can nobody these days speak a sentence without having to use the word "like" to get a point across. She said "like" about 20 times threw out her conversation with her father who only nodded. I kinda felt bad for him, at having to hear a conversation about shoes being on sale and how her friend bought the shoes she wanted. -___- Thats about when i couldn't stand it any longer and had to turn it to a song that would drowned her out a bit, but i kept the volume down so i didn't disturb anyone. But to be honest i think they would rather listen to anything at that point, just not her rap music and corny pop love songs and her voice. When she kept piercing threw Alice Nine's songs i gave up and read my book. Even that was hard to concentrate. So when she went into the her appointment i secretly hoped they would wire her mouth closed.
Cocoa puffs turn your milk brown by the way. And whats the difference between brown and white eggs?
Sorry my post was so long, again. I just had to get that out of my system.
Ooooo Kodou-Diru just started to play!
I'll make it up to everyone for this boring post tommorow if i get a chance.
AHAHHA i was looking at my old posts and i had this one post where i was really loopy and the title was like Loopness something or other, and i was really werid in that post. XDDDD O_O D'espairsRay-able to cain just came on, i luff them!!!
Wisdom of the day: Chickens never loved snakes.
~see ya space samurai!~