Musica: Ready! Steady! GO!
*dances* Brings back memories, that sorta make me sad. :( *stops dancing*
Thought: What it would look like if my brother did ever land on the roof, with the military, of my boyfriend, if i had one. My brother called me this morning and was being being goofy and telling me if i got a boyfriend he would personally come all the way from Japan to his house to threaten him. XDDD (Im singal and enjoying it, by the way)
Foodige: *tummy growels* I haven't had anything to eat, and my stomach is rebelling agnist me. Damn you, stomach. I wonder if im the only one who curses my own organs?? XDD lmao
Color: Green
Autor of the day: Anne Rice
Person of the day: TigerFantasy17!!! ^-^
Just like for Sliver Wolf Shiko, you get to pick which one. XDD I thought it was funny to pick an animal, exact opposite of a Tiger. XDD Plus its almost Easter!

O_O I think i hear GazettE-Zetsu playing on my ipod. YAY!! IT IS!!!!!!!!! I love the drum beat in the background, and then overlapped with the guitars and then wraoped up with Ruki's voice, makes a nice little package. Music to my ears. XDD
I found FOODIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackels the fridge* XDD I think i crushed my scones....*SOB* NO! SPEAK TO ME SCONES!!! DON'T LEAVE MY STOMACH EMPTY-IM MEAN DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!! XD Im so overtired. *head flops onto keyboard*
fbsbreuwibgruweibgweub cfrgguiiiiiiiiifdissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshifffffffffffffffffffffffffffdaaaaaaaaaa
Funny how my head actually did. So anyways a few updates on my life, because everyone wants to hear about my life. Who wouldn't? (say no, and i will throw the chikcen pillow, that Kanon humped at you. XDDDDDDDDDD I forgot about that chicken pillow! Did anyone see that stupide video? XDD)
Im getting a pair of glasses to give my eyes a break from the contacts. (the contacts are soppouse to be correcting my one eye that is weaker then the other.)
I got a book, for easter, the 5th book to "the keys kingdom" series by Garth Nix. Then im enjoying "Interview with a Vampire" Lestat is the most kick ass Vampire ever! ^-^
I love that character, hes so dynamic, intriguing, mysterious, classic and elegant. *eyes burn with passion* XDD
As to the subject i had to watch a one year old, who had a siren for a scream, while my brother helped his friend (the father) in the other room with staining wood. On top of that a three old little girl (leah). Leah was so adorable! She was really hyper, and she loves to tackle you. She wanted me to sit with her in the rocking chair when we we'er watching Cars. She never payed attention to the movie, she kept talking and staring at me. Sticking her tounge out and making funny noises. XDD She was so adorable!!! But then after i left i started to think about a penpal i once had on here last year, and how she lost her little cousin who was about Leah's age. As i watched Leah run back and forth wearing a giant smile and laughing, i could only think about a small grave alone on a hill. My heart started to ache, and even though i had just met Leah, i couldn't imagine her dying. I can't even explain how it felt to think about that.
Soooooo, im not going to get all mushy and start crying, so im going to get off that subject. OH LOOK My scones are done! YUM!!!
By the way im glade you guys liked the pics!
(New York people always say "you guys" even if its a group of girls. XDD)
And Thankyou for the compliments on my story. I could put up another short blip from a story im actually finishing. (its 221 pages, but im not putting all of it up XDD)
OH!! Some pics of the libary club field trip.
This is me! I look so horrible in that pic in my stupid puffy winter jacket, you can't even see my JRock Bangs anymore because they grew out. -___-

My friend Kayla is closet to the camera in this one, then my best friend Chelsea (I only call chels my best friend, because she really is) is next to me. And iam being the unphotogenic person as i am. -___- V!!

Kayla and me are the only ones paying attention in this one.

This in the hallway at our school. Chelsea was flipping her hair to be goofy, and ducky (cassandra) caught it on camera. This is them getting out of class to go to the field trip.

And this is Laura and Katie, two of my good friends, at the archive.

Yep so thats a few of the pics from the trip. Maybe i'll show you guys the pics from our school play. (which wasn't all that great) XDD
~see ya space samurais!~