Musica:GazettE-SxDxR (Was that it??)
Foodige: Bacon and a sunny side up egg. >_< I hate breakfeast food
Thought: Ever since i saw the pics on Nae Nae's post, i can't get the images out of my head. >_< ARGHHHH!!!! *smacks head*
Person of the day: Aoi!!!!!! ^-^
*oww* My eyes hurt terriably, and so do my tempels. *whimpers* I gusse thats what i get for not getting alot of sleep.
XDDD I think Miku might of got a little farther if he wasn't wearing the suspenders. XDD
Shiko-Chan i nearly had a heart attack picturing Ruki all wet in the rain. XD
I need a sobe or coffee....Im slowly slowing down....can't type...im looseing...strengthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
O_O Im awake!!! Thanks to this picture. o_O XDD I was not expecting this. Im going to be evil and send this to Chels. XDDDD Its the perfect plan, she'll see the email and little dose she known...
*he he he* *ahem* Well thankyou for sharing Hiroki!!! XDDD
I have practice dammit!!! >_< I shouldn't be nervous seeing as it is only practice, but im still scared. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
yep so i have to get ready. >_< :(
Hey another V pic for my "v" Segment. XD I don't like Ueda's hair in that pic. *shakes head*
Yes my name is Ruki and i like to stare at candels
~see ya space samurais!~