*hugs everyone*
thats how much i apperciate you guys!!!!
There is a prize at the end of the rainbow!
currently studying: Math >_<
whats 2+2=AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't know!!! :(
Me MOOD: Depressed, its a sad tale
Thought: Its too sad to think about, im so upset. :(
Person of the day: Shou...*sob*

I think i saw a butterfly....*stare*
I FAILED!!!!! The spainsih exam could of been in german and i would of made more sense of it! >_< What the frick! It was like a test in spain! Then my english exam's essay was a bunch of fluffed up crap with maybe 2 sentences that had to do with the topic. >_<
*nods* But that is not what im upset about.
I need some food
Anyways, i went to the pizza palor thing we have in town, and ordered chicken wings with four of my friends. Chels had this wart on her wrist, that she had to go to the hospital and frezz it. It GREW!!! It was like a purple and red cream puff and it was gross. I told Danielle that chels was going to flash it to her while she was eating, because she was across from chels. It popped too!! >_< Then it shriveled up and i started to laugh because it looked like an owl face.
I have to study, damnit!
I still want some food!!!!!!!!
I'll take the food
damn im hungry, its from all the brain power used today.
Don't buy toasters made from Taiwan. *shakes head* Korean ones are better. I think....*thinking*
Did you know they make ribbion with orange crabs on it!!! ^-^ I have some!!! CRABBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luna-XD Can someone get a boat for Luna!! Her house might become a pool if she keeps that up.
Note to self: Show more pics of Saga. CHECK!
Rhith: AHAHHAAHHHAHHA!!! That sucks! Actually i think i would rather of done french...*grrr*
Sakura37: Your back after a long disapearence! Shame on you. XD not really I MISSED YOU! *hugs*
Roiben: YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOREVER!!!!!!!!I was worried that you would never come back! *Sob*
PeachesXCream: For now on im calling you momo, its shorter. I watched that in English, and all the girls fell in love with him. Not me, i was busy looking at pics on my ipod. *drool* Who wants him when you have all these jrockers! XD
Tigerfantasy: I still have not come up with a nickname!! >_< Alice Nine is LOVE! Now im in an Alice Nine mood.
WARNING: Im hyper when im in a alice nine mood. ^-^ *bounce* *jump* *dance*
o__O I don't know just felt like doing that
Luna: what an over achiever, two comments in one day!! XDD
Shiko-Chan: Shiko you were grounded!!!!!! *sob* Thats terriable. Lunky for me my mom has not figured out that my weakness yet. *snickers*
awwww! why can't you watch the video!! Its alice nine's new video! They all look really hot!!!!!! Though i still don't get the frosted glass box thing.
ATTENTION SHOPPERS!!!!!!!! I need help!
Dose anyone know where to find translated lyrics for White Prayer?
What would you name a pet water droplet? (X-Play)
Who is your favorite Alice Nine member?
Now your favorite Jrocker? (yeah, i know its hard)

I think i might be killing luna right now. Luna? Your not having a hear attack are you??
This might help!! ^0^

I seem to of given alot of hugs to people today! THAT BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL!
~see ya space samurai!~