Musica:Alice Ninne-SUTOREI Cat
^-^ WOOT!!! SHOU-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!! I fell asleep listening to his voice! A lullaby whispered in my ear. I love the little part where he sings a little in enlgish, its so cute!! I love when some of the Jrockers sing in english...or attempt. XD
Thought-A cheerleader on fire! pftttt AHAHAHAHHAHAHAhAH!!! XD I have nothing really aganist them, but the ones in my school i do.
"OH MY GOD!!! *screams* I broke a hair!!!!"
Me MOOD: NYAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can you not after hearing shou sing!!
Type of car: the new camaro concept! Im not big on cars, i like eclipese and a few others. But this car was really cool. Its appearing in the new transformers movie.
Person of the day:Suga!! He should drive a camrao!! XD
*proffesional voice*
dun dun dun dun dun
ok so it sounds better when you hum it...T_T
Thankyou for the food everyone from yesterday! XD
My mother made me ramen later on.
Japan is obessed with strawberrys. Which reminds me i want some pocky and a new manga to read. *nod nod*
I barely survied my math exam, i had a panic attack threw out the whole thing. And i was panicking because i was panicking, and i was in desperate need of more lead. I rushed threw the whole thing because i thought the teacher said we had an hour left but really he said and hour in. So i was almost done with it within an hour. So i had to stay for almost the full three hours to to redo allmost all of the multi choice questions. I was so upset, i must of looked like a ghost.
I want a little white rabbit or a black one!!
Either that or a really cute little fishy. I would name him "Sir. Bubble lump" and he would be my little fish nugget! XD
And here is where i would get him from! I don't know which one yet, thier all to cute! XDD

My mother had a fish sandwich for lunch today.
*click* *click click*
THATS IT IM JOINING A CIRCUS!! I want to do cool moves. "Fly threw the air with the greatest of ease lalalalal" I would get to wear neat coustumes and if im lucky perform!
Wow! Look what i found!! ^-^ *claps*
Miku looks so much older!

I only wish i had Nao sitting next to me in class. I would fail the school year though! Im distracted easliy without a Jrocker sitting next to me. Im seeing alot of butterflys.

I think the cat is stalking him. ^-^ I would too! jk

Ive seen some better days!!!
I had a SOBE! MURHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHHHHAAAAA! I love spelling out my evil laugh!
My father is a hero, he saved my japanese yen necklace that fell down the sink!!! ^0^ I love my father! He even woke up 10 mins earlier then he was soppouse!
I think my nose is bleeding, it hurts to!!!
I just can't stop dancing!! This song makes me to happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*hugs everyone*
The only thing i can remember for history is "Skilled saliors used the seas as highways"
and "1517 Whittenburgh" and "No one served"
*nod nod* I have no idea what all that means or if it will help me. no one served volleyball.
Qusetion time!: This is a quiz if you fail i give you a t-shirt. saying"I love this shirt, and i love birds!" on the back it will say "AN Cafe is LOVE!" *nods*
1.What would you name your fishy?
2.Your favorite Diru song?
3.Whats my name? *laughing*
4.What is my favorite Jrocker? (I don't think you will be able to gusse)
my sister was spouse to say hi to you but she said "what?" instead
Eerie!!: Shes back everyone! *hugs*
To bad you commented just when im about to post this one. MORE FOOD! Im going to have a pile by the end of all the comments. XD
Momo: Im going to send you some crab ribbion!!!! 2nd degree burns!! Oh my!! that terriable!
I love that song!!! *pokes* *pokes* I can't belive you don't care to much for Alice Nine! *shrugs* XDD I still love you! Shou is the vocalist and Saga is the bassist. why do you ask?
Shiko-Chan: Hope you liked the title of the post!
I even found a cute thing of strawberrys. Im curious as to what would happen if i ate toast while looking at picture of shou. *nods*
Luna-My evil plan of disposeing you worked! jk i would never do that to you! 2+2=Chair, everyone knows that. I'll throw saga in to throw save you. XD He would drowned too!
~see ya space samurais!~