Dose anyone even look at other people's quiz results? I just
realized that. XD Did i miss Tiger's b-day????? O__O AHHHH!!! Happy Birthday Tiger! XD
Musica:The GazettE-Black Spangel Group
Me MOOD: Disapointed, my friend Brittney is back for the summer but i can't get a hold of her to hang out. She would of enjoyed Jrock too!
Movie i currently just watched: well two actually, my father rented Ghost Rider(that i had seen already) and took me and Krystal to see Transformers Friday. ^-^
Person of the day: Jui!!! ^-^

Green tea in my belly, Green Tea in my belly!! *singing* ohhh HAHAHAHAH! I have a sobe, oh yes i do! My my green tea sobe is in my belly! T_T I messed up the tune. Damn my sister is right i can never hold a tune. Which is why on my part of a Jrock band would you be i turned out to be a guitarist and my tradmark is dark clothes (o___O really? i always thought i would be the rainbow one! XD) and appearently my fans will faint when ever i look at them. "HEY!! Wake up dammit, i want you to hear me play!!" and i would be adopted by Nightmare. Im so confused, i thought i would get adopted by Alice Nine seeing as Shou is the father of my baby. XD LMAO But then im killed by SID because i was just there and they were there and then one thing led to another, "WHAT THE HELL DOSE THAT MEAN!?", and it will happen on Nov 1, 2041. ewww i'll be old. >_< XD Before all that on May 22, 2036 i file for bankruptcy all because of Kohta from Pierott and i'll prevent this from happing by Loading a handgun. Hmmmmm...dose that mean i kill the peoples at the bank or Kohta, because i can't kill myslef im destined to be killed by SID in 2041, when im old, and thier almost dead because thier so old.
Wow, my life in Jrock is kinda crapy.
Vidoll's happy britday to Tiger. Really werid. XD

Well i gusse i should go and move Russia to the moon. I don't know why but it was on one of my notes to self things.
Yes, i write those things, because i like to find them later and see what i forgot to do and not do them anyways. *claps*
"I forgot to feed the cat on July 1st"T_T
"Opse i forgot to feed the cat on July4th"-__-
"opse i forgot to feed the cat on July 6th" >_<
*looks at kitty*
"Kitty? Kitty? Kitty?"
"May cocoanut rock rest in peace" ^-^
No i would never do that to my kitty. *gose off to hug kitty*
DREAM TIME: I finally remembered my two dreams i had. One was me being in this Jewlery store, which makes no sense because i don't really care for that stuff. why couldn't of been in EB Games?
So anyways i was looking at wrist watches, and they were all kinda crappy looking but then randomly in the corner of the case thier was a compass and i said i wanted that. My grammy and appearently i had a grandpa, but i never met my grandpas because they died before i was born :(. I don't know what happened after that because i ended up in an elevator and i suppose two of my friends were there and then my grammy stepped in but she just collapsed and died. :(
...well thats terriable
Then i had another dream where i was in this werid library that looked like the one from the game 40winks that i use to play all the time when i was little. And i was trying to put books away and straightening.them, it was a messy libary. I don't really know what happened in that dream, it was kinda spooky.

Life or death Question time:
1.What your favorite drink?
2.When your birthday?
3.Who in Jrock looks most like a vampire?
4.What if a frog was in danger would you save it?
5.Who is the band leader of Alice Nine
Did you pass?:
1.Shiko was right! Tiger you were right, ok half wrong because you put none as well. Its Kai! ^-^ I always thought Reita would be, i don't know why though.
2.Me-Borders, but yeah if i had a chose i wouldn't want to work. Im scared of being a customer so imagine if i had to be a clerk. *twitch*
3. *thinking >__<* I don't know, well i soppouse being in X/1999 would be pretty cool. Im not sure
4. *halo flickers off* well i don't know, go to japan *giggle* ^0^
5. Damn i don't know, i gusse Plastic Tree - Baka ni natta no. XD
I get to pick on your comments session:
NaeNae: Isn't Pop gose your pet? a statment and not a name. XD Suck it up solider your in the army now, and i can ask you all the damn questions i want. *sticks tongue out* HA! XD jk
*crys* The yellow one died. *sniff* I use to love the yellow one. Talk about mood swings. im all fired up and then break down crying.
Shiko-Chan-I have four sisters, Stephanie (we call steve that), Natalie (Nathan) and Madeline (matthew) and Rachel. XD Its raining again, but seeing as i hate good weather im going to keep the rain and send over the leftovers. *-* I LOVED TRANSFORMERS!! Bubblebee, bubblebee, dose what ever a transformer dose. *hums* I meesed the tune up again.
Luna-*munch munch* My hero!! XD I love cookies, its why i joined the dark side. I have to wait until i can figure out how to put them all up with out my bandwidth ebing exceeded. T_T I heard aboutt the south getting three digit degrees on the news. NY is enjoying nice balanced weather. XD You'll have to wait in line, thier will be tons of other fans with the same idea on thier mind.
Tiger- XD I meant taste in Jrockers. XD No sadly the Califorina roll might be my favorite...I think...then again i never remember the names of sushi, so i could be wrong. lmao, no you didn't go to far. They would have cute kids, and my brother would be an awsome.(the orignal meaning of awsome not like "awsome hotdogs" XD its a eddie izzard joke)
~Sushi just poked you!~ Im getting dumb with my closings. T_T
Tongue is such a werid word.