WORD:chikushou (Damn in japanese)
Musica: Blue planet, i love that song! Shou sing your heart out!! ^^
Thought: Trying to think of a thought in Spanish for the post today. Then went off to think about vegtables because we were talking about that in class.
What i adopted today:

NO not Hiroto! The light strain to the left of his right ear. I named them Sir Hiroto Jr.
Loveless vloume update: I GOT IT!!!! ^^
Honored socks of the day: There both different, ones Hanes and the other is some sport brand. I was in a hurry this moring and just kinda threw on my clothes.
Food: BROWNIES! No not the chocolate goodness, the cursed little grimlins that went over my bridge trying to sell cookies to me. Not really the chocolate goodness!! umai!!
Car which replaced color: Me van!
Person of the day: I think i will do pictures!

Enya from 12012!! ^^
So my Loveless volume came in, then i got the volume two of the Loveless anime. X the movie i bought the other day, and gusse what?!!! I open the thing and BLOODY HELL THIER BLOODY SCRATCHES ALL OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mid-terms are looming ever so closer to me, and im twitching with nervousness! :(
Well im not going to have this theme to much longer because i want my J-Rock themes back up! But just because im curious, how do you all like the theme now?
~see ya space samurai!~
Oh forgot to tell you, lmao. Go to this link and watch the comerical that played on tv in Japan! http://profile.imeem.com/QbWF_K/video/H5f6nzv3/gackt_dwango_commercial/
Thats Gackt, by the way. And don't go to it if you can't deal with nudeity, because there an itty bit in it! lmao! Which made my jaw drop in shock! Lmao! Oh and i think my next theme will be Gackt. ^^