myOtaku.com: SuzakusNoMiko
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
*********** ANIME UPDATE *************
ALL of y'al that came here and read this will have the low-down on how I've spent my day today. Okay,I did the usual spend my time on the net, read my email, find out that the release of Conqueror of Shamballa is September 8, 2006, take out the dog, eat a sanwhich, write a quiz, write an aritcle on the Conqueror, submit it... wait! DID I JUST SAY THAT IT COMES OUT THE 8TH??? And no, it's not a boring on DVD release! It's theaters, nation-wide!!!!! OMG!!! But please, please don't say anything until my excellently written article is put up. I really can't wait. And this is one day that you'll be like "Thank kami-sama that I read that boring Ceres' site!" September 8Th! Wait, but that's not all, the first showing will be at the Anaheim Convention on the 3rd. I wish I could go, but I have no idea where the hell Anaheim is, plus I'm going to see Wicked the day before. I so wanna go though. Like I said before, contain yourselves for two days, keep an eye out at theotaku for the article and then you can put it up on your sites like the crazy people that you are. I'm going to find one of those count down thingys.

************ LIFE UPDATE, MORE LIKE PUPPY *******
My Apollo is so smart! He has learned how to retrieve the remote control. If you drop it on the floor and call him over he'll pick it up for you, if youre extremely lazy or something. And I'm teaching him to close doors! I can't wait til he gets that down.
This puppy reminds me of my Apollo, he looks alot like this puppy. But Apollo has a white diamond on his chest, he's about this size and he's only three months!

This puppy is just to adorable to pass up!!!

I was working on my fanfics today, I have a new Furuba one that I was working on, I still have to finish that one with Aki in it though Akuzmi, and I'm startig an Outsiders one with Dally as the main character, who else. I mean when we had to write essays on our ideal boyfriends for english class my essay was literally about Dallas Winston. My boyfriend had to have gone to jail at the age of 10 and he had to live on the rough side of NY, not the smooth side.
************* ANYWHO ****************
I caught up on 15 back episodes of InuYasha today, so I'm totally on an InuYasha high today! Gawsh!! I was totally stoked when 3 of those episodes had Sesshie-chan in them! He's so quiet though.
This made me laugh since in one of the episodes that I watched today Kagome saved Kikyo's life, yes Akuzmi, Kikyo is still alive after the Kikyo's dead party.

**************** QUIZ *******************
So the quiz I made was a Full Moon Quiz but I've admitted it before, I'm untalented when it comes to making things on the computer so, just so you guys get an idea of how bad i am, if you didn't believe me, here are a few of the results.
These ones were the better ones

And here are a few that just turned out terribly:

And do you know how hard it is to find pictures of Eichi and Wakaoji???
******** QUESTION *******
What do you think of my crappy artistic styling. And don't lie to me either, or I'll hunt you down and set my rabid rabbit on you. (<- I don't know, it rhymes. i like it when things rhyme. I called Kurama Rama-sama until he started getting ideas. Anyways, that's it for tonight. I'm not even going to put up a video. You got your fill in the FMA update and pictures. *Blows rasberry and walks off.* |
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