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Friday, September 24, 2004
sorriez i havent gotten round 2 all ur sitez lately!!! jussdat derz all diz stuff 4 skool n everythinG!! i came on a few timezdurinG class. but i din reallie do much coz da teachercae round n i wuz supposed 2 b workinG on diz assignment!! =P my bad!! haha. nehooz. errr... no skool 4.... 6 dayz!! haha. i lyke dat!! okiez. it wuz so ghey! yesterday, we were outside at sum parkinG lot. n my bro put his arm round my neck n started 2 lyke choke me. n then felix lyke tripped him n my bro fell on da florr n he pulled me down 2. n i fell on my side n now i hav diz huge bruise!! n then we were lyke runninG round n leon ran in front of me. n he lyke sumhow kicked me n i fell again!!! *sigh* haha. but im okiez. juss got a gigantic bruise now! but s'all gd!! =D n i learned a new way 2 shoot elastic bandz!!! haha. vincent taught me!! n now i dun kill myself in da process!! haha. YAY 4 me!! as u can tell by now im dyinG of bordom!! been stuck at home all day watchinG my bro!! *sigh* wuz gonn go play bball. but then i decided not 2!! wuz 2 lazy 2 change! nehooz. yea. datz all 4 now!!! hope 2 get bac on again soon!!
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
itz been a while!!!
hehe. me again!! here 2 bore u wit stuff bout me!!! hehe. wow havent beenon 4 lyke *countz fingaz* 2-3 dayz!!! datz way 2 long!! haha. nehooz. errr.yea. hehe. finallie found out hoo tiffanyiz!!haha. yea. i wuz talkinG 2 one of mysis'z friendz n hementioned sumthing bout a tiffany in gr 9. n now i finallie kno hoo he talkinG bout!!! haha. okiez. newayz. yea typical borinG day at skool. omg. in info tech. i wuz writing note 2 JC n lyke she sitz on da other side of da table(lyke across from me) n lyke a few seatz down. newayz i wuz passinG notez to her n she started talking bout ryan. da guy dat sitz in front of her. n she wrote sumthinG bout lyke how he's os mean n everythinG n i told her dat he wuz prolly flirtinG wit her or sumthinG!! n he knew we wuz writing bout him. so lyke wen JC gave da note 4 jessica 2 passs 2 me, it lyke fell on da table n ryan grabbed it. n he wrote bac 2 me saying sumthing bout how he's juss normallie mean n everything. so i wuz lyke w/e. wen he replied bac, he putz, n i qoute diz "u'll kno wen im flirting" O.o aiightz then!! haha datz da same face i put on da note. n he wuz juss lyke wha???? haha. yea n i showed Jc nshewuz lyke o yea he lykes u! n i put sumthing lyke hell no, datz so rong n so not tru. n he grabbed da note off da table again!! n he read it. n dat wuz da last isaw of da note. it lyke diappeared afterdat!!haha. nehooz. after skool i had my lukie interview!!! me n shan juss lyke sat dere waitinG coz skool endz at 2:30n my interview wuz lyke at 2:55 so we were wonderingwat we'd do 4 20 minutez. n then we juss sat down n marisa n tiffany came!! haha. n lyke time juss lyke flew by coz itwuz lyke 2:50 alreadie n we supposed 2 b dere 5 minz early!! obviously i dunno how 2 tell time properly coz i thot i wuz late!! haha. but da person b4 me took 4ever!! n i juss lyke talked 2 sum pplz, met new pplz, n stuff. yea. da interview wuznt dat bad!! haha i thot i'd lyke freeze up in dere. but lyke i knew hoo 2 of them were so it wuz okiez. yea!! n i totallie 4got wat else i wuz gonna say but i think i've wasted enuff of ur time!! haha. so l8erz!!!
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
hehe!! bord as hell. nothinG 2 do!! n dat stoopid book dun help matterz either!! itz so hard!! i hav 2 lyke read n then look up every other word coz i dunno wat it meanz!! O.o coz im stoopid!! haha!! nehooz. im tired of eatinG steak. eat it 2 much!! haha. err. im bord now. gonna go on friendster!! cyaz!!!!!! omg... i juss 4got. haha. i wuz so bord dat i made my friend diz award thing!! haha. but itz fun makinG it. lookz wicked awsum!! haha. n then i got an award 2!!! haha. 4 helpinG my friend wit her problemz. n givinG good advice!! well, at least datz wat she said!! haha. i feel so specio!!! nehooz yes back 2 friendster.
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Friday, September 17, 2004
in control, yet sweetly niave.
lift ur head high !
what r u? (girlz) (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
hehe. princess. i lyke dat!!! but i m not in control. coz im usuallie da one dat has no clu watz goinG on!! haha
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wahahahah!! guess hoo???? haha. im kinda bord n goinG craZy, so dun mind me. nehooz. lyke it sayz in da title thingie, another day of initiation!!! haha. yea. i wuz waitinG at da bus stop 4 da YRT afta skool. n diz guy standinG rite in front of me, n i literallie mean rite in front of me, got egged!! i felt so sorrie 4 him coz he wuznt even a niner n he got egged!! n da stoopid guy hoo egged him got egg on my shooz!!! stoopid guy!! HE GOT EGG ON MY PERFECTLY NICE SHOOZ!! dat wuz juss plain evil!! now i gotta lyke clean them. n i juss realized dat my friend iz lyke bad luck or sumthinG coz he alwayz gettinG chased n shyt on initiation dayz!! newayz. hehe. had a great laff in music, tryinG 2 play da flute. we had 2 play da scale n we got 2 lyke da 4th note n me n marissa juss started laffinG outta nowhere!! mr j wanted us 2 continue wit da scale, but we couldnt stop laffinG so he juss kinda gave up n went on 2 da other instrumentz!! haha. n oooooooooooo, im so happie!! i played.... ummm... diz not dat i couldnt play b4!! haha. i dun remember which one it wuz, but yea, i played it. funni thing, coz in da scale dere'z lyke 8 diff notez, n i could play da first 3. n then totallie mess up on all da middle onez n then play da last note. n then miss all da middle onez again n play da first 3!! n diz time i made shure i took out da cleaner first!!! yay me!!! haha. okiez. i dunno y, but i havent been feelinG 2 well dis past 2 weekz. lyke itz been lyke diz a lil b4 skool started!! i alwayz feel lyke im gonna throw up or sumthinG!! URGH!! so ickie! lyke i dun wanna throw up, but then it alwayz feelz as if derez sum1 lyke pressinG against my stomach or sumthinG!! haha. okiez dat wuz kinda random.... juss came up outta nowhere. i wuz gonna write sumthinG else. but yea kinda 4got wat i wuz gonna put. haha. o wellz. aiightz wellz my sis'z friendz r over rite now. they lyke hea 4 lyke half an hr juss 4 da heck of it!! kinda ghey but o wellz. gotz ta go so errrrr... cyaz l8er!!! n hopefullie wen/if i come back on. i would b able 2 check ur sitez!! coz i hav lyke english essay thingie due, diz math report thingie, n a load of other hw!! so yea. keep ur fingaz crossed!!
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan! |
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind! |
What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz
haha. datz exactlie wat i do!! i eat da choclate n leave behind da vanilla n strawberry!!! haha. sumtimez i eat da vanilla 2!! but yea. haha. ice cream iz yummy!! =P
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hehe!! finallie got on!! yea!! haha. i'll b checkinG up on ur sitez later!! newayz. yesterday wuz da tennis thingie!! haha. it wuz so ghey!! me n shannon walked all da way 2 dat tennis club thingie 4 nothinG!! da teacher said it wuz walkinG distance. n we ended up walkinG 4 lyke 45 min!! totallie killed coz we had all our bookz n stuff 2 carry 2!! newayz. yea, got dere n din play. we hav decided 2 go 4 badminton n volleyball instead!! haha. kkz. n then 2day. hr teacher lost in diz kinda game thing. she din think we could come up wit 30 ppl which symbolize sumthing.(yea u mite not get wat im talkinG bout, but newayz let me continue!!) she lost da game thingie, n ended up havinG 2 make us cookiez 4 2day!!coz we played da game yesterday. yea. her cookiez r soOoOoOoOo yummy!! n then i had music n diz iz where da stoopid part of da day comez. we finallie got 2 play our instrumentz 2day. n i've never played da flute b4, which would explain y i din kno nething bout it. da whole class had 2 learn 2 play da first 3 notez in their music book (mine wuz a D, a C, n a B flat) n i got da fingerinG rite n everything. but wen i blew into da flute, it din make a sound!! i spent da whole class tryinG 2 get da flute 2 make a sound. da teacher n da other pplz hoo wuz playinG da flute thot it wuz coz i din hav my mouth in da rite spot n i wuznt blowinG into da flute rite. n now da teacher prolly thinkz i totallie suk!! which iz kinda tru coz i do!! haha. playinG da flute iz totallie hard!!! i started 2 get dizzy n stuff after music. lyke i almost fell down da stairz wen i went 4 lunch after!! nehooz. so i got home n decided 2 practice a lil, so i can at least play one note. n i put it 2gether n played it, but it still din work. n i wuz gettinG all dizzy again. so i juss took it apart 2 clean it n put it away. as i wuz cleaning it, i looked inside da middle joint n saw diz thing inside. since i've never seen a flute up close b4, i wuznt shure if datz supposed 2 b dere or not. n i juss decided 2 pull da thinG out. n i realized it wuz da cleaner 4 da flute. dat wuz lyke da stoopidest thinG ever!! dat wuz y da flute wouldn't work properly!! coz da cleaner wuz inside da middle joint!!*smackz on da head* next time im gonna check 2 make shure derez nothnG blockinG da tube thingiez b4 i play!! stoopid me!! haha. but now dat i realzied wat wuz wrong i can play...... lyke 5 notez!! haha. not much but hey... itz a start!! enuff but me now!! haha. ur prolly all tired of diz alreadie, so i'll juss shut up n leave u in peace now!! cyaz!!
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Monday, September 13, 2004
hyperness n random blabbinG!!
whahaha. i juss realzied how much fun makinG buttonz iz. dat sentence soundz weird!! haha. my awsumness skillz at makinG buttonz!! haha. so fun!! i actuallie not dat gd!! haha. but o wellz. i've made 5 buttonz so far!!! haha. so cool. newayz. yea. i joined diz tennis thingie at skool n i dun even kno how 2 play tennis!! itz funni!! i dun even hav a racket!! but o wellz. i juss went 2 hav fun!! newayz. hmmmmmmmmmmm. i kno i wuz gonna say sumthinG but i dun remember wat it wuz!! =P haha. o wellz. i juss realized how hungry i am!! must start eatinG a more healthy n fillinG lunch, coz i dun think a coke n candiez or an ice cream sandwich iz considered a lunch!! haha. kkz. im juss gonna keep blabbinG. diz gurl in my info tech class, yea she sitz beside me n she need help wit sumthinG so she turned around 2 talk 2 me. n then she startz lyke makinG all dese weird facez n stuff n i thot she wuz gonna throw up or sumthinG. n wen she finished w/e she wuz doinG she told me she swallowed her pen thingie!!! haha (not da pen cap, but diz plastic thingie on her pen) n she juss lyke went craZy laffinG!!! it wuz so hilarious!! n then,ummmmmmmmmm.... yea.okiez. im playinG a flute!! kwahahahaha. it awsum coz i dunno how 2 play flutez either. notice how i dunno how 2 do a lot of thingz dat i sign myself up 4!! but itz all gd!! i'll learn, hopefullie!! haha. went craZy 2day after skool. wen my sis wuz talkinG 2 her so-called "boifriend" *cough cough* from california on da fone. i wuz tryinG 2 do my hw, n i juss ended up laffinG my ass off over sumthinG reallie ghey!! yea. went craZy but im calm now!! i think!! hehe. nehooz. sorriez i havent been 2 ur sitez in a while!!! so much hw dat i dun understand!! haha. i tried 2 do my hw n after lyke 5 minutez n onlie writinG 4 wordz, i gave up n went downstairz 2 watch tv!! haha. itz awsum!! hopefullie i will remember 2 do it at lunch 2moro so i dun get in trouble!!! hope y'all had an awsum day full of smilez n laughter!! coz laffinG iz way awsum!! yea. dat wuz ghey!! but o wellz!! kkz. wellz imma watch tv now!!! cyaz!!
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
yay!! i got over 300 hitz diz morninG!! haha. dat so awsum!!! hehe^^ wellz yea. i dun reallie hav nethinG 2 write bout. haha. skool iz so confusinG. i dun understand my hw AT ALL!! itz crazy!! newayz. yea. okiez. imma shut up now!!
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 You are everybody's friend!!! Yay!!! You like talking to thousand of people...you're friendly and always up to a party!!!
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
hehe!! PARTAY!! haha. fun
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