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Friday, September 10, 2004
wahahaha. so funni!! okiez. 2day iz friday, also initiation day!! newayz. yea. me, jc, n lizzie met up at lunch in da caf. n jc juss had pick 2day 2 want 2 get mc d'z!!!we kinda 4got it wuz initiation day so we juss walked over(da 3 of us gurlz) we got our food. n then realized dere a bunch of gr 12'z standinG outside of mc d'z!!! wit lyke seran wrap<--(not shure if datz how u spell it)n i think they had eggz 2!! haha. we were so scared 2 go outside!! n then we saw diz other group of ninerz dat were leavinG mc d'z so we followed them out, n they started runninG n yea, got chased down. haha. gd thing we din follow them!!! n lucky us, we got back from mc d'z safely!!! yay!!! haha. we wuz okiez till after skool. i wuz waitinG at da bus stop wit my sis, n dese gr 12'z had lyke eggz n they wuz juss bout 2 egg diz one guy, but then they dropped da egg on da floor!! he got luckie!! haha. newayz yea. juss realized lizzie got initiated!! coz da stoopid gurl wouldnt bus n decided 2 walk home lyke alwayz!! haha. n manda n gel walked ahead n left her. then she got initiated!! but itz so funni! im sorriez!! not tryinG 2 b mean or nethinG but itz funni!!! newayz. yea, im laffinG lyke craZy rite now coz my bro goinG crazy laffinG n shyt! haha. coz my sis tellinG him 2 clean da dishes!! n he juss lyke screaminG n laffinG n shyt! haha now im tearinG!! haha. okiez. im missing inu yasha 4 diz!! haha. okiez. imma go watch tv now!! undergradz iz on!!!
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
SNORE -___- zzzZZZZZ
another borinG day at skool!! i onlie had one thing 4 hw 2day!! haha. readinG lyke 4 pgz from diz book thingie. oooooooooo. n in my info tech class i finallie got 2 use da comp!! yay!! even tho we onlie got 2 go on sum typinG program, itz still better than listeninG 2 da teacher go on n on bout sum shyt!! haha. i hav no clu wat she talkz bout coz i juss kinda zone out! must practice my typinG coz i dun type wit da proper fingerz!! teacher came round 2 watch us type n i'd b typinG fast until she standz behind me n i hav 2 keep da right fingerz on da right keyz!! i juss type lyke 100 timez slower!! haha. but my fastest time wuz 50 wordz/min!! i wuz so surprised!! haha. n i had my fingerz on da righte keyz 2!!! haha. im so proud of myself!! improvementz!! yay!! newayz. yea. at lunch went 2 jaggerz n JC bought me candy!! hehe. yea dat wuz my lunch. o n i had a coke n sum of JC'z jones!! itz so yummy!! wahahaha!! n then we lyke wandered round coz we din wanna go back 2 skool yet. n then da rest of da day pretty much borinG!! so yea. cant wait 4 music 2moro!! even tho jannetta iz kinda weird!! but i lyke dat class!! better than religion!!
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
okiez. got thru da first day of skool wit no troublez. haha. it wuz da most borinG day ever!!!
1st period-->English
my hr class iz english!! dunlop iz lyke so nice!! hehe. we get 2 play w/e gamez n if we win, she makez us all cookiez!! i think she's lyke da most fun n excitinG teacher im gonna hav all yr!!! newayz. we had 2 do sum oral presentation thingie alreadie. it wuz funni. watchinG each person go up dere n talk bout da topic they got. u can lyke link from one topic 2 another as long as they have sumthinG in common. n diz guy went from talkinG bout underwear(dat wuz da topic dat he pulled out of da hat, haha. shannon wrote dat topic down)newayz. yea. he went from talkinG bout underwear 2 sayinG how flip pplz r short!! da sad part wuz dat we got hw alreadie!! but itz not a lot. so im still gd!! juss a one page essay thingie.
2nd period-->music i hav jannetta. i think he's a new teacher. but yea. he's kinda weird. we sat dere 4 most of da class talkinG bout our course n stuff. n then he made us play diz name game thingie where u had 2 lyke keep a constant beat or w/e. it wuz so tirinG n BORING!!! i would've fallen asleep, but we had 2 stand around da classroom n i cant sleep standinG so dat din happen.
LUNCH!! wahahaha. lunch wuz da best. except da fact dat i had no food!!! haha. but itz all gd!! i wuz gonna go across da street 2 jaggerz wit JC, but it wuz raininG so i juss lyke ditched her n sat down wit lindz n them. haha!! JC ended up stayinG in da caf 4 lunch coz no1 would walk in da rain wit her!! haha.
3rd period-->info tech diz wuz da most borinG class ever!!! she made us fill out al dese sheet while she talked. n u kno wat??? SHE DIN SHUT UP!!! she juss kept goinG n goinG. n yea i fell asleep. haha. itz okiez!! we din do nething in diz class newayz. CAMUTI IZ SO BORING!!! n she's lyke scary. she juss kept starinG at me!! *shiverZ*
4th period-->math err. diz clas wuz okiez. mooney gave us sum worksheetz 2 do n filled out sum more form thingiez. yea. kinda fell asleep 2 coz mooney iz borinG n i dun understand a word she sayz!!haha. itz all gd coz i hav her last period. so i get 2 go home after!! yay!!!
yea. i think datz ong enuff. a lil 2 long i think. but o wellz. haha!! wellz. diz turned out 2 b a better day than i thot. i din get detention, din get caught not wearinG proper unifrom. i thot i would, coz d principal kept starinG at me, so i juss ran away!! haha. i did get lost a few timez, coz bri din wait 4 me after class!! stoopid kid!!! best thing iz i met sum new pplz!! haha. pplz dere r so EZ 2 get along wit!!! yea n all my sis'z friendz came lookinG 4 me 2!! yea. weird but o wellz!! haha. they reallie nice so itz al gd. newayz. yea. gonna watch tv. hopefullie i can wake up 2moro 2 do my hw. or mayb i'll do it at lunch. dependz. haha. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
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Monday, September 6, 2004
wow. my pic'z up alreadie!!!omg!! diz guy put thumbz down coz i dun lyke typinG out wordz properly!! T_____T pshh!! fine u want me 2 type properly i will!! XP the pic i think i did good on n itz rated tha lowest!! *snifflez* so sad!! =(
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theOtaku.com: What Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You?
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He's cute, protective, and strong... but mainly cute! he can sometimes be very quick 2 judge but once he gets 2 noe u he will be 1 of the nicest people u noe! Good choice ^_^!!
What .hack infection character is for u?(gurlz only) brought to you by Quizilla
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yay!! CELEBRATE!!!! okiez. i spent da whole afternoon workinG on da same pic!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! took 4ever!! but im finallie done!!! n i juss submitted it!! so go check it out later!!haha, i think itz one of my best drawinGz yet!! it took 4ever n yea my shadinG not dat gd. haha. itz kinda hard 2 tell all da diff partz (u'll understand wat im talkinG bout once u c da pic)newayz. yea. im still hungry!! havent eaten nething all day!! n itz lyke 7:15pm rite now!! im starvinG!!! newayz. sorriez pplz. but i feel lyke beinG lazy 2day!! im so tired!! so i wont b able 2 get 2 all ur sitez!!! sorriez!! but i'll make it up 2 u... sumhow!!! hehe^^
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 Strawberry Pocky! You're energetic and you probably bounce around a lot. You're also a bit naive, and you probably fall in love easily.
What Kind of Pocky are You? brought to you by Quizilla
mmmmmmmmmm. POCKY!!! hehe. o great. itz makinG me hungry!!
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wahahahaha. finallie get 2 come bac on. newayz. on saturday went 2 sum person'z house 4 bbq!! got 2 play wit da baby!! she wuz so cute!!!! hehe!! errr. yetserday. went n got a haircut!! finallie!!! been waitinG 4ever 2 get one!!! n then went bbq at friendz house. n blah blah blah blah blah. haha. i dun feel lyke typinG. hehe. OMG!!! ACK!!! skool startz 2moro!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! wonder if im rite bout 2moro!! hope not!! coz i dun want detention!! hmmmmmmmmmmm. opkiez. i'll c how it goez!! hope i can still come on so often!! newayz. i'll juss go n check out ur sitez now!!! haha
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
ACK!! i din get 2 go on da whole day yesterday!!! wellz. dese pplz keep bugginG me so i juss came on 2 say dat i wont b able 2 go 2 ur sitez till 2moro. hopefullie!!
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