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Friday, September 3, 2004
 Just like Naruto. You are getting there. You spend a lot of time experimenting with new and different things. You know what it is you want, but you aren't sure how to get it. Keep it up!
Do you know who you are??? (Naruto style!!) brought to you by Quizilla
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WoW!! thanx 2 all of u dat voted 4 my art!! i din kno dat 2 pix can get so many votez!! hehe!! im happie u all lyked it!! well, at least most of u did!!
Artist--> sw33tkiss3z
Artist Rating--> 93% [116 votes]
Number of Pictures--> 7
Last Updated--> 09/03/04
wellz. hopinG 2 get a few more pix done b4 skool startz!!! but i dunno if im gonna hav time 2 draw in dese last few dayz!! >.< "
newayz. i'll try my best n c wat i can do!! hehe. thanx again!!
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wahahaha! i din even notice dat my art iz up alreadie!! hehe. YAY!! dat wuz fast. i juss submitted them last nite. n itz up alreadie. usuallie it takez longer. wonder y??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. o wellz. 2 new pix pplz!! go check them out!! hehe^^
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OMG!! i finallie get 2 come back on!!i wuz on 4 lyke 15 minutes then my sister came home n started yellinG at me n tellinG me 2 get off. she went on 3 hrz straight!! i told her 2 get off lyke an hr ago!! but no!! she had 2 talk 2 dat stoppid guy she lykez. OMG!! she makez up da gheyest excusez 2 stay online!! n she onlie got off coz my mom said it wuz gettinG late n i still need 2 go on!!ARGH!! i hate her soOoOo much!! okiez. *deep breathz* okiez. im calm now. newayz. yea. in dat 15 minutez i wuz on b4 she kicked me off, i managed 2 submit my 2 new pix!! yay!! hehe. yep i started da first one a while after my last post. n i finished both of them in bout 3 hrz!! yea!! hehe. wellz. yea. go check them out lyke 2moro or sumthinG n tell me wat u think!! da second one took longer, coz of all da rockz n stuff. but yea. it took me so long 2 figure out a title 4 it!! newayz. yea. errrr. i 4got wat else i wuz gonna put hea!! hehe. o wellz. newayz. yea. better finsih off soon. b4 i get in shyt 2!! nite niteZ n sweet dreamZ pplz!!
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
i learned sumthinG last nite!! never run in da dark. especiallie wen u cant c where ur goinG. last nite i wuz runninG up 2 my room 2 avoid more lecturinG from my rentz. it wuz so dakr i couldnt reallie c where i wuz goinG. i ran up da stairz n headed 4 my room. then..... BAM!!! i ran straight into da door. =( i din kno da door wuz closed. n i din think it wuz coz i alwayz leave my door open. but 4 sum reason it wuz shut n i ran rite into it!! i found out diz morninG dat it wuz my sis hoo closed da door last nite!! urghness!! i will get her back!! sumhow!! hehehehe. newayz. yep. gonna start drawinG again! yay!! hope i can finish another pic b4 skool startz coz i wont hav as much free time afta dat.
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whahaha!! yay!! my pic iz up!! finallie!!! hehehehehehe. okiez. yea. itz lyke da exact same pic as b4. my puchiko one. but i shaded it diz time. workinG on a new pic rite now. but i dunno if i can get it done b4 skool startz!! mayb if i work on it extra hard!! hehe. newayz. yea. go VOTE!!!
Artist--> sw33tkiss3z
Artist Rating--> 91% [69 votes]
Number of Pictures--> 5
Last Updated--> 09/02/04
nice!! hehe. i onlie hav 5 pix!!
=( must draw more!! wahahahaha. okiez!!!
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wow. itz da 2nd alreadie!!! dat meanz onlie *countz fingerz* 5 dayz till skool startz!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! newayz. yea. i made a button!!! hehe. coz i gotz nothinG better 2 do. so i made one 4 my friend!!
 aint it juss so prettiful??? hehe. u better thank me 4 it!! or else...... *holdz up a fist* yea n i can kick ass 2!! it even sayz so on da quiz!! so u better say thank yoo!! haha. im juss playinG!! newayz. yea. din get 2 chance 2 get 2 all ur sitez. coz my comp got messed up. took me a while 2 get it workinG again. n now dat i got caught online so late by my rentz. i am gettinG in shyt n therefore cannot make it 2 ur sitez.... rite now! haha. i b bac on 2moro. so itz all gd!! cyaz then!!!
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
 KICK ASS! You fight! You don't want to let someone make you afraid! So you laugh at the fear and fight it! It's probbably a bit careless and dangerous but better than do nothing, because than you'll loose anyway! Go you!
How do you react when you are afraid? ( ...with pics... ) brought to you by Quizilla
wahahaha. i kick a$$!! o yea!! either dat or ill prolly scream!! haha
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 you're insane! you really funny and likes to make lots of friends^^ but your not always hyper, but thats a good thing^^ I AM INSANE! AND IM PROUD OF IT!
are you insane O.o brought to you by Quizilla
hehe. i lyke diz quiz!! wahahaha. itz so cool!! itz so tru!! hehe. i lyke!!
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another sunny day where im stuck at home not allowed 2 go out!!! *sigh* at least i still get 2 go online!! newayz. i juss realized my pic iz still not up yet!!! i submitted it lyke a while ago!! urghness!! o wellz. i'll try again after diz. ack!! i juss realized dat i hav no clu how 2 read my time table thingie 4 skool!!i hav lyke a major mix up now. i dunno how dese day thingiez work!! MEEP!!! lyke a said b4. i m so screwed dat first day of skool. or mayb make dat da first week of skool!! *sigh* o wellz. at least bri has da same timez at me!! wahahaha. so i'll juss follow him 2 my classes. newayz. yea okiez. i'll finish up goinG 2 ur sitez now!! hehe^^
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