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Monday, August 23, 2004
 Humor!You are able to cheer people up. You are funny and caring. It seems that you always knows what people need and want, if it's a hug or a joke, you will choose the right thing.Go you!
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
oooooo. cool!!!
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sorriez pplz if u voted and/or commented on my newly submitted art,puchiko-coloured. i realized dat isubmitted da rong pic >.<" but no worriez. i'll re-submit it!!! so go check it out again later!! sorriez again!!
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What is your Inner Anime Hair Color? (With Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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it worked!!! haha. newayz. congratz 2 sango123 hoo won da contest!!! her mouse wuz so kawaii!!! hehe^^ if u wanna c her mouse go 2 her site....

or u can look check out sweetshnara16'z site 4 da contest winnerz. n b shure 2 go 2 her page often coz she has such cool contests wit cute prizes!!! hehe^^

now i juss hav 2 figure out how 2 get da banner up at da top. hmmmmmmmmmm. ne1 wanna tell me how??
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hehe. okiez. last nite i got bord n decided 2 try da contest on sweetshnara16'z site. haha. din think i would win. but i got 2nd!!! hehe!! okiez. hea'z my prize!! itz so cute!!! letz hope diz workz.......... n thank yooz so much 4 dese great prizes!! i luv them all!!
diz iz my award thingie wit da piggie on it.....

n diz iz da banner thingie....

n diz iz da button..... 
okiez. time 2 c if it worked. i dunno if i got my codez in rite. letz c...........
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
hehe. =D i lyke dat!! so funni!!! hehe. O_<
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haha. okiez. done submittinG!! gotz one datz juss an outline. n then one datz coloured on photoshop. n soon derez gonn b one dat i shaded!! muahahahahaha!!! im stickinG 2 shadinG!!! itz so much easier than colourinG on photoshop!! or mayb i juss dunno how 2 use photoshop. nehow. yea. more work 2 do on shadinG da pic!!! so i'll leave it at dat. ToOdLeZ^^
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okiez. last nite i started a new pic. hehe!!! it lookz okiez i guess. haha. i scanned it n then i tried colourinG it on photoshop!!! haha. it wuz okiez until i got 2 da hair!! took me 4ever!! n it still lookz kinda messed up. lyke da top of da hair. but i worked on it all day!!!newayz. yea im gonn submit it rite afta i finish postinG diz. so go check it out lyke 2moro or sumthinG!! o n dun 4get 2 vote n comment!! i wanna kno wat u pplz think!!! hehe^^
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
went korean bbqing 2day!! so full!!! holy shyt!! haha. newayz. ummmm. haha. went shoppinG n stuff. n yea. haha. borinG day. wuz gonna draw another pic. haha. still havent gotten 2 dat yet!! haha. o wellz. i will. mayb after i finish goinG online!!!!!! hehe. wellz. letz hope i get another pic done soon!! hehe^^
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