sweet surrender
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Yahoo for March break and aww.... for Bac to skool day
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Monday, March 12, 2007
march break!!!
i got my report card and...!!!
i got a 'N' on class participation. 5 aces (yay!! i improved) and 10 B (o ya! no c or d)
1.watcha got on ur report card?
2.would ur parents let u go to someones house?
3.would they let u go to an opposite sex of u house?
4.would they let ur friend(s) com to ur house?
5. would they let an opposite sex com to ur house?
cya! enjoy ur week cuz i kno i will.
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
yesterday was >.< omg!! i stand for my friend and well lets say i guess i wanted to do it anyways. We had an assembly like we always do for students of the month thingies. but also about black history month. the esp students did a play and 4 students in our class had to read luther king jr. 'i have a dream' speach dat we made. well, one of them didnt want to go up infront of everybody and say hers. i did it instead b/c i felt like i could. dam i was soo nervous!! i was the 3rd person to say it. wat else i hate was, not how nervous i was but that fact i couldnt fulfil her request which is to say is by her. i couldnt >.< the clapping had drowned my voice and i couldnt say anything. as if my voice was...gone. TT-TT im so sorry meh friend! forgive me. sniff sniff.
hav u felt somthing like this?
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
so hows been everybody? i bet report cards are coming!! watcha got?
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
What does your spirit look like? (amazing anime pics!)
 Your inner spirit is lost ...... But you can help it if you want to. It seems that you are sort of negative about life, and haven't really got in-touch with your spirit yet. You need to take a good look at who you are, and accept yourself. Chances are, there is an amazing person underneath all the negativity and doubt. Just try to see your good traits, rather then your bad ones, and before you know it, you'll be happy and 100% in-touch with your true soul! Take this quiz!

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
< my valentine's day was canceled. well skool was canceled. and so was the dance and the cards giving out..and the fact of the teddy bears to hand out and ya. sad...why can the snowstorm tomorro? it better continue tomorro!!!!lolz
how was ur valentine's day?
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Monday, February 12, 2007
< my day is i guess. but itz pretty the same.
from my last friend isnt going to California again...she lied!!! grr...but i did wish a lie then the truth. he-he. so im also happy.
i had a test todai and my geography test from the other time was a D-. TT-TT im so sad...not! i dont mind really, but then there's graduation. sigh~~
plz answer the first post i had. arigatou! and i have a question...
What is it like to lose someone?
Thank you.
_surrender ur heartz_
~: sweet surrender :~
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