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myOtaku.com: sweetdevil

Saturday, November 3, 2007

portfolio backroom guestbook
creativeparadox randomness
Well, welcome to my MyO page! I won't be updating it any more (I used to in the past) because it's difficult for me to keep 3 blogs up. You can find me on my Worlds, the links are above this box.

If you're on my friends list here, please add me on TheO too and let me know! I haven't found most of my friends on the new version yet so please don't be upset if I don't visit you!

If you're curious about my layout, here are the details: made by me, vector is of Sora from Kaleido Star (you can find it here). The brushes are © their respective owners and the font for the links is Perpetua Titling MT.
Saturday, the 3rd of November

Hello everyone! *hugs* Thank you for the comments ^^ Kelsey, thank you for the comment on the vector, I really appreciate it ^^ *hugs*

Well well, how has Halloween been for everyone? Mine was just an ordinary day. Yup, I have no life -_-" But I did bring that hand to school (again), and what better way to scare anyone than to drop it on their notebooks while they're studying? XD So, this is going to be a relatively long post, since I haven't posted since... *looks* ...Monday lol.

[N00b alert: there's a girl annoying me on Yahoo! Messenger, she wants me to explain PS to her @_@ All she knows is how to cut pictures, and she tells me "I want to do some effects". I ask her "like what?", and she says "I dunno, anything" *angry, lifts finger and presses on the nice Ignore button XD* If she wants me to teach her how to vector, I'll go mad!]

Lol I know a lot of you might already be freaking out upon seeing the image in my layout! He's *points to the title of the page* from the movie series Saw. Reason for layout? I just saw Saw 4 and I'm an avid fan again (if I ever stopped being one lol)! He's my idol <3 Maybe I'll feature a MyO layout section at my site! And I'm currently obssessed with Tukiji Nao (Green Glass)'s artwork! It's stunning!

Question time! Today's question is: do you have a question you'd like to ask me? Anything at all XD

This week's been fun, especially during Romanian Language and Literature class. We had to decide on a theme to debate (we had 4, but in the end we stuck with 3 of them). We're 24 in the class now, a girl's out of town, so we were divided into 3 teams of 8. These were divided in 2 observers, 3 supporters and 3 adversaries. My team's theme was "Realistic literature vs. fantasy literature". I picked "realistic", and I was chosen to open the debate and sustain all the arguments! I'm scared *cowers behind the door* I like debating, but I don't like the fact that I'll be doing most of the work ._.

Else, I'm still not done with the Princess Tutu wallpaper and the Layla vector (oh yeah, I was working on a Kaleido Star vector as well). Moreover, I've begun vectoring a Sola scan as well! Here's a preview of what I'm doing (yay, new Windows theme!):
[ Sola vector ] [ close-up ]
[ Layla vector ]
[ Princess Tutu vector WP ]
[ Layla WP (inspired by a White Zombie song) ]
[ my desktop lol ]
That's a lot, huh? XD I postpone things so much, I'm lucky if I get these done by Christmas!

I'm running out of stuff to say ._. Oh, and I also have to get some advertisements ready by Monday, it's the Day of my high school and we're planning something. I just remembered I have a new A3-sized drawing I want to submit! Then I remembered my computer went crazy and I lost all the scans ;_; Damn, I lost even some very rare pictures I scanned from a book I borrowed from someone!
Oh well, I'm not in the mood to scan and piece together something, so the wallpaper will do ^^ Kelsey, thank you again for the comment, I managed to see it before I updated! I'm happy you liked it! *glomps*

Guess I've bored people enough for today/this week. I'll run along now and get to work on the layout ^^ Maybe I'll put it up tomorrow. Completely, that is. So don't be scared if my site's messed up, it's a trial-and-error world! XD
*hugs* Thank you everyone who comments!

P.S. I finished watching Yami to Boushi to hon no Tabibito and I love it! Though the pictures don't show Lilith like she really is... She appears serious in the pictures, while she's cheerful and childish (sometimes). More comments next time!

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