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myOtaku.com: sweetdevil

Friday, November 30, 2007

portfolio backroom guestbook
creativeparadox randomness
Well, welcome to my MyO page! I won't be updating it any more (I used to in the past) because it's difficult for me to keep 3 blogs up. You can find me on my Worlds, the links are above this box.

If you're on my friends list here, please add me on TheO too and let me know! I haven't found most of my friends on the new version yet so please don't be upset if I don't visit you!

If you're curious about my layout, here are the details: made by me, vector is of Sora from Kaleido Star (you can find it here). The brushes are © their respective owners and the font for the links is Perpetua Titling MT.
Friday, the 30th of November
Resource of the post: Mandalay - Beautiful

Yay, November's almost through! Of course, I suppose many will read this post after the 1st of December! Um, first of all, I'd like to thank Kelsey, Magnus and Lory for commenting on my previous post <3 I'm happy you like the layout (yes, I won't be at peace if I don't credit you, Lory, I don't know anything about CSS and I used your codes! so you deserve credit) and I'm sorry I haven't been visiting lately! Next week I won't be able to visit much either, I have a test every day! @_@ Thank you for the comments on my wallpaper and fan art as well! I <3 you all! ^^

Unfortunately it's true. Like I said above, I'll have a test each day, next week! *stressed out* If I can make it through, I'll be the happiest person alive! Here it goes: Physics (Monday), Geography (maybe) and History (Tuesday), Computers (Wednesday), Maths (Thursday - maybe), term paper in Romanian Literature (Friday). I'm not sure if the Maths test will be about algebra or trigonometry, but I sure hope it's algebra, it's a lot easier!

And to lighten up the atmosphere, aside from the song (which you can download by clicking the link at the top of the post), I'll tell you what happened today! As some of you might know, today is Saint Andrew's Day, and I have 2 girls in my class by the name of Andrea (who, by the way, are desk mates, sitting in front of me and we form some kind of group together ^^ we get along really well). Me and Nico thought of writing a song for them and they loved it! The base we used was the song Fell in love with an alien by The Kelly Family ^^ They loved it and thanked us a lot <3 Then the 4 of us went outside (it was 6 p.m., night and there were 3 degrees outside!) and "danced" in the school yard ^_^ Or rather monkeyed around and got laughed and pointed at (positively, not offensively!), so this day was a success!

It's getting long, so I'll end it here ^^ I suggest you listen to the song at night, it's very calming! And I think you will like it, Lory, it's from an old Kandia (chocolate brand, if it isn't very popular) commercial :] Hope everyone has an awesome weekend, and expect me around your pages! ^^

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