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myOtaku.com: sweetdevil

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

portfolio backroom guestbook
creativeparadox randomness
Well, welcome to my MyO page! I won't be updating it any more (I used to in the past) because it's difficult for me to keep 3 blogs up. You can find me on my Worlds, the links are above this box.

If you're on my friends list here, please add me on TheO too and let me know! I haven't found most of my friends on the new version yet so please don't be upset if I don't visit you!

If you're curious about my layout, here are the details: made by me, vector is of Sora from Kaleido Star (you can find it here). The brushes are © their respective owners and the font for the links is Perpetua Titling MT.
Wednesday, the 19th of December | Tired, but happy!
Resource of the post: National Geographic calendar picture for January

Uh, never thought I'd be posting on Wednesday, but here it is! ^^" Thank you, those who commented on my last post! I think the structure of my posts will be: reply to comments, artistic section and random thought/thought of the day. Maybe I'll throw in another section, "Life", whenever I live something that's worth mentioning XD So, let's begin!

Reply to comments (in order)
Lory: Thank you for liking my layout <3 And yes, 'The Phantom of the Opera' is one of my favorite films now! I love the music too, it's one of the best soundtracks I've ever listened to! ^^
9Breaker: Thank you, I try to improve every time I make a new layout :] Lol, the Layla artwork wasn't a wallpaper, it was a vector XD
Kelsey: You should definitely see 'The Phantom of the Opera', it's marvelous (at least the 2004 version, that's the one I saw)! I like the Layla vector too, it was an easy one, but I've grown fond of it! <3

Special section - AnimePaper grading system and TheO issues
Thank you for the nice words, everyone! *hugs* Well, it is true that the rating system is subjective, because mods rate the gallery items, but some wallpapers are very good (a lot of effort was put into them) and barely get a B rating! That's because the mods like simpler walls and the likes! And call the other ones "trendwhore". Well, I agree some are, like the overstarry ones, but not all of them!

Anyway, moving on to TheO issues. I've watched the video for the Vibrant Version, and I have a few questions: will layouts like mine still work in this version? And will mods do a better job in controlling what items get accepted into the gallery? I'd really like to have a higher quality gallery here! Don't we have some pride?! We aren't like 4Chan!

School issues and [not] skipping classes
I'm so envious of the ones who are already enjoying their winter break! I still have this week to go... But that's not very difficult to handle, thankfully.
However, there were some issues regarding the Maths term paper. It was very difficult! Now alsmot everyone in the class (including me) are praying to get a 4/10! Think of a teacher who does simple exercises in class but gives us 4-lines-long exercises! Because that's how long one of them was. Of course, we protested and wanted something to be done about it, but nothing's been done yet *sighs*

In other news, on Monday I had Spanish class, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Before that I had Chemistry, but we ended up skipping that (I don't know the exact reason but hey, we didn't do Chemistry! XD) and had to stay an hour and a half (the news arrived during the Romanian Language & Literature class, and the teacher hadn't come to class), just for a class of Spanish! Hope that doesn't happen on Friday - it's Friday, who in their right mind would go to school on the last day?!

Art section: catching rippers in the act!
I haven't announced it officially here, but I'm taking a break from vectoring and (maybe) walling (if I don't get requests), and I'm going to concentrate more on drawing :] My latest fan art is on the right, if you want to check it out :]

These days I have caught 2 rippers: Chiseyume from here and Rina00 from Minitokyo! Chiseyume used a wallpaper he/she ripped from Minitokyo as a background for one of her wallpapers. I told her to take it down or else I would report her. She didn't take it down (she commented on one of my wallpapers, saying she doesn't care about what I said, and that she'll contiune doing her wallpapers -that was in Spanish! and it wasn't even gramatically correct Spanish!), so it got deleted *snicker* And the other girl was ripping wallpapers like mad, what can I say.

I might start vector-walling again, I've got my eyes on a Princess Tutu screenshot for a wallpaper :] It will be an illustration of the song "Once Upon a December", whch got me into watching Princess Tutu, after seeing an AMV with it :]

The end! (finally! XD)
Ok, after boring you to death for so long, it's time for me to retire ^^" Just to let everyone know, I don't know when I'll be commenting, it depends on the free time I have. But I'll most probably be back on Friday. *hugs* Hope you all have a great week and good luck to ones that still have school/exams!

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