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myOtaku.com: sweetdevil

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

portfolio backroom guestbook
creativeparadox randomness
Well, welcome to my MyO page! I won't be updating it any more (I used to in the past) because it's difficult for me to keep 3 blogs up. You can find me on my Worlds, the links are above this box.

If you're on my friends list here, please add me on TheO too and let me know! I haven't found most of my friends on the new version yet so please don't be upset if I don't visit you!

If you're curious about my layout, here are the details: made by me, vector is of Sora from Kaleido Star (you can find it here). The brushes are © their respective owners and the font for the links is Perpetua Titling MT.
Wednesday, the 2nd of January, 2008
Resource of the post: W.I.T.C.H. December 2007 Issue Cover
[scroll down for more gifts!]

Ah, it feels so good to be back! I have to say, I missed you all! I returned from the mountains yesterday, but couldn't post due to being too tired for it. I hope everyone has had (and is having!) a great time on your winter breaks! But I'll find out, now I have no excuse for not visiting/commenting XD

The trip - not quite an adventure... + movie chronicles!
I am so ashamed of myself. If you go to the mountains, you go skiing and the likes, right? At least that's what pops up in the minds of most people when they hear the words "winter" and "mountains". Well, that's not how it happened to me. Basically, I did go sleighing on the slope - and I've got the bruises to prove it! I tried the rough side of the slope, with ice and little "hills" XD Some speed!
And that's about it! The rest of the time I spent watching TV! Not even drawing or reading (I did read part of a book, but not as much as I normally would)! Here are the movies I watched:
1. Forrest Gump (kind of left me pondering)
2. Scent of a Woman (I loved it)
3. Peter Pan (with actors, not the animation)
4. The Polar Express (very cute!)
5. Voyage of the Unicorn (produced by Hallmark; it was cute but not as good as The 10th Kingdom)
6. When Harry Met Lloyd (big LOL)
7. The Big White (reasonable dark comedy!)
8. Ruthless People (now this I recommend to dark comedy fans!)
9. Incognito (quite interesting, it is about a forger than duplicates paintings by famous painters)
10. Singin' In The Rain (I couldn't remember it completely, so I watched it again; some parts had me laughing out loud!)
11. Dangerous Beauty (I found it intriguing; about a courtesan from Venice)
12. The Hot Chick (I don't like Rachel McAdams, but Rob Schneider was great in the part of a woman!)
13. The Assassination of Richard Nixon (no assassination, but that's not the point; I found it very random in some parts, but I agree with the main character in a few situations)
14. Big (it was nice, but not too bright or eye-catching)
15. Kate & Leopold (interesting premise, but turned out to be just another romantic comedy)
16. Back to the Secret Garden (I have the first book, never read it, never seen the first movie, but I understood the plot; quite nice, I liked it)
17. Ice Age (I finally watched it! Needless to say, I loved it! Can't wait to see Ice Age 2)
18. What Women Want (vain guy who, thanks to a weird coincidence, is able to read women's thoughts - aside from this, it doesn't stand out too much from the rest)

If you made it this far, I respect you XD

Further plans for 2008!
Regarding the posting system, since this post is already too long, the next one will have a "featured wallpaper" section :] Completely free of charge, I will recommend whatever artwork I think deserves to be nominated! I don't know if I'll include a small description as well, I'll think about it. If you want one of your wallpapers to be featured or if you want to propose someone else's wallpaper, you can contact me via PM or comment :]
And maybe I'll include a movie section: Crappy and Recommended, with reasons, of course!

More gifts! ^_^
Yup, here are some more surprises! Don't know if anyone will actually benefit from these, but here they are: Complete W.I.T.C.H. scans for 2005, 2006 & 2007! [Covers] [Posters]
And...a new section! Now I've decided to make layouts for the MyO users! You can find them here, and you can also request them, if you want! (I know the one there looks crappy, but I'll have pretty ones up as soon as possible!)

Pixie (my cat) scared me!
She scared me because she couldn't breathe properly, she made sounds like people who have pneumonia! That happened last night, when I arrived home. I didn't tell at first, but it was more and more obvious and I started to panic, thinking my grandmother (who took care of Pixie while we were away) had locked her in the balcony one night by mistake! It happened before, but back then it was summer time - now it's winter, and the temperature has decreased to below -5 during the night!
Luckily, she feels better now. Maybe it was just because she was scared of the fireworks (there were a lot and made a lot of noise, so it's understandable). I'm so happy, I don't want my little puffball to feel bad *glomps Pixie*

The end, because I'm getting annoying! >:]
Uhm, yeah XD I'm glad you liked my wallpapers, Kelsey! And I'll be sure to comment on your posts and wallpapers, to make up for the ones I missed! (I'll comment on your other wallpapers as well)
Hope everyone has a great winter break, and thank you again for the comments and for being my friends! *hugs*

P.S. Please tell me what you think of the new layout ^^ And check out the newest wallpaper, if you're here! (Kelsey, thank you for commenting on it! ^^)

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