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myOtaku.com: sweetdevil

Sunday, February 17, 2008

portfolio backroom guestbook
creativeparadox randomness
Well, welcome to my MyO page! I won't be updating it any more (I used to in the past) because it's difficult for me to keep 3 blogs up. You can find me on my Worlds, the links are above this box.

If you're on my friends list here, please add me on TheO too and let me know! I haven't found most of my friends on the new version yet so please don't be upset if I don't visit you!

If you're curious about my layout, here are the details: made by me, vector is of Sora from Kaleido Star (you can find it here). The brushes are © their respective owners and the font for the links is Perpetua Titling MT.
Sunday, the 17th of February
Listening to: Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (shut up, it's an evergreen)
Resource of the post: *wind blows* sorry, I was lazy today ._."

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the comments on my last post, I got so many! I haven't had this many in a while. Nice to hear from you again, 9Breaker ^_^ And I've got 2 new friends, Lys and ShiroiAngel16! *hugs them* Thank you for being my friends!

The ultimate threat: no Internet!!
Perhaps some have noticed I haven't been replying to PM's or commenting much lately. That's all because of the [CENSORED] Internet connection! I don't know if I mentioned it in my last post, but it's been acting up again. One day I woke up with 1 GB speed! Of course, it wasn't even 10 MB, but that's what was displayed >_> Then they came to their senses and it was back at 100 MB (of course, I still don't have 100 MB, it's just for show). I do believe they're testing something, and I have to get caught up in this! Everything nasty happens to me >.< It's strange though, because my other classmates are experiencing problems with their connections too, and we have different Internet service providers >.>

However, all this has had a positive effect as well! During my time of isolation I've scanned a lot of stuff -my dad brought me 2 calendars (one of 2006 and the other of 2007) with gorgeous pictures: one with mountain landscapes, the other one with textures (= more resources for the Corner of Art ^_^)! I haven't put up all the galleries yet, but you can still check out the W.I.T.C.H. galleries :] I've put up a new gallery, with small pictures (they're quite large, but they're smaller than posters and covers).

Listen to me, this is me speaking from experience. Never, and I mean absolutely never, tell your Internet connection to "die". I did that several times a day and look at the result...

English competition: before and after
Today I had to attend the second phase of the English competition. For you to understand this better, I'll explain a bit about Bucharest: it's quite a large city, divided into 6 sectors (I live in #2), and this phase was the "sector phase". The next one (which I highly doubt I'll make) is the "city" one. I suck at explaining ._. These things are usually early in the morning, so I had to get up at 7 a.m. =.= I'm a wreck at that hour, I can't even walk straight. Furthermore, I think I had a fever, because I had a huge headache (yesterday my head hurt all day long) and I was grouchy and not in the mood for talking or communicating.

Something else I have to explain is that these competitions are supposed to start at a certain hour (this one at 8:30) but end up starting waaay later (9:30, in this case). So I was extremely annoyed at all the people in the classroom, because my head hurt and they were making a lot of noise >o< Luckily, I had brought a book with me and read until the papers arrived.

Another thing that annoyed the living daylights out of me was the fact that there usually are people who try to cheat by asking others. The guy who was on my right whispered "hey!" to me when the supervisors weren't looking and wanted me to tell him what the answer to a question was! How impolite! I did tell him, just to get him off my back. And I was right in the middle of a crisis, because my head hurt like mad and I had to finish a formal letter of application and I had no frickin' ideas! I hate those things!

We had 3 hours to solve the subjects, but I used only half of the time. I was feeling too bad to continue or check what I had written, and left as soon as I finished writing. The friggin' formal letter had to be 300-words long!! The others complained they had no room to write (only one sheet available for the letter), but it was enough for me (might just be my tiny writing >.>) Anyway, I got home and went to bed, since I was feeling too bad to do anything else. I slept for 2 hours and felt better after waking up :] That's the reason why I'm able to write this post now :]

Artwork featured
Full view and be amazed! Now, the vectoring might not be top notch, but the coloring sure does the trick ^_~ Robin looks like a downright Western outlaw and the whole wallpaper looks like those posters you see on saloon doors in old westerns. Textures are fitting and the colors are bold, without being too disturbing.
Congrats on a job well done, Kelsey-san! Keep up the good work and hopefully we'll see more vectors from you! ^_^
[1280 x 1024 version recommended, for better viweing purposes]

The end (finally!)
I'm so sorry this post is so long! I'm surprised at the fact that most of the stuff happened in only one day >.> I think this was a break from my hiatus, but I don't know if I'm going to leave this state. You'll still find me around, responding to PM's, commeting on posts and occasionally on wallpapers and submitting works. I hope everyone is doing well ^_^ Oh, and as a last word, how did V Day go for you? (you can skip this question if you want to) As for me, it was a normal day. I'm still a loner, but I'm glad to have my friends ^^ I'd never leave my friends. For anyone. *hugs everyone* Hope the next week will be awesome for you! Bye bye! ^_^

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