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myOtaku.com: sweetdevil

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

portfolio backroom guestbook
creativeparadox randomness
Well, welcome to my MyO page! I won't be updating it any more (I used to in the past) because it's difficult for me to keep 3 blogs up. You can find me on my Worlds, the links are above this box.

If you're on my friends list here, please add me on TheO too and let me know! I haven't found most of my friends on the new version yet so please don't be upset if I don't visit you!

If you're curious about my layout, here are the details: made by me, vector is of Sora from Kaleido Star (you can find it here). The brushes are © their respective owners and the font for the links is Perpetua Titling MT.
Tuesday, the 26th of February
Resource of the post: scroll down, there are a ton!
Listening to: Shivaree - Goodnight Moon

Yup, I'm officially on hiatus. It means I won't be posting for some time and I'll be slow in commenting and/or replying to messages (you can still send them, but I won't reply as fast as before ^^") You can find me on MT more often
Now for some resources, to make up for the last post:
Music: Shivaree - Goodnight Moon.
Layouts: One new Moonlight Lady layout.
Wallpapers: might have some new ones here soon.
I want to thank everyone who commented on my last post. I'm so happy to call you my friends, even though I don't deserve it after leaving MyO all of a sudden ;_; Please forgive me! I didn't set up the mountains gallery yet, but here are the pics I scanned up to now ^^ Pic #1 - cover & pic #2 - January (VERY large filesize, from a 2006 calendar). Take care and thank you again, everyone! *hugs*

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