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myOtaku.com: sweetdevil

Sunday, March 9, 2008

portfolio backroom guestbook
creativeparadox randomness
Well, welcome to my MyO page! I won't be updating it any more (I used to in the past) because it's difficult for me to keep 3 blogs up. You can find me on my Worlds, the links are above this box.

If you're on my friends list here, please add me on TheO too and let me know! I haven't found most of my friends on the new version yet so please don't be upset if I don't visit you!

If you're curious about my layout, here are the details: made by me, vector is of Sora from Kaleido Star (you can find it here). The brushes are © their respective owners and the font for the links is Perpetua Titling MT.
Sunday, the 9th of March 2008
Mood: confused. Very! @_@

Hey everyone! I guess you can say my hiatus is over. I couldn't leave for good, could I? ^^ This post I will discuss the hottest topic of the moment, concerning the VV. Both good and bad points (in my opinion, of course). I'll be talking only only about the VV, unless I specify it.

First of all, it's very nice to see a change has been made. I felt TheO was 'old' and needed a complete makeover ^_^ It looks friendly and appealing. GREAT!

However, I didn't like the fact that a FAQ isn't available. I have a few questions to ask and don't know who to ask! The categories are well administrated LOVELY! but I really would like a link to a proper FAQ at least on the front page. HORRID!

bbCode in posts? Woot! Welcome links, goodbye long descriptions made even longer by the fact that you had to post the entire URL to a site/image. VERY PRACTICAL!

Despite this, I noticed you can't post more than one image in a WORLD post. Furthermore, it has to be .JPG. Ok, I really hate that. I tried every possible bbCode combination and couldn't get any image to show, which annoyed me a lot. I plan to use my WORLD as a resource blog but it seems I'll delete it if I can't post images (I don't even want to post big ones, I want to post measly little avatars!) MAJOR BAD!

I like the fact that the worlds have nice color schemes. I'd like it even more if we could actually do more to customize them and make them look more personal, not so 'standard'. Long live the ol' Post Styles option. SO-SO...

Where did the friends list go? The back room is poor in options and I don't know where to find anything! I need someone to draw me a map of this place... How can I keep up with my friends' updates? There is NO list of friends! BOTHERSOME!

I like the fact that more people can edit one WORLD. Makes me think of a group ^^ GOOD!

And last but not least, something to liven things up: higher resolutions for wallpapers!! *is very excited* Honestly, this is the only option I was waiting for. The others I can live without. Long live high-res walls! EXCELLENT!


This about sums up what I have discovered in one day. Feel free to share your complaints here ^^ The more the merrier! Lol joking. I do hope things will be better and I'll get the hang of it. I feel like a newb ;_;
I think I'll post next time about my life. This topic is important and I wanted to discuss it badly ^^ Take care everyone and thank you for the comments!
P.S. I loathe the temporary layout they chose for the comments box. It looks hideous.
P.P.S. New layout! What do you think? ^^ ♥

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