Birthday 1991-10-03 Gender
Female Location Hiding from Tina, who is trying to shove anime down my throat... Member Since 2006-06-20 Occupation Student Real Name Jordan
Achievements Getting into the high school I wanted Goals To be in a movie/commercial/T.V show someday Hobbies Swimming, Jumping on the Trampoline, and more Talents I'm very flexible, I have a photographic memory, and I'm really good with dogs SweetnNasty
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Gym was ok... Gym turned out better then I thought but I still would rather not have it of course, but at least I will excercise more often. There are bathroom stalls in the locker room where I can change so thats good. All we did today was jog, pretty easy. But I hope it doesnt get much worse.
My dog was tired yesturday but now she is back to normal, still has stiches tho.
Tomorrow I am going to my friends house to spend the night, it will be fun, I just hope the weekend will go by slow hehe.
lets see if this works, its the same video as yesturday but I dont think anyone watched it but is so funny watch and listen to it carefully.
Todays Question: What was your worst punnishment and what did u do to get it.
My Answer: I am not sure
Lytjuh- thats ok, oh yeah I saw the embedded link but i didnt think I needed it Ill try that then. And the gym class is co-ed but the lockerrooms are all boy or all girl