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Rara Avis 669
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Member Since
terrorizing my teachers
Real Name
learnd piano, guitar, and base guitar, and ummm i was in a movie
Anime Fan Since
a LONG time ago, were talking 5 years old.
Favorite Anime
too many to chose from i like Tokyo Mew Mew, Inuyasha, love hina, battle angle alita, dragon hunter, vash the stampede, Dragon Ball Z, Fruits Basket, and alot more
to have my own band, play with all my band idols, star in a movie, and be remembered.
i like to sing, skate, write music/poems/songs, i paint, make calaushes, play volleyball, and i love playing my instruments.
i can sing, draw, write, base guitar, piano, and i can...ROCK OUT!
| sweetpunkrocker
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
midnight prayers
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
I dont really have anything to post today sooo um WHO LIKES COWS?! he he he jk but does anyone like them seriously? omg ok if you support Bush i'd like you to tell me why in full detail. i need to know these things ok? thanx
oh and the song i'm listening to right now is Stay Together For the Kids by Blink-182
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
I am so wierd
ok i like this guy, and i think he likes me. He told me he did like 3 weeks ago. But every time im around him i get REALLY shy! Like i dont even talk to very much. And i try to but no words come out. And im actually friends with his little bro and that how we met. But thats beside the point! what do i do???? i think hes coming over my house with my friend Tori and robert! (robert is his little bro) and i need advise fast!
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Monday, January 3, 2005
hey IM BACK!
sry bout being gone for sooo long! Ive been breaking my back moving and stuff and we just got internet! IM SO HAPPY! oh yeah and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I spent my new years eve with my mom and brother and it was pretty cool, i would have preferred a party (with alcohol) but i needed to spend time with the fam. So yeah and my news revolution was "I am going to bring my grade up to strait A's!" my mom just laughed but i think i can do it. What was you new years revolution?
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
HEY well im not going to have internet in a awhile so i wont be able to post anything new! sry but i'll try to hook it up as soon as possible, damn me moving!
lol well um Whats the most amazing thing you've done??? theirs your question of the day!!!
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
survet thingy
Have You Ever? | Created by voidedINK and taken 8220 times on bzoink! | Have you ever hit someone forcefully? | yep | Have you ever thrown anything at a moving car? | yeah... | Have you ever been in a fist fight? | yep | Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? | YES | Have you ever hit an animal on the road? | um yes unfortunatly | Have you ever seen a Beatles film? | yep | Have you ever cussed? | Like a sailor! sry i'll get better i swear | Have you ever been on a subway? | Yep | Have you ever taught a little kid to cuss? | NEVER | Have you ever cheated on a test/exam? | yeah | Have you ever skipped school? | ummm No i haven't that wierd | Have you ever egged someones house? | yep | Have you ever gotten a computer virus? | yeah | Have you ever cried for no reason at all? | dont think so | Have you ever missed someone? | deffinetly | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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My inner self!
 You are a klutz. You don't have a really good balance.^_^; You have a really bright attitude and like to party. You see past the all the looks on people because since your not perfect you don't see why you should judge others that way.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
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You know what i dont like about todays fasions????
Well i'll tell you.
I REALLY DONT LIKE THOSE STUPID PANTS AND SHIRTS THEY SELL IN ALL THOSE EXPENCIVE STORES! You know like Abercrombian Fitch, American Eagle, they sell those pants that come pre-torn and those shirts that look worn already! It's like omg! They want to look like their ruff kids our something, taking our style (punk/rock), and so now thier ruining it! It's like you can tell when its a real rip and when it's not. So when my friends and i see those whimpy little rich kids walking around in thier $150 ripped jeans, and $75 dollar fadded shirts, we just laugh our asses off! Because our pants cost us like $10, and their ripped because we actually used them, and our $13 shirts our actually old. It just goes to show you how fake those people are, we call them POSERS! So anyways it just pisses me off bc now all the rich kids are going to start dressing like us, so now we have to think of something else! Any ideas???
thanx for listening to my random rant.catch you later
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Monday, December 27, 2004
I'M MOVING!! which is a good thing and a bad thing. Good Reason: The house is bigger and much nicer. i have a much bigger room too. Bad Reason: im moving farther away from friends but its cool i'll just drive to see them. lol
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
if you got threatened
If somebody from your school threatened to come after you with a knife, and cut you up (kill you). what would you do? You have two classes with this person, and this is the type of person that would be stupid and do something like that. I need your advice this is very important. Because that is what is happening to me and im a little freaked so i need to know what i sould do.
plz be serious, bc im not kidding.
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