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terrorizing my teachers
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learnd piano, guitar, and base guitar, and ummm i was in a movie
Anime Fan Since
a LONG time ago, were talking 5 years old.
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too many to chose from i like Tokyo Mew Mew, Inuyasha, love hina, battle angle alita, dragon hunter, vash the stampede, Dragon Ball Z, Fruits Basket, and alot more
to have my own band, play with all my band idols, star in a movie, and be remembered.
i like to sing, skate, write music/poems/songs, i paint, make calaushes, play volleyball, and i love playing my instruments.
i can sing, draw, write, base guitar, piano, and i can...ROCK OUT!
| sweetpunkrocker
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
dragonetti's AWESOME opinion on LIFE and DEATH
Ever wonder what the meaning of life is?
What is the meaning of life?
Men have drove themselves into the grave thinking about this. And I'm sure we've all pondered this sometime in our lives.
Well I have the answer! Ha ha!!
Here goes.
The meaning of life is to end.
There it is.
Thats it.
Oh you want an explanation?
Alright. The meaning of life is to end. It is like a long race.
The whole point of the race is to get to the end. The end is the focus. It is the reason we run at all. To get to the end. The meaning of life is to die. Everything else is just on the way there. Death is a gift my friends. Death does not come easy.
Every day there people who people say they narrowly missed death. Death does not miss. People speak of suicide but few attempt it. Even those who do some times fail.
Because you can't bring death upon yourself. Death comes for you. As long as you know this you will not fear or regret death.
In death all becomes clear. You are finally at peace. Death is a pleasent expirience for those who under go it. Its those around them who feel pain. To me death is a good thing. I don't regret death when it happens to others.
Sure I feel sorry for their family and friends who mourn them but I don't feel sorry for the deceaced themselves. They are probably happier than they ever were. Why feel sorry for them now?
Whew!! Thats my opinion anyways.
Everyone's meaning is different.
This is just my conclusion. Feel free to share your's if you wish or just take in mine into your thoughts and concider my meaning.
Thoughts from an ordinary guy.
This was a wonderful post i found on Dragonetti's site (were really good friends so its cool if i post it here) and i thought you guys should all read it enjoy!
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 Pop punk... I'm not really that fond of you, but you can churn out some good stuff... Old punk doesn't really like you but you couldn't care less...besides it's all about having fun isn't it?
What genre of rock are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, December 24, 2004
HEY people it's CHRISTMAS EVE! yay and tomorrow is christmas! sooo i probably wont post tomorrow soo i my as well say it now...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ok gtg but hope you all get what you asked for
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
so theres two muffins in an oven, one muffin turns to the other and says "man it's hot in here." Then the other muffin says " ahhh a talking a muffin!!!!"
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
I have abosolutely NOTHING to post! lol um how about just a question then... ok QUESTION OF THE DAY is:
If you could be in one anime which one would it be? And which character would you be?
ok there you go! lol bye bye
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Monday, December 20, 2004
No School
Wow no school, and it sucks because me friends are out of town! Thats ok though i guess they just dont care! lol jk Well my band is coming along alittle better, i wrote this really cool song called sunsets but i need to edit it. lol yeah anyways the question os the day is: If you had one wish (except for more wishes) what would it be?
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Watch the sunrise
Say your goodbyes
Off we go
Some conversation
No contemplation
Hit the road
Car overheats
Jump out of my seat
On the side of the highway baby
Our road is long
Your hold is strong
Please don't ever let go Oh No
I know I don't know you
But I want you so bad
Everyone has a secret
But can they keep it
Oh No they can't
I'm driving fast now
Don't think I know how to go slow
Where you at now
I feel around
There you are
Cool these engines
Calm these jets
I ask you how hot can it get
And as you wipe of beads of sweat
Slowly you say "I'm not there yet!"
[Chorus x2]
I love that song oh and this one:
"Sunday Morning"
Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave
Fingers trace your every outline
Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change the weather still together when it ends
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
Sunday morning rain is falling and I'm calling out to you
Singing someday it'll bring me back to you
Find a way to bring myself back home to you
And you may not know
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
he he he which one is better?
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
i cant wait till tomorrow! It's the last day of school well for two weeks, i get out early, and I GET TO GO TO THE MALL WITH MY FRIENDS and the guy i REALLY like. lol i hope i dont act like a goober and screw it all up! whats a good thing to say to start a conversasion? bc im really bad at that. well wish me luck on my math test results!
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
Layers | Created by andy and taken 9286 times on bzoink! | | Name | Ayla Morton | Birthdate | 04/06/00 | Birthplace | Arlington, TX | Current location | Lago Vista, TX | Eyes | Hazle | Hair | Shoulder length, golden brown | Height | 5'6" | Righty or Lefty | righty | Zodiac Sign | Aries | Layer.two | Your heritage | French, Irish, Scotish, British, Swedish, German, Welsh, Dutch and Manx | Your weakness | Math and chocolate | Your shoes you wore today | flip flops | Your fears | Drowning and total darkness | Your perfect pizza | pepperoni | Goal you'd like to achieve | to have my own band and be remembered | Layer.three | Your thoughts first waking up | " I wonder what my friend Will is doing today?" | Your best physical feature | My body figurem, eyes, and my boobs so i hear | Your bedtime | sometime after ten usually | Your most missed memory | My fisrt Kiss | Layer.four | Pepsi or Coke | Coke | McDonald's or Burger King | McDonalds | Single or group dates | either | Adidas or Nike | Nike | Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea | I HATE TEA | Chocolate or vanilla | Chocolate | Cappuccino or coffee | cappuccino | Layer.five | Smoke | not really | Cuss | too much | Sing | yeah occasionally | Take showers daily | yes | Have a crush | yes | Think you've been in love | yes | Want to go college | yes | Want to get married | yes | Believe in yourself | deffinetly | Get motion sickness | yep | Think you're attractive | sure | Think you're a health freak | NOPE | Get along with your parents | most of the time | Like thunderstorms | yeah | Play an instrument | guitar | Layer.six - in the past months | Gone to the mall | yep | Eaten an entire box of Oreos | YEAH | Eaten sushi | yes | Been on stage | yes | Gone skating | yes | Made homemade cookies | no made them from a box | Gone skinny dipping | not yet | Dyed your hair | yep i dyed the underneath bright red | Stolen anything | not that i know of | - ever.. | Been trashed or extremely intoxicated | yes | Been called a tease | yes | Got beaten up | yes | Layer.eight | Age you hoped to be married | about 25 | Number and name of children | 2 or 3, Mark, Stycks, and Gwendalyn | Dream wedding | i haven't really thought about it | How do you want to die | asleep of old age | Where do you want to attend college | some art school | Dream job | Lead Singer in Punk Band/Actress | Country you want to visit | Germany | Layer.nine - In a guy/girl... | Best eye color | green or Hazle | Best hair color | brown | Short or long hair | short | Height | 6' | Best weight | um 160 | Best clothing | punk style | Best first date location | at the mall | Best first kiss location | at night under the stars | Layer.ten | Number of drugs taken illegally | 3 | Number of people I could trust with my life | quite a few | Number of CDs that I own | about 30 | Number of piercings | two | Number of tattoos | none | Number of times my name's been in the news | about 2 | Number of scars on my body | 10 | Number of things in my past that I regret. | 7 | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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New colors for the holiday
Hey i put these new colors up for the holidays so enjoy them while they last!!! lol Merry Christmas!!
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