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Monday, December 19, 2005
Last week of school!!!!
Hello everyone!
Thanks for the comments!^-^
Oh and my dad is doing fine and he said that he might come back home in time to go Christmas shopping...XD...
I bought some stuff for my friends and I'm gonna buy something special for my best friend...^^...mymom wants me to buy a watch for her[since she wants one] for $14.99...well at leats it's on sell!
My dad wants me to buy a disney watch at $50...it's all pink and it'S has Eyore on it...a character from Winnie The Pooh...it's just so cute but $50 is a lot just for a watch...u.u
Ok so,as you see,there is my new layout!Some of you may have seen it and some of you haven't so here it is!^-^Don't ya like it?!
I got some help from my sister of course..^_~
Oh and last perod at school,I had P.E and we are now in the swimming pool...the water was perfect!I don't know how to swim but I did have fun!Well I can swim under water but just can't stay long enough...better then nothing!I'm learning all by myself!XD And my hair dryed so fast so my friends were like...O.O...XD
Ok so...I think that's enough...but one more thing,it really scares me that my brother is all nice...but I do apreciate it but...o.O...
Ok now I shall end my post before I write more...XP...sorry for the long post everyone!But thanks if you read it all!
Bye and take care!
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
NO!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SUNDAY!!!T^T
Hello everyone!^-^
It's sunday...u.u...I don't wanna go to school...and I think that it's dumb...starting our Holidays vacation right before Christmas eve...>=(...that is just stupid...but I'll back to school on the January 10th...
I'll be changing my layout today...if I have time...>.>
Ok so...last friday...I visited EVERYBODY who updated!!!^-^And thank you for those 12 comments!Haven't have those in a while!XD
Well you know what?I still haven't done my Christmas shopping yet!XD...now the reason...my poor daddy is in the hospital again...u.u...so why shall we go Christmas shopping whithout my dad?!
Oh but he's doing fine...he just got a cold and something was hurting him...but my parents said that if my dad going well,he'll be out and we can go shopping...on the day before Christmas eve...XD...but it's better than nothing huh?
But I better get my shoes!!!!!
Each time I go looking for some shoes...they never have my size!!!>.<...like if there is one that I really like,it would be just too big or small...but when they have my size,it's not really my taste...u.u...WHY IS LIFE COMPLICATED??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok now I shall go....make some banners...so hard to find some nice pics!XP...and start sending the banners that I already made.
Bye and take care!
Oh but before I live,something is wierd...yup yup...my brother has been acting really wierd lately...he has been NICE to me since Friday...o.O...OMG!!!!!!!!!This can only mean one thing...IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bye everyone!AND RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or maybe the barbies have finally rules the world...o.O
[EDIT]Oh and I completly forgot to show you guys some banners that my friends made for me!^-^
Thanks Chubbi chcibies!

Thanks Ayame-MeiMei!!

Thanks Little Inufan!!!

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Friday, December 16, 2005
NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...[TGIF!]
Hello everyone!^-^
Me have no school!!!Cuz over here we have lots of snow...and my best friend told me that she won't go to school...and so,I called my other friend and she won't go neither...and now I'm here,on the computer chatting with my friends...^_______^
But some of my other friends are going to school...u.u...
Ok so since me don't have any school,I will have mmore time ON THE COMP!!!And my sister and brother are suffering right now...in the cold snow while going to school...u.u...oh well!just kiding!!!Well my sister and brother are going to school...poor them...u.u
My brother was so nice this morning!!!My mom woked up at 7:30 to go outside to take out the snow...and when it was 8:00...[that's the time that I have to wake each morning to go to school] and I didn't put my alarm so my brother came and woke me up...how nice of him!^-^[for once...>.>...]
Well bye everyone!Going to go do my stuff!
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Damn it....we are just wednesday...
Hi everyone!
So...how ya doing?Me,fine...>.>...
Well...this morning,I tough we were Friday but then I realized that it was ONLY wednesday...u.u...I WANT TO BE IN VACATION PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XP
Ok,so yeah...my sister finished her Stupid damn french report...oh and today is my night at the computer so maybe I'll have time to visit people...if I don' then...that's because I'm doing some banners for you guys...XD...so hard finding the right pictures for the right person...XD
So...I'm off visiting...bye!
Have a nice day!
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Hello everybody!
How was your week-end?
Mine was...blah...-_-...
I wasn't really on the comp for the past few days bacause my sister was doing her stupid damn french report...>.<...so I haven't had the time to change my layout for X-mas,work on my freewebs...and now I'm searching some pics to make some banners for some friends...>.>...
Well that's the reason why I didn't visit you guys lately...u.u...
2 WEEKS BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Friday, December 9, 2005
No school!
Hi everyone!
So,how is everyone?
I'm doing fine...well not really...=.=
Well today....BIG day...I have to work on my freewebs...and I must find a stupid damn wallpaper for my Christmas theme...>.<...
Oh shoot...still haven't done my math homework yet...XD...but the thing is...my teacher never looks at our homework...XD
I'm feeling kinda sick right now...x.x...
Well I gotta work on my freewebs...bye!
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
Hi everyone...been awhile!^-^
I wrote a post yesterday but it didn't work...grrr...>.<...
Well I'm sorry if I didn't visited you for a long time...u.u...to be honest,I've been lazy all this time...v.v...but I'm gonna visit you all today!Promise!
Well I have no school today cuz teachers are still on strike...>.<...and I won't school tomorrow too...
But since me don't have no school,me have more time for you!^-^
Well I promised you guys that I would be done with my freewebs....still have not finish...>.<...T-T
I have so much to....
-Work on freewebs
-Make new layout for MyO[Christmas]
-Do *stupid* math homework
and other stuff that I don't remember...>.>
Well school have been fun..we have a new contest at school which I will enter...the prize is a certifate of $50 at Archambault...^^ It sells lots of stuff over there like books,instruments,movies...a lot of stuff!And to enter,the school is looking for a new Logo.The new logo will not only be on letters and all but on the uniform for next year!
I hope I win!Although I haven't sent my entry yet...^^'...
Ok now I gotta go!
I'll visit all of you guys today.Bye!
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
Hello everyone!
Been awhile huh?!
Well nothing good happended...just updating for fun...
Well I was suppose to go shopping but my dad has a cold...but nothing serious...I hope he gets better soon...u.u
Umm...well I just can't wait for Christmas!
Well see you later and sorry for not visiting you guys...v.v...bye!
I'll do my best to visit you!!!
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Monday, November 28, 2005
Hello everyone!
I hope you had fun at school!^_^...-_-...
Well I didn't go shopping yesterday...u.u...I was so mad...>.<...
Well my ankle kinda hurts...XD...it started hurting yesterday evening...I hope it won't hurt tomorrow...so I've been having trouble going up and down the stairs....@_@...well it isn't hurting to hell but...maybe I can use the alevator at school...BWUHAHAHAHAHA XDD
Well nothing else today...oh,I just got one homework...>.<...well it's better than a million...XD
Well I gotta go!
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
Hello everyone!
How are you today?Me,fine...just woked up at 11:00am...>.>...^^'
Well yesterday,my dad said that we would go shopping tomorrow which is today....I hope I'll get something from the mall...>.>...
Well nothing special...I'm just gonna go shopping,work on my freewebs and visit you guys...what a day!
Well I gotta go!
See ya and take care!
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