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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
It rained...but hot.....
Well it rained...but now it's not wet anymore^-^
Yesterday,I did my math test...and it went pretty well!
Today,another math test...T-T
It pretty well too...it was long but kinda easy.......I got stuck in some questions...but it went well...just got to think a little bit harder....u.u
Tomorrow,another one...
I can't wait for friday!
We're having a party at school!To celebrate our last year at primary school
Oh and sunday,my dad bought us some donuts^-^ and I invited my best friend to come over!
Well see ya later!

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Monday, June 13, 2005
How are you all doing?
I have to be quick..must leave for school..^^;
I got my Math test today...I hope it'll go well...
Here's are some pics of me!!lol
(click on the thumbnail to view larger pic^^)
This is a pic of me when I was..hmm..3..I think^^

And this is a more recent pic...this has been taken at the beginning of this school year...

I wanted to post some pics of my sis,NittlerGrasper..but she would kill me...Oh well,maybe next time^_^
Have a nice day!!!!!
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Still a hot day!
Hello everyone!
The weather is ok....a little cloudy but hot...^^
Yesterday,my mom made us an orange milkshake!It was so good!But I like better strawberries^-^
So yeah,I went in the pool...the water was cold at the beginning...but then I've gotten use to it!
I hope you all gonna have a nice day!
Sorry if I didn't visit last night...
See ya!

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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Finally Saturday!^^
Our pool is open!!I can go swim!!...but the water's cold...T-T
Oh well!
I'm so happy that you guys love the new layout!
Me gonna go swimming ok?!
See ya!

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Friday, June 10, 2005
What a day!
As you can see,I've change my site^-^
I had nothing to do and I wanted to make something new...since I got no school...
8 days left till summer vacation..(not counting the week-ends)
I went shopping this morning...it was ok...
Well I gotta go!
See ya and have a nice day!

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Thursday, June 9, 2005
No school tomorrow!!!!!!
Yup!No school tomorrow!
The weather was ok!It was hot but a lil windy^^
At school,we had one fire drill...v.vIt's because that they were some workers and they were using some stuff causing "smoke"It was so noisy and not to mention smelly...u.u
4 fire drills in 1 week...not to bad...-_-'
In the afternoon,we went to a play and it was so funny^-^
Well that's it!
Have a nice day!

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Best in gym class!!!And also....FIRE AT SCHOOL!
Hello everyone!
It's kinda cloudy but it's okay...^^
They are 3 paragraphes for different stories about my day.Read the one you like or read them all!
*The last one is the fire*
I have finished my last french exam!!It wasn't hard...finding ideas like if you werein 2020...I sayd that I've became a designer...though not sure yet...
In gym class,we had to run back and forthfor as long as possible...and there were 5 left,the 4 and then 3 then 0(I was in the top 3=^.^=)
Ok..now how to explain this...ok..
At lunch time,there were the fire alarm!I was eating with my friends in my classroom(no cafetetria at my school)and then came the alarm...bip....bip....bip...so every student went outside and while walking in the coridor,everybody was like:"OMG!It's smells"
So everyone was outside...and then came the firemans...with there fire truck...I was like thinking in my head:I'm so hungry...My sister's manga!...I'm so hungry...My sister's manga!
After the firemans were gone,the principal said the we could go back and eat(thank god!)
And thank god again nobody were hurt!Oh and there an ambulance and everyine was like:OMG!!but it didn't came to our school!And everyone was releaved!
Cause of smoke:microwave exploded...<_<
And there were a second time today(not the fire but the fire alarm)and I was about to finished my exam when suddenly..bip...bip..bip...the fire alarm...but this time it was nothing...
And it happend 3 times today...v.v
So that was my day!
I didn't go with the details with the fire thing...to long...-_-
Have a nice one!

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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
The weather was perfect!Sunny and windy and a little bit hot!That is how I like the weather!
I got my first test results!
I got 85/110!!That means that I got a B!!I was the third best in class^^.
So happy!
I have wrote the letter,for my test.Not done yet....I have 290 words....Usually,I write 300 and something words...but this is a letter so....it isn't the same...right?!
In english class,we have to copy since everybody wasn't listening...well not everyone but it was the majority...
I didn't do anything....and thanks to J-P,some of the student,like me^-^,didn't need to do it!I still continued and the the teacher said to me:
-Jeannine,you don't need to do it.
And I said:
-Yeah,I know...I just wanted to fininshed my sentence...
And the teacher was smiling^^
That was my day!
I hope you have a nice one too!
See ya!
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Hot but cloudy...
It'S really hot over here but cloudy....it was raining alot i the morning but now it stops^^
I'm gonna have the 2nd french test...we'll have to write a story...actually it will be a letter to all of our classmate...we will have to imaging ourselve in the year 2020....That's means that i'm gonna be 26 yeasr old....it gonna be hard....T-T
I've watch a movie in music class!It was so touching and funny!
I'm gonna try visit you all so see ya!

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Sunday, June 5, 2005
Gonna go outside^^
Yesterday my mom did Strawberry milkshake!!!It was totally good!
I have nothing to say....me gonna go outside again!
See ya!

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