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Saturday, June 4, 2005
I'm always happy!!=D
I don't know why but I have so many energy since I started to talk to the girl that I hated....
Oh well....^^
Still sunny outside!
Last night,while brushing my teeth,I've lost a tooth^^lol
It was really shaking so it was normal that i've lost it yesterday XD
I didn't told to my parents cuz I was scared....If I tell to my mom,she'll tell to my dad and he'll put it out for me...with a grip.....>.<
So yeah....it made me laugh!
I'm gonna go outside cuz,if you know me,I can't lock myself inside.I must spend lost of energy!
So see ya!

Ahhh!I remember this picture!I've put it when I was like a newbie^-^LOL
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Sunny+hot day!
I'm always happy!=D
It was 30°C outside.^^
So sunny!
Yesterday,we have lost electricity for 30 min.v.v
On my final english exam I got 100%!!!!!I was the best in class!^-^
That was my day!
See ya!

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Thursday, June 2, 2005

It funny^-^
I feel so happy!!
Don't know why...^-^
Today I did a social universe test...It went pretty well...^^
I guy in my class had brought 3 grass snakes in class...with little frogs...
So you've guessed it...the snakes ate the frogs....it was interresting but cruel at the same time...It was the guys who brought the frogs....
So that was my day!
Have a nice one you guys!

The never ending walk...
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Sunny day!
Today is so hot and sunny!
Sorry if I didn't update and visited you yesterday...I was to lazy...v.v
I have finished one of the french exams...YAY!Next week I'm gonna have to write a story and the week after that,math exam T-T
Oh well...
My mom bought some strawberries and rasberries^^
Me love them!
Tomorrow,my mom will make strawberry milkshake!^-^
Oh and I have 141 guestbook signings^-^!!But only 731 visiters..T-T
That was my day!
Hope you'll have a nice one!
See ya!

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Monday, May 30, 2005
I got scared...
This morning was kinda cloudy but fine,this afternoon was hot and half sunny half cloudy and when school was out,it stared raining...now everybody will say:I love rain,Rain is cool and blablabla....it had lightning!!
My class and I went outside,then BOOOOM!It was so scary...and all the girls were like screaming like idiots...I was in there too...-_-'
And someone screamed:It's the end of the world!Actually it was my best friend...hehe...
That was my day...Oh and I had an exam...I'm gonna go study...
Have a nice day!

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Sunday, May 29, 2005
Today is so sunny!
Yesterday,my best friend came to my house^.^It was so fun!We went bicking in the neiberhood and we saw 2 guys from our class^^
She went home at 7pm...hehe
I'm gonna go outside cuz when it'S sunny,I can't lock myself inside^^.
See ya and have a nice day!

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Saturday, May 28, 2005
New look!
I've changed it yesterday^^.
I'm so proud of myself!
Hope you all like it!
Thanks NittlerGrasper!^-^

~My sister and me!~
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Friday, May 27, 2005
I'm back!!
Well sorry if I didn't update and visited you in 2 days...I was kinda sick...my throat hurts than I stared to have a headache...T-T
Now I'm better!^-^
Nothing much...we went walking again...
Oh and I got my report card...As and Bs as always^-^but I got one C.It's the first time in my life thet I've gotten a C in a report card...Oh well!lol
Have a nice day!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
What a nice day!
I was a little bit cold this morning but then in the afternoon,just windy^-^
Before lunch,my class and I went walking to raise money to buy some new raquettes for next year.We'll walk each day...Everybody must walk.
We did 3 KM^-^
It was so much fun!
We saw some cool animals like marmot,ducks,snails....eerk...and someone saw a grass snake!
It was in a "forest"
I did my english exam,but nobody finished it.It had 20 pages....
Oh and this Friday,I will make some big changes on my site^-^
Can't wait!
Oh and Friday,June 17th,we will have a party for 6th grade
Have a nice day!

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Monday, May 23, 2005
No school!!!!!
Mwuhahahahaha!No school becuz it's the 'anniversary on the dollar'
I went shopping a little although it was raining...
The weather...rain...just rain and it was cold by the way...
But the news weather annuced that it will be cloudy and warm tomorrow....
I don't know what else to say so I'm gonna go visit you all^-^
See ya and have a nice day!

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