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Friday, April 8, 2005
I haven't been chosing for the interview...*cry(again)*
I was really excited to go at school but when I saw the 4 peoples says"I've been chosing"I was like"NOOOOOOO!"*cry more*
Oh well,it was still fun today!
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
It's raining...
Yup!Rainig outside...
At school,some people from a science magazine will come interview 4 students about stuff on friday 15th.It'S gonna be 2 boys and 2 girls.I hope that I'll get choose!!
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Go InuYasha!

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Friday, March 25, 2005
As you can see,I love doing quiz!!That's why I have another one!!
 you are a princess!! you are living in a world of fairytales! ^_^
What type of anime girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your eye color should be pink. You're the classic girlnextdoor, a sweet, loving, daddy's girl. You can be shy when meeting new people and absolutely adore cute and cuddly animals and toys.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla
Hummm....don't you think that I have too much o.O?
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
This is kinda like an other quiz section..
 You're a Fun SchoolGirl!
What kind of schoolgirl are you? Anime pics brought to you by Quizilla You are...Hamtaro! He's the cute and cuddly pet Hamster of 5th grader Laura. Eager to be her secret helper, his courage and adventurous spirit make him the inspirational hero of all the other hamsters.
What Hamtaro character are you? brought to you by Quizilla you a warrior
What are you? (girls only) beautiful anime pics. lots of results brought to you by Quizilla You're Element is Light. You are friendly, happy, social, bubbly, and can brighten up any one's day! You are very kind and a real people person because you have several friends (or atleast should). You're cheery nature makes you lovable and your stunning looks are sweet and stand out. (please forgive me if you cannot see the pics. If you go to my userpage then you can see your result picture at the bottom)
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla You are an earth Dragon! You have a knack for Nature or animals, and are peaceful, careful, chariming, and optimistic. You can throw a tantrum now or then, but who doesnt? You value simple things in life, such as friends, familly, and Nature.
What elemental dragon are you? brought to you by Quizilla You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what you do best. You collected thoughts and always positive attitude make you very bright and logical. When theres a problem, you know how to approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on you on their problems, and your shoulder for their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and hardly scream, which makes you good with kids. You seem to be in tune with the world and if anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure Angels always appear when a child is born, when a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and show their love to everyone in the world.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla UR HALF KITTY!=3
HOW MUCH OF A KITTY R U?=3(with pics) brought to you by Quizilla Yotsuba...you are like the snoopy detective, chirpy, cheerful, a little nosy- she always wants to know her brother's secrets(ani-chama)...known as the ninja sister
Which Sister Princess sister are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
Well,this is actually me...^^
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Me love it!!!

 You are Aerokinesis. You are a spirit kind of girl and go with the flow, you're child like nature makes you easy going even though you have a mischievous side but thats okay a little fun never hurt anyone.. Unless you use your new found powers a little to much. 0.o
What magical power do you possess? (Chobits girl pictures) Still in progress brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
 You dream about friendship! Your buds are very important to you and you depend on them through tough times. You are very loyal and loving.
What do you dream of? (anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Really cool!
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My japanese name is Fujiwara (wisteria fields) O Michiyo (three thousand generations). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
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Monday, February 28, 2005

Poor Shippo!
Boy,I wish that I could do that to someone like a girl at school but I not that evil.Mwahahaha!
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