Monday, May 16, 2005
Wonderful day!
The weather was fine.A little windy,sunny,a little bit of clouds..The weather was perfect!
While I was walking home,I saw this little mouse or rat...it ws so ugly!I didn't know if it was dead or alive...It was just too creepy to look at it...
I've still didn't find my earring...it may cost 80$(I think)but it was made out of gold....*snif snif*
At gym class,it was cool!We did rock climbing!And we had to go across the hole wall from left to right.And I've only falled 2 times^^onlike some people...lol
I was the best in my class and i'm proud of myself^_^
After that,my arms was killing me!But now it's better!
Oh and at school,a student was hit by a car...talking about looking both sides before crossing...well that's what I've heard...
Oh and my mom said that my cousi had or will have a baby^^
I'm gonna be aunt!Oh wait...i'm already aunt...silly me!
And that was my day!Now i'll go visit you all!
See ya!

Humm...I think that's one of my longest post...or is it?o.O
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