Saturday, October 29, 2005
Hey everyone!
YAY!It's saturday!!!Which means 2 days before halloween!^-^
But school was ugly....no halloween party...and we couldn't even where are costumes...T^T...I wanted to show off my friends...lol
Well my dad came home today,he'll live tomorrow...he's so skinny now...
Well I did visit people yesterday and last thursday...I'm so proud of myself!^-^
Oh and maybe I'll change my site while you're commenting...a new layout for halloween.The REAL layout for halloween...MWUHAHAHA!!!
Oh and one last thing....are you gonna go trick-or-treat on monday night?!
Well I gotta go!!
See you and take care!
[Edit]So yeah....the new and real layout for HALLOWEEN is done!
You must have terrified huh?!MWUHAHAHAHA
Yeah...barbie...sometimes they scares me...with their eyes always OPEN...and the always smile...and...O_O
Hope you like it...well no...hope you are scared of my site!
Ain't I original?!lol
Well yeah...bye!And never look behing you cuz you never know...mabe there is one behing YOU.
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