mokisho (08/02/04)
hi thanks for signin my gb sorry it took soooo long to reply my old computer wouldnt let me visit some ppls sites and yours woz one of dem anyhoo i got a new computer and i can finally see everybodys sites yay ^-^ anyhoo cool site and great colours ill add you as a friend,k?well see ya laterz byebyez ^-^
lovegoddess (08/01/04)
hi thanks 4 signing my guestbook and i will add you as a friend ok.
DarkWizard (07/29/04)
Hey, thanks for coming by my site! I really like the background, its so simple, yet cool looking! I'll add you as a friend! See you around!
sailorcrystal (07/28/04)
Hi, well I want to tell you that the tones of different blues on your site are a beautiful combination.I absolutely love it! anyway, thankyou for signing my guestbook. and I will add you on as a friend. just one more thing, I don`t want to bother you but, would you please private message me if you like. and I love inuyasha as well. well, dasedanneya! (goodbye)
Faera (07/27/04)
Hey! So youre a NuKu Nuku fan too,yes? She is soo the coolest anime charachter ^_^ So to answer your question yes you are now on my friend list. YAY!!
Number 5 (07/25/04)
been seeing ya around a lot lately and though i might make a visit before i have no more time to. hehe! ^^ i really dig ya site here! i like blue a lot! hehehe! ^-^ well i'll be adding you as a friend and hope you do the same! ^^ laters!!
~ #5 ~
Neo Carey (07/23/04)
sorry for the really slow responce i have been busy thanks for visiting my site i added you as a friend becouse you seem nice
see ya around
little kagome (07/20/04)
I'm Liliy,if you look like your avatar,I sorta look like you! I like the Blue in your site.Its a pretty color.I love Inuyasha too! Hope its okay if I add you as a friend! Bye!
Tae (07/20/04)
blues are the best aren't they?!?! anywho awesomesite you got there. i added ya as a friend, see ya around!! ROCK ON!!
MiroChu (07/20/04)
Hey,thnx 4 singin my guestbook!
Ur site i not good...ITS SUPERBUFAULIOUS!!! (a word i made up,i think...) BLUE!!!!!!BLUEBLUEBLUEBLUE!!!! I love blue! Its my favorite color (besides silver)!!
HURRAY 4 YUUGIOU!!! *dances*
I shall add u as a freind,4 u have added me! ^___^! YAY! Well ttyl,BYE!^^!