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Monday, April 9, 2007

Hi all, well today was interesting.
Had to go into work >_< not many customers today but Ryan
commented on my out fit at the party, he said it was very stylish and he
liked it after that he was flirting with me so yah was interesting so what
should I do now? Im stuck between Jason and Ryan (and me an Ryan have
flirted with each other since we meet Jason and me well kinda started likening
each other since Christmas) Im really stuck in the middle here please help
Sweet~Chan |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 8, 2007

Hi all, well sorry for not being
online just been really busy at work as always! well last night was fun
went to Jason's 18th birthday party all my friends where there was well
cool they even got me dancing >.< I never dance but somehow they
got me dancing how they did they I will never no must of been the
drink lol.
Sweet~Chan |
Comments (1) |
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hi all, Much better day to day
went back to work and I still have a job! everyone was so good too me
got lots of texts from a friends of mine Amy who I work was to see if I
was ok. She sent me a text asking if I still had a job I was like yes
she was like dam I was ganna bet Simon ( my manager) up for ya but she
said if he did give ya the sack I would of walked out. and everyone at
work was asking if I was ok all day. They like followed me around the building
all day making sure I was ok but Simon stayed away from me prob realized
he almost lost another worker. lots of people have gone and some are
going. Jason (not the one I have a think for ) leigh-ann, Stephen, Ryan
(trying to get another job) and Jason (the one I like has handed in his
notice) all them people wanting to go because of Simon our old manager Dave
was better he left a wile ago :(
sweet~chan |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hi all, what a horrible day I had
my manager was having a go because he wanted me to clean out the ball
pool that a kid peed in on Sunday (I was not in Sunday) and I was really
getting annoyed. Then he wanted to talk to me and said why don't ya
wanna do it Im like because it will make me be sick. he when on and on I
was like Simon (manager) for get it I walked off he was like jenny wait
I got my stuff from my locker and he tried to stop me going. I walled
out of the building. Im going back tomorrow not that I want too I love
the job I just hate Simon is all. I have been crying all day.
sweet~chan |
Comments (2) |
Monday, March 26, 2007

Hi all, man work was boring!!! not many
customers today so not allot to do. oh ya just to top off my day, we had a
meeting and we could told that at one of are other gambado sites (
) a little passed out and died its so sad =,( not at our site thank god.
If it was I would have cried big time.
sweet~chan |
Comments (4) |
Sunday, March 25, 2007
a picture of meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Hi all, well not much really going
on apart from the tree in back garden fell over O.o well so ya all no Im doing some
art work again so hopefully it will get added real soon when Im done!

well this is the newest picture of
me tell me what ya think
sweet~chan |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hi every one Im back I
missed ya all so much! Allot has changed since I have been gone. Im no
longer with Simon for those of you that remember he was texting a so
called mate of mine saying he wants her back! and as for work Im the new health
and safety rep, Im also a fist aider now. Now I have fallen for an amazing
guy at work Jason but not gone to ask him out yet.
sweet~chan |
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hi all 
(hugs everyone) Im
really sorry for not posting for such a long time. After my holiday (gd
holiday by the way) I had to have an operation >-< had to have 4
teeth out ouch. I no that it does not seem like much but I have never
had an operation before in my life and it really had a bad impact on my
body, so Im still off ill until Monday I still cant believe that just having
some teeth out made me so ill.
today's avatar

Well that's
Sweet~Chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ sweet~chan has been really ill its really worrying
Ted's fact:
Spider’s legs are covered with many hairs. The hairs pick up
vibrations and smells from the air. At the end of the legs are, at
least, two small claws. Spiders have 48 knees. Yup, count them…eight
legs with six joints on each. |
Comments (5) |
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hi all 
I was right today
was a bad, no staff for one, 10 parties 4 members of staff to do them
sigh. Oh well Im on holiday I have 2 weeks off one week by my self and
the other week Im going away with my family ^_^, oh yah look lol i found
happy pills lol

today's avatar

well that's all
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ well so ya no today's fact is long lol
Ted's fact: The
leopard has the largest geographic range of any big cat. It is one
of the most adaptable mammals, found in a wide variety of habitats. The
coat spots provide excellent camouflage, especially in trees. From
grasslands to dense jungles and mountains, leopards prey on
everything from large antelopes to smaller mammals to birds and even
fish. Solitary hunters, leopards hunt or ambush their prey mainly at
night. Like all cats, long sharp canines are used to grab, hold and
puncture their prey. Among the most arboreal of all cats, leopards
drag their kills up trees, out of reach of lions, hyenas and wild dogs.
For days, the leopard has an easy supply of energy. Once thought to be a
separate species, all black leopards, sometimes called panthers, are a
black-coated form of the leopard. Black panthers occur in leopards and
jaguars; and sometimes black and spotted cubs are born in the same
litter. If you see a black panther in the zoo, look closely; often
you can still see their spots beneath the black coat.
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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hi all 
well today was not
as bad as i said it would be it was fun but tomorrow should be hard as
we only have 4 members of staff on entertainment (department Im on)
Today's avatar

well that's all
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ I bet tomorrows ganna be ok for sweet~chan
Ted's fact: Snow
leopards hunt alone preying upon mammals and birds in a habitat where
there is scarcity of food and harsh terrain. Snow leopards usually
stalk their prey, springing upon it, often from 20-50 feet away |
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