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| sweetshnara16
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Saturday, August 5, 2006

Hi all 
I had such a hard
day at work today nothing seem to go right for me very one else was ok
-_- well anyways I have a new lap top ^_^ its way nice i got it
yesterday. oh and More news about me and Simon lol I should be staying
over his house next Saturday well that's all for now
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ how sweet she so madly in love lol you so wanna see her right now
she is in day dream land
Ted's fact: Jackrabbits
can reach a speed of fifty miles per hour and can leap as far as twenty
feet |
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Hi all 
Man I can't get
Simon off my mind at the moment ^^;; lol well anyways not much been happening
just been having some fun. Went to the shops yesterday got some cool
stuff DVD's make up and well other stuff too, umm I think I will do some
cooking In a bit Im kinda bored and hungry so yah that will
I will try to get
to all your sites today
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ sweet~chan's doing it again!!! she's daydreaming don't take much guessing
about what she's day dreaming about ^^;;
Ted's fact:
Between 1931 and 1969 Walt Disney collected thirty-five Oscars. |
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Hi all 
Im on holiday ^_^
I asked for the time off at work and they said it would be ok hehe so i
have like all this week off until Saturday. I think I will go shopping
hehe but I better get dressed 1st lol its like 9:30am and Im not even
dressed O_O oh well im ganna take my time. so ya no my legs feeling much
better. thanks for all the nice comments
see ya later
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ wow she did not forget to put anything lol
Ted's fact: A
typical bed usually houses over 6 billion dust mites. |
Comments (4) |
Monday, July 31, 2006

Hi ya 
omg I had so much
fun on the weekend ^_^ me and my sister had fun I did her hair for her,
came out well nice ^^ and yesterday when I saw Simon was all gd. we watched
jack ass the movie lol hugging mostly all the movie and well kissed allot
and well other stuff too (not ganna say and if your thing what think
your think no that did not happen) oh yah and today I meat my new
manager his name is Simon also o_O man that's ganna get annoying lol oh
well im off to comment
see ya
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ sweet~chan forgot to say something again -_-;; her leg has not been
to gd today has been hurting her
Ted's fact: An
adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away, and warns off
intruders or reunites scattered members of the pride. |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hi everyone 
yawn Im so tired
not much happening at the mo was meant to stay round Simons tonight but
he has to work -_- well anyways my sister is stay round mine to night
should be fun i never get to see her as much as i used to. I guess that
it what a boring post lol oh well i will comment later see ya
sweet~chan |
all Ted here ^v^ well sweet~chan forgot to say she's seeing him tomorrow
Ted's fact: Worker
ants may live seven years and the queen may live as long as 15 years. |
Comments (6) |
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hi all
wow what a gd day
things just got better and better well was on the rides all day and well
at the end of the day a customer came up to me with a comment card (I
was on the dodgems at the time) she said 'jenny before I hand this in I
would like you to read it' was about me saying how I made the
dodgems more fun for the kids and that I always smiled she also put
please give this lovely girl an award. I hugged her and I said 'thank
you so much' and she smiled. Simon texted me that always makes me smile
and I go home to a BBQ ^_^ Yay lol im so happy |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ you should have seen sweet~chan when she got a text from Simon talk
about little miss smiley
Ted's fact: The
largest cockroach on record is one measured at 3.81 inches in length. |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hi all 
well today was interesting
allot of things happened. we had a big storm the lights when out at work
was kinda creepy the kids where still playing lol, I went to the staff
room to get a drink and the lights went out and there's like no window
in the staff room. The lights came back on. Jason went in the tiger suit
today lol that was funny (I have been in it once) umm and at the end of
work when I was waiting for my dad to get me me Angela and Chris almost
got lock in work O_o
well that's all
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ lol almost locked in work
Ted's fact: The
bones of a pigeon weigh less than its feathers
Comments (3) |
Friday, July 21, 2006

Hi everyone 
well not much
really been happening, apart from going to the movies with Simon and
shelly (my best friend) man it was so hard me and Simon and I kept on
looking at each other all I wanted to do was kiss him lol. we saw pirates of the caribbean 2
was gd but I think the 1st one was better this was like last weekend by
the way. man its hot here we are in a heat wave at the moment -_-;; well
anyways I think im ganna put a dvd on later maybe a inu yasha movie one.
well im off to comment
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ its so hot here -___________- and yah was kinda hard to watch the
movie when sweet~chan and Simon where looking at each other all the time
Ted's fact:
Certain frogs can be frozen solid then thawed and continue living. |
Comments (8) |
Friday, July 14, 2006

Hi everyone 
what a day my
friend Angela is having a really hard time at home . she came in crying
it was horrible her mum said she had a month to move out she's only 16
and her mum kicks her out.
see ya im off to
sweet~chan |

Hi all Ted here
^v^ im sure sweet~chan's friend will be ok
Ted's fact: A rat
can last longer without water than a camel can |
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hi all 
Im so sleepy, well
anyways i finally got my site finished somewhat i still have some things
to add but im getting there ^_^ well I don't really have anything to
post -_-;; again wont be able to get to ya sites tonight but i will get
to them tomorrow
(hugs everyone)
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ Yay for Inu yasha theme
Ted's fact: A
cat's tongue consists of small "hooks," which come in handy
when tearing up food. |
Comments (2) |
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