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| sweetshnara16
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Friday, July 7, 2006
hi all 
well I don't have
to really talk about today. Its my day off and well I got woken up this
morning by so works out side my house man they where so dam loud-_-;;
well Im going shopping later prob get some dvds, oh yah that reminds
me I got my king Kong dvd today man the postman took his time I also
got my CD KT Tunstall its really gd. Umm yah what do ya think of my
new theme
sweet~chan |

Hi all Ted here
^v^ Omg Sweet~Chan's singing. I love it when she sings she has a really
gd voice as a matter of fact her friend set her up for stars in there
eyes Sweet~Chan was like omg nooooooooo lol
she should have done it
fact: Like reptiles and amphibians, all arthropods, including sowbugs
and pillbugs ,are cold-blooded. Their body temperature is regulated by
the temperature of their environment! |
Comments (5) |
Monday, July 3, 2006

Hi all 
well Simon meet my
dad today it went really Simon and my dad really got along im so happy
lol we where talking about all kinds of things even ants (don't ask
-_-;;) well he stayed for about 2 hours talking with my mum and dad me
and Simon walked half way after and well we kissed allot ^^;; and he
lifted me up lol not to gd I was in a skirt lol eek well we kissed some
more he said ok one more kiss lol well that turned into 3 =P
well that's all im
off to comment
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ gd for sweet~chan. umm talking about ants how interesting O_o
Ted's fact: Not
all penguins live in cold climates. For example Galapagos penguins live
exclusively on the Galapagos Islands, along the equator! |
Comments (3) |
Friday, June 30, 2006

Hi all 
I got sent Home
from work today. my backs been bad lately and well I lifted a kid up and
im in allot more pain everyone at work was really worried about me they
even gave me a lift home. well anyways in other new Simons ganna meet my
dad tomorrow im well scared probley more then Simon is lol
well I will
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ lol you all seem to like my facts how about another one =)
Ted's fact: There
are only three animals with blue tongues: the black bear, the Chow Chow
dog and the blue-tongued lizard.
Comments (3) |
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hi all 
my boyfriend was
ill the other day he was feeling really bad =( I have missed him so
much. he sent me a text today saying he feels much better. well in other
news work was well boring we had 4 parties I did one of them went really
well apart from they for got the birthday cake -_-;;; and after that
helped out went on the dodgems and well that was about it was so empty
at work not many customers.
well that's all
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ how is every one?
Ted's fact: An
ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain |
Comments (5) |
Friday, June 23, 2006

Hi all 
lol my boyfriend Simon
is so lazy I sent him a text like half and hour ago he must still be
sleeping lol lazy git its like 1:00pm oh well. I don't really have much
to post at the moment well a part from my friend Tina has joined please
go to her site and sign her guess book she has not really done much to
her sit so ya no well anyways her name is teenax
<----- click her to get to her site. well I guess that's it well I
guess I will be going out with Simon later if he gets up lol
I will comment
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ what's with the smiley sweet~chan put up oh well lol
Ted's fact: The
longest recorded life span of a tapeworm was 35 years! |
Comments (8) |
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hi all 
sorry for not
posting my family is having a hard time remember I told you all about my
sisters boyfriend Neil trying to kiss me well, he's been beating her up
>_< and she got hurt I hate him so much how could he do this to
her she's lovely. well in other new I was with Simon today ^_^ hehe well
we meet up he hugged then we walked about for a wile then we sat down.
kissed allot witch was nice ^_^ and well (warning gets a bit rude lol)
he look down my top and said ' hope ya don't mind me saying but you have
f-ing nice boobs' he named them Bill and Ben lol and kissed my boobs
then he went back to kissing me lol then we saw movie (thank you for smoking)
lol was funny
well im off I will
do my best to get to all of you today
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ yawn what a day I went in Sweet~Chan's bag hehe she did not no Simon
and sweet~chan would not stop kissing yuck well anyways lol here is today's
Ted's fact:
Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards. |
Comments (2) |
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Hi everyone 
Im back did ya
miss me? I missed all of you (hugs everyone) the holiday was lots of fun
I even got a bit of a tan on my arms (as always) lol oh I when to this
place called The Forbidden Corner was well gd it was like a labyrinth
and there was water traps every where wet lots of times lol

part of the forbidden
corner lol oh and as for Simon and me well we are together now =) lol
happened we fast can't wait to see him again lol he said 'just wait until
I get hold of ya' lol
well im ganna send
emails and stuff I will comment a bit later
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ lol so much fun on holiday and a fact lol here we go
Ted's fact: Paw
pads with rough surfaces help prevent polar bears from slipping up on
the ice.
Comments (8) |
Friday, June 9, 2006

Hi all 
more stuff has
happened to me Yay lol well I had to going into work today for 2 hrs was
meant to be my day off. Had a party to do omg was the best party ever
^_^ the kids where well cute 3 year olds and 1 year olds so yah that was
work =P well after that I saw my sister she looks like my sister again I
know that sounds strange but her x boyfriend maid her a mess but she's
back to her self ^_^ and Simon call today as he has used up all of his
text's lol because me and Simon tend to text lots ^.^ oh and im going on
holiday tomorrow Yay I plan to do some art wile im on holiday so i might
post the art when I get back.
well im ganna
comment im ganna mess you guys (hugs)
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here im
going with sweet~ chan on holiday should be fun
fact: Did you know moths are not really attracted to light? Moths fly
towards the blackest point which is behind the light. |
Comments (6) |
Thursday, June 8, 2006

Hi everyone 
(love this smiley ^_^ and so ya no none is stupied)
sorry for not
posting in a very long time I have just been so busy lately and lots of
things have happened to me so for once I have something to post
o_O well that's see now where to start, ok well I don't no if you will
all remember this but my sisters bf tried to kiss me a long time ago I
think I was 16 at the time. well he hit here a week ago I hate him how
could he do this to her ;_; well she said she wants him out of the house
(she has her own place) in other news my friend Katie has been trying to
set me up with her friend Simon turns out with have way to much in
common lol and he said that he's interested in me but he does not wanna
rush into anything. me and Simon when out to see a movie today we saw
the da vinci code was not to bad we where eating jelly babies lol
well that's all im
ganna comment to see what you all have been up to
sweet~chan |
hi all Ted here
^v^ well long time no see not much been happening I got a bit sunburnt
was out side lots today
Ted's fact: A
crocodile can't move its tongue and cannot chew.
Its digestive juices are so strong that it can digest a steel nail
Comments (4) |
Saturday, May 6, 2006
random post

Hi all 
(hehe I love this smiley)
well today's been
fun ^_^ it was well sunny this morning ^.^ I got dressed up all nice and
it starts to rain T_T so I got changed again but after all that t was
fun. we when out shopping for a wile for once i did not by anything but
tomorrow im going out with my mum should be fun
Hehe my new pet
see ya later im
ganna comment
Hi all Ted here
^v^ that new pet of sweet~chan's has been giving me evil looks all day I
think it wants to eat me O_O
Ted's fact: A
rat can last longer without water than a camel can.
Comments (7) |
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