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inu yasha and dragonballs z/gt i have so meny favs
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| sweetshnara16
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Friday, May 5, 2006

Hi everyone 
lol its my weekend off Yay
hehe. I plan to hang out with my friends ^_^ and go shopping maybe the
movies as well. work was kinda funny today Katie and Hannah wanted to
get a pizza for lunch and they found out that they needed £1more
so Hannah jumped in the ball pool looking for money O_O lol well she did
not find any XD then she started asking people O_O lol after that it was
just wired ^^;; well anyways I had a party at work to do they showed up
half an hour late T_T what is the point the party last for 2 hours and
half an hour they are eating (hits party) well im ganna comment
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ all that to get a pizza crazy lol
Ted's fact: A
chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't. |
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Hi ya 
I haven getting so
many texts lately lol ^_^ im loved by people. Not much really has
happened that's why I have not posted lately. I got my Inu yasha box set
at long last ^_^ lol took ages to get here T_T and well I have
been watching it like almost all day, until I started to do a clean up
of my room man I have lots of junk including so old holiday photos from
like when I was 12 O_O, man my hair was short lol I just got another
text man that scared me lol just my mate Kat asking when Im going
online. Well anyways Its been my birthday lol for days the banners are
still up and im still getting birthday gifts O.O well that's all.
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ today's been fun Inu yasha all day
Ted's fact: A cat
uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze
through. The whiskers act as feelers or antennae, helping the animal to
judge the precise width of any passage.
Comments (1) |
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hi all 
It my 18th
birthday ^_^ I cant believe im 18 feels kinda wired. I have been out shopping
today so much fun ^.^ and I got some lovely gifts, me to you bears lots
of them ^_^ ,chocolates birthday badge lol really big one, a necklace
and lots of other stuff. Later Im getting the birthday cake ^.^ hehe
cant wait yummy well im still ganna comment
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ omg sweet~chan is 18 O_O how about a fact about sweet ~ chan
Ted's fact:
sweet~chan is mad about strawberries |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hi everyone 
sorry for not updating
I just been busy with work. well that's see now oh yah im 18 on Thursday
(27th April) man im ganna be old lol my dads prob ganna come up with
something to let everyone no im ganna be 18 or he's ganna play some
kinds trick on me (lol yah the trick one I bet)
well that's all I
have to post
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ does anyone know ay good sites with facts on im running out =(
Ted's fact:
Little Brown Bat can eat up to
1,200 night flying insects in just one hour. |
Comments (9) |
Friday, April 14, 2006

Hi all 
well its a nice
sunny day ^_^ lol makes a change from the rain I hate rain. well anyways
I have been shopping again I got some really nice stuff and a new top
^.^ hehe. well I plan to make my hair curly today so that will be
different ^^;; oh and im ganna dye my mums hair for her ^_^ and prob
just watch some dvds talk to my friends online. just a boring post again
I want it to be a cool one like yesterday umm how a bout a quiz thingy
First name:
Were you named after anyone?
3. Do
you wish on stars?
When did you last cry?
Do you like your handwriting?
6. What is your favorite lunch meat?
7. What is your birth date?
8. Mountains or -each?
9. If
you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Do you have a Journal?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Do you have a nickname?
Would you bungee jump?
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
15. Do you think that you are strong?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
well that's
Hi all Ted here
^v^ bungee jump me you have got to be kidding well anyways today's fact
Ted's fact: A
turkey has several flaps of loose skin around the head and neck that
turn color depending on its mood. The flaps are called the
"wattle" (on the chin), the "snood" (on the head and
over the beak) and the "caruncle" (on the throat). Under calm
conditions, these areas are pinkish-gray or blue; if the turkey is
annoyed or mating, all these areas turn bright red.
Comments (7) |
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hi Everyone 
Sorry for not updating
but I have been busy and kinda sad as well but I think things are
looking up kinda. Well anyways lots of things have happened since my
last post, like my dad wakening me up with his guitar (6th April) T_T
man that was annoying. well I do have so good news im starting to do my
art work again ^_^ but this time im planning to draw a dragon started it
last night as a matter of fact but did not come out how I planed lol so
im ganna start again. I just added 2 of my pieces of art work one that
was done 2 years ago O_o and one the I did not do that long ago. I just
got my CD and a cool book I Ordered lol

well I guess that's
all I have to post -_- kinda a random post if ya ask me =P
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ lol that books so cool lol handy lie in the book for mums wine makes
mummy cleaver ^^;;
Ted's fact: A
Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds. Longer than I thought it
would be.
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Hi everyone 
Sigh I got to tell
Chris how I feel how ever he likes someone else I don't no who but all I
know is that I am really up set I guess I was never meant to be loved
all the guys I have been out with and im always the one that get hurt
well im ganna go I don't think im ganna comment today I have to much on
my mind.
sweet~chan |
aww poor
sweet~chan why do they always have to hurt her -_- well anyways today's
Ted's fact:
African heart-nosed bats can have such a keen sense of sound that they
can hear the footsteps of a beetle walking on sand from six feet away. |
Comments (3) |
Monday, April 3, 2006

Hi everyone 
Its my mums
birthday ^_^ and my dad put birthday signs all over the house O.o even
in the toilets O_o well I other news I did not get to tell Chris how I
feel dam it I was like so close to I had to finish some work and as Chris
was at the top of the slide I was like right I well go ask him out and
the phone rang 'can you watch the trampolines' sigh I had to go. but on
the plus side a mate from work happens to be marry to his brother so she
said she will ask him out for me. I was talking to him today at one
point but I only had 5 mins he was tell me about his hobbies and that he
likes going to the movies and he plays badminton funny so do I man I
think that was a hint (smacks self) man I should have asked him then dam
well im ganna
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ man sweet~chan's house has birthday sighs every where lol oh well
Ted's fact: The
sense of smell of an ant is just as good as a dog's |
Comments (6) |
Sunday, April 2, 2006

Hi ya 
Sigh I wanna cry
again today was hard on me. In my job we work with kids and we have
birthday party's now normally I have 3 party's on a Saturday and 2 on a Sunday
this Weekend on sat I had one party that made me mad as Hannah had my 3 party's
and today I had no party's what's so ever >_< but I did Jo's
party's as she was off with a bad back. I hope she gets better she is a
real close friend of mine. well in other news it look like I have
another Chance to tell Chris how I feel as it is the Easter holidays he
is coming in tomorrow. ^_^ well in other news I have just ordered some
more anime dvds =D sigh I need a hug badly I want a hug from Chris ;_;
well im off to
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ man my day was boring anyways here is today's fact lol as you guys
seem to like them
fact: A snail can crawl across a razor blade without getting injured.
This is possible because they excrete a slime that protects them. |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, April 1, 2006

hi all 
I wanna cry ;_; I
was ganna ask Chris out today but very time I tried I was needed and
people needed help im ganna have to get someone to ask him out for me
sigh -_- I wanna ask him my self. me and Chris have been looking at each
other all day well I better go comment. |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ aww poor sweet~chan she really loves him ya no well here is today's
Ted's fact: In
a lifetime, the average house cat spends approximately 10,950 hours
purring. |
Comments (1) |
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