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| sweetshnara16
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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hi everyone 
Not much has been happening.
Today's my day off =D right now im watching cardcaptors such a cute
anime ^_^ umms tomorrow I think I will go shopping ^^;; hehe that's so
like me XD well I guess that's all I have to post =( but im sure that on
sat I will have allot more to post about =D if ya get what I mean. well
anyways how have you guys and girls been?
see yas later im
off to comment
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ lol I see ya all found the fact cool =) well anyways here is today's
Ted's fact: A
cockroach can live a week without its head. The roach only dies because
without a mouth, it can't drink water and dies of thirst. |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hi everyone 
sorry for not updating.
I have a cold =( its so dam annoying. well in other news im ganna
somehow tell Chris how I feel this weekend. im ganna need allot of luck I
just hope he feels the same way. dam I guess that's it well im ganna
comment now see yas later.
sweet~chan |
hi all Ted here
^v^ well I have ran out of questions so I will give you a cool fact
Ted's fact: did
you know a earthworm has 6 hearts O.O |
Comments (4) |
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hi everyone 
sorry for not updating
for a couple of days, I just have had nothing to post about -_- its
always work and there's nothing interesting to tell about work. im off
this weekend ^_^ so me and my mum are ganna go shopping hehe my fav
thing to do. well im ganna play some games after I comment
see yas
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ I was way bored today I had nothing to do so I kinda messed up sweet~chan's
room O_o
Ted's question:
what is your fav childhood toy? sweet~chan's was Lego ^^;; |
Comments (3) |
Monday, March 20, 2006

Hi everyone 
What a long and
hard day ;_; im so tired there was only me on the entertainment team
today I had t do that dodgems and carousel all day by my self I
was so lonely.
well at lest Ruth is in tomorrow i get along with her so well. sigh I
will do my best to get to all your sites today but I am tired so if I don't
get to your site im sorry.
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ sweet~chan looks really tired
Ted's question: what's
your fav day of the week? |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hi everyone 
My foot hurts more
=( I have no idea what I have done to it! well anyways I saw Chris today
^_^ but I did not have time to talk to him to tell him how I feel. -_-;;
I was running about all day, at one point when I was running about I saw
Chris on the Dodgems and he looked and me and smiled lol I turned bright
red. I gotta stop blushing so much lol. In fact he's been looking at me
all day ^///^

Inu Yasha and Kagome look so cute well
I guess that's all for today sweet~chan
hi all Ted here
^v^ omg is sweet~chan ever ganna ask Chris out
Ted's question:
what colour are your eyes?
Comments (5) |
Friday, March 17, 2006

Hi everyone 
(hehe love this smiley as well)
I think I have
hurt my foot somehow it hurts when I walk O_o man this is ganna be annoying
I just hope its better by tomorrow I have to work. well I have not done
that much today went out to see if I could find a DVD to buy man there
was nothing really that interesting -_-;; I think I have gone a bit mad
thow when it comes to anime DVD's just look

so ya no I could
not get everyone of the DVD's onto the photo to many lol
Sigh I never seem
to get that many comments anymore but then I was not on for like
month's. man my foots bugging me now it hurts. >.< oh by the way I
joined Habbo Hotel =) hehe so if your a member you can talk to me user
name sweetjennie17
I just found a
funny avatar
there's so many
more on this site (click
well that's all
for today
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ dam sweet~chan goes to work again tomorrow I will be all alone
Ted's question: what's
your fav sweets? |
Comments (6) |
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hi everyone 
(he he I so love this smiley watch it tis funny)
well today was my
day off did not do much watched some DVDS. ^_^ Right now im listening to
James blunt he's cool. well was talking to Luke again he keeps on going
on and on about how much he wants Jo (girl) to come online I feel like
hitting him round the head man. well that's see any other news umm I get
to see Chris this weekend maybe I can tell him how I feel eek wish me
luck on that. oh does everyone like the smiley's im using on every post?
well that's all for now im ganna comment now
see yas
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ not much happening to me jumping on Sweet~Chan's bed again I fell
off today I don't no how I don't no how I got away with that o.O
Ted's question:
what was the 1st anime you ever saw? |
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hi all 
Its about time my
logo changed like took 2 weeks T_T lol oh well in other news.
today was so dam boring nothing happened today went so dam slow -_- well
I did face paint today. ^_^ I love face painting its so much fun well apart
from the fact that my hands where bright orange lol I painted to many
tigers. I cant wait for tomorrow I finish work at 4pm ^_^ lol I will
have to pull a few faces before I go hehe. oh and has anyone seen that I
have started to update everyday again ^.^ omg im 18 this year. lol
random facts lol
well see ya
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ hehe went to work with sweet~chan today was fun I went on the tiger
slide 10 times ^.^
Ted's question: who's
your fav actor? |
Comments (3) |
Monday, March 13, 2006

Hi all 
Yawn im tired I
had a long day at work not much happened. oh last nice me and Jo (girl)
from work where confusing Luke it was so dam funny. I hope Lukes on line
again maybe me and Jo will confuse him again hehe ok now im being
boring. man i need a hug don't no why.
White Ninja's Wedding

well I guess that's
all I have to post
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ hehe I love white ninja comics they so cool hehe. well here is
todays question lol if I can think of one
Ted's question:
how long have you been on theotaku?
Comments (5) |
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hi all 
Yawn im so dam
bored but I think this is ganna be a good post because of that ^_^ well
my weekend was boring as it was my weekend off I just rested up as I had
a sick bug on Friday.
Down side to my weekend I did not get to see Chris and for those that don't
already no I have like a really big crush on him ^///^
Well in other news
I got myself a MP3 player at long last ^_^ in the shape of a bean

He he yep that's
my MP 3 player. (looks
around room) man my rooms a mess I should really clean it up.
man my post was
not that good boring if anything oh well i will post tomorrow and maybe
it will be a bit more interesting.
see ya later
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here
^v^ yep im back lol did ya miss me? lol well I missed you guys and
Ted's Question:
what colour is your room?
umm that's all I
could think of ^^;; |
Comments (3) |
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