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Sunday, March 5, 2006

Hi everyone 
well not much been
happening lately I kept on looking at Chris and he kept looking at me
(this was yesterday by the way) man I have never been like this im such
a wimp I do not have the guts to just tell him how I feel. umm I got my
hair cut ^_^ looks nice. well I guess that's all I have to post
talk to you soon
sweet~chan |
Hi all I be Tom. Ted's
mate! well Ted's sleeping at the moment (lazy Ted) so I guess I will be
posting today I guess I gotta ask a question.
Tom's Question: do
you remember your 1st kiss
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hi All ^_^
Yay I changed my
theme at long last umm I think I will call it The Moonlight Theme well
anyways I do hope you like its. well in other new works cool not
much going on thow.
well I guess that's
sweet~chan |
hi all Ted here
^_^ yay she changed the theme =)
Comments (4) |
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hi everyone 
Works been fun lately but everyone
at works making a big deal over yesterday. Me and Chris where on the dodgems
have a bit of fun and Nikki came over 'you 2 look comfy together' I
turned bright red ok yah I like Chris ok maybe allot but I don't no what
to do. Now everyone keeps going on about it saying me and Chris would be
good together oh I don't no.

well that's all
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here ^v^ man my day was
boring =( nothing to do hay see if you guys no the answer to this
Ted's question: how old is
sweet~chan? |
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Hi everyone 
I gots a cold ;_; well today was
ok at work i got to go home at 2:30pm yayness ^_^ All is cool here. I
did some art today man tis not a good photo oh well

As you
can guess im doing art again umm well here is a egg (random I know)
I wonder what its ganna be? |
Hi all Ted here ^v^ poor
sweet~chan wit a cold maybe i should give her a hug but that would mean
i would get the cold eek *hides*
Ted's question: what do ya think
of sweet~Chan's artwork?
Comments (2) |
Monday, January 30, 2006

Hi everyone 
I have not posted in the longest
time -_-;; im sorry just had allot on my mind. well not much has
happened to me just work, work oh yah and more work. well I did hang out
with my friends on the weekend was fun. Luke was trying to be a show off
as per normal but messed up like every time ^^;; oh and i also went
shopping with my mum man I got so much stuff.
well see ya
sweet~chan |
hi all Ted here ^v^ I missed you
all sweet~chan should post more yep yep well today's question
Ted's question: what colour are
your eyes? |
Comments (1) |
Thursday, January 5, 2006

Hi everyone
I am sorry that I have not been
posting I have just had allot on my mind. my boyfriend broke up with me
because of the long distance it was just to hard for him and me ;_; well
in other news im learning how to play the guitar I cant really do that
much at the moment but im not ganna give up. sigh so yah my life's
boring at the moment I just hope things get better ;_;
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here. im worried about
sweet~chan she's been like saying she was never meant to be loved =( its
so sad. well I cant really think of any questions today I have been to
worried about sweet~chan |
Comments (5) |
Monday, December 26, 2005

Hi everyone
wow I have has a really cool Christmas
me and my family watched movies telled jokes and me and my dad ended up
throwing sweets at each other ^^;; long story. I got so many cool gifts.
I got a really nice ring from my dad, he also got me a me to you bear
and a ham burgerCD case =P. My mum got me lots of me to you bears (they
are so cute) all so a steiff bear (something that will be worth allot of
money in the future) oh and my mum and dad got me 10 anime dvds O.O
Well now for today!!! my sisters
here and I had more gifts. My sister got me a green day dvd and CD, also
a me to you bear ^_^ (I guess you can tell im a big fan of me to you
bears by now) lol ^_^ and I got my family lots of cool things too.
I hope all of you had lots of fun
on Christmas. Oh and I just want to thank all of you for the Christmas greetings
^_^ I loved all of them (hugs everyone) your all the best.
oh and im changing the theme at
long last (don't panic Ted is staying =P)
I will try my best to comment to
sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here ^v^ OMG O_O how
much did she post this time sigh -.- I wonder what her new themes ganna
be well here is today's question
Ted's question: who is you fav
Comments (6) |
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Hello everyone
man I was so close to punching my
ex boyfriend (Luke) yesterday he was so in love with him self said
that my friends where weak grrrrrrrrrrrr he mad me mad then he started
showing off and I think that's because Tina said about Andrew (my
boyfriend) man Luke's so like that oh well.
in other news its Christmas soon
should be way fun =)

well im off to comment and wish
people a Merry Christmas as i will not be posting for the next 4 days i
have so much to do see ya (hugs everyone)

hi all Ted here ^v^ weeeeeeeeeeee
its Christmas soon hehe I got sweet~chan some chocolates for Christmas.
well today's questions yep that's right 2 questions for today.
Ted's question 1: what's the best
Christmas present you have had?
Ted's question 2: what's the worst
Christmas present you have had? |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hi everyone
I cant believe it, soon it will be
Christmas ^.^ I cant wait. here is a little something for all my friends

I hope you like it!!!
well not much really been happening
for me apart from the fact that I have a really good chances of becoming
team leader at work =) and well that's about it.

merry Christmas
well im off to comment


Hi all Ted here ^v^ Christmas
soon i want a teddy bear for Christmas I do ^_______^ hehe
Ted's question: what do you want
for Christmas |
Comments (2) |
Saturday, December 3, 2005

Hi everyone =)
man I have had a cool day went shopping.
I got myself the fantastic 4 dvd its so dam cool I love the film ^_^ lol
oh Im call my bf today hehe well I always do anyways hehe. well that was
my dad nothing interesting really oh apart from my dads got me a white
gold ring for Christmas I hugged him and would not let go lol (note to
self get a really cool gift for my dad) well anyways how was you day

^.^ hehe talk
to ya later sweet~chan |
Hi all Ted here ^v^ hehe
sweet~chan found out about me watching her anime dvds she just laughed
and tickled me =P
Ted's question: what's your
fav song
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