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Monday, November 20, 2006
Hey some British terms...(AGAIN?!?!)
*mumbles*Hey there tossers!!!!^,^(Jk!)Well I haven't done this in while long time and I decided to enlighten you Americans again with some more British terms!!!(HURRAY!!>.
Funny eh?
Here is another!
And finally!
cute,hot,attractive.Girls and boys use the word to describe the opposite sex.BUT!Not when refering to the same gender!!!(YUCK!!!>x<)Example:If you are a girl you would call another girl stunning not fit.
And that is all for now!!!!Maybe I will post some more later on!!!Oh!And by the way....
I hope all you pratty tossers have a good one!!!!(JK!)
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
More food posts...*SIGH*

Hey there!Nothing much is going on other than me typing my Christmas list,but I am having diffucultly with it since I don't know what I really want..*sigh* And*tummy grumbles* I guess I am hungry!I will be back momentarily!
5 sec. later:
*munch munch* Ah!Now that hit the spot!(ate a honey bun.)*grumble* I guess I am still hungry..Oh! well!Stomach you are just going to have to wait until dinner!!>.< I don't feel like getting up for you anymore!*SIGH* So what snacks are you eating now or what snacks did you eat today?

That's funny..
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Sunday, October 29, 2006
What was this post supposed to be about?......
Hey there!!!!^-^Um....What was I posting about again?....Hmm.... -.-? What was it!!!Come on brain work for me PLEASE!!!........
(15 min. later)
.....Still thinking!I will get it soon!Just wait.....
(30 min. later)
OOOKAY....Almost...Have it!......
(a second later...?)
Nope sorry can't remember......WAIT NOW I REMEMBER!!!!!
I just read a great book!
It was called "Avalon High" by Meg Cabot.I finished it in 1 day!(it had 288 pages!)Usually if this occurs when I read a book that means it was really good!Just like this one book "Once Upon a Marigold" that was a FANTASTIC book!!And Also the series by E.D.Baker "The Frog Princess", "Dragon's Breath", and "Once Upon a Curse" they were GREAT too!!!I definately need to get these some time later and add them to my own collection of books!So...Other than my boring discussion of books...How have you all been?^-^ And I have a question:
What is the best book you have read?
You already know mine!(^ refer to above!)
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
Piano sheet music search
Hey all!I am just surfing the Inernet now looking for some sheet music for my piano(because I am EXTREMELY bored!!)And I just wanted to know if any of you know of where I can get FREE sheet music from anime's,video games,or anything remotely involved in those catagories!Oh!And if possible,I want them to be fun to play as well!Thanks for the help!!!!
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Radiata Theme....Do you like?

How do you all like the change of BG? I am curretnly obsessed with the game!!!!!>.< It is so fun!!!!>.< NYA!!>,< Well I also have been playing .hack :infection part 1 .Its pretty good although it was created back in 2003 the graphic's I do wish were better...*sigh* But it was CREATED in '03 so I tech. wasn't so improved like it is now!(THANK GOD!!!) Well how is everyone?^-^ I hope good!!!!Oh!And just a question......What are your favorite video games and why? And....What has been the best game you have played recently?
Just some questions I want to ask to ALL of you!^-^
If I had to say I would have to say KH 1 and 2. What more is there to say?!?!? The games rock!!>.< Plus the game has your fav. Disney characters in it!!!Plus it is an adventure game!!!!
I would have to say the best game I have been playing(and still am!!)is The Radiata Stories. I love the game!!!It is an RPG..(I LOVE THOSE!!>.<) And you have so much to do in the game and you can have TONS of friends!And it is overall GREAT!!!Well what do you all have to say for my questions? I would LOVE to hear!!!^.^

Heh heh....Kakashi got punked!!!PFFT!Where is Ashton when you need him!!!??OH well!!HAHAHA!!!^,^
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
Hey there!?!?!?! Haven't been around lately...Sorry!!!!
Sorry I haven't been here!!!>.< I just got a new game( The Radiata Stories) And it is SOOO Cool!!!!>.< Oh! And something else also was henering me from being here....I had my own pep-rally to make with a game and organize the whole thing!It was such a pain in the bum!But now its over and I don't have to worry about that anymore!And the pep-rally was a sucess!!Everyone liked it and the game was even better!I don't think ALL the cheerleaders have had that much fun at ANY of our games!And I was so happy that it was mine they had SO much fun in!^-^ It makes me proud to know that I did a good job on the pep- rally and being the head cheerleader for that week.*sigh* But that isn't what I really wanted to post about but now here is really what I wanted to post:
AYA!!>.< I have to this dance in tomorrow's pep-rally and I learned it in one day!!!!!-x- WHY?!?!!??!I think it looks really bad!!!But not me(I know that sounds concided!!) but the others don't go on time with the music(I learned to the music) and it looks terrible!!-_- I hope it looks better than what we practiced like!It was a disgrace to that dance......Well as an old proverb says: " Its no use crying over spilled milk" Yeah.I should just have fun and do my best!!^.^ Well sorry it was so long but I hadn't posted in SOOOO long so I was just catching you all up with what was going on in my life!Well hope you all have a good rest of the week!!!^,^
P.S. I have no school on Monday!!!(Columbus Day) WOHOOO!!!!THANK YOU COLUMBUS!!!!!>,< Well....Toodle pip!!!!
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
YEAH!!!>.< Homecoming week and Homecoming itself is finally OVER!!!!WOHOOOO!!!>,< No more stress!!!!Well not really now I have to plan MY own pep rally!!!!NOO!!!!!!!!!>.< I don't want too!!!!!T.T
Oh well!At least the hard part is over!!!^-^
I was SO glad that we only played 3 quarters(we 45 'ed them) So on top of the game ending early...WE WON!!!YAY!!!( US-59 THEM-14) Oh!And I didn't have a date to the dance so...I decided to not go.(I still could have gone but I wanted to go home plus I didn't bring a change of clothes(I would have been wearing my cheerleading uniform) hehe)But HOPEFULLY for prom I have a date....Maybe with the guy I like...*sigh*....Well I hope you all of a good rest of the week!!!!^.^
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
*sigh*Homecoming week...WHAT A NIGHTMARE?!?!?!
HI THERE!!!!>.< Sorry I haven't updated in awhile....Been busy with homecoming coming up next week...*sigh*The busiest time of EVER when you are a cheerleader...Well I went shopping today and got stuff for this weeks dress up activities...Yeah I found bargains(which are the BEST!)and I didn't spend all that much(Which is a surprise..XP)Well anyways!So how has everything been going with all of you?I hope great!PM me sometime!!I would love to hear from you!!!>,< Well I must be going so...TOODLES!!!>.<
P.S.Can you tell that I have been using this face(>.<) a lot lately????I don't have any idea why either....Oh well!^-^
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Sorry!I forgot to post on the Labor day holiday's!!!!!I was busy chilling at my B&N which was...AMAZING!Well how did everyone's holiday go?I hope good!^-^ Mine was surprisingly short....DANG PRISON!!!(school!>.<)I hate being in school!!!!And cheerleading...*sigh* I had practice today and because of having practice on a Wed.(church day) I didn't have time to get ready for church!!*mumbles*And I wanted to see my youth group... T-T Well it can't be helped...Oh! And tomorrow I have Mini-Cheer camp(AGAIN!!)Where I,and the other cheerleaders, teach and entertain a bunch of elementary girls(Screaming) elememtary girls....I feel SO drained.......*sigh*I wish I could take a nap but alas it is too late in the day.....I am REALLY hungry now!But I cannot eat ANYTHING until I get a phone call from my parents(at church) telling me where they are eating so they can bring me and my little bro(GameboyWizard21)(he wasn't feeling good today and stayed home from school and church)*sigh* I guess my point is that.....I AM STARVING!!!! T.T And my parents won't be out of church in like...*looks at clock* another hour or(if I am lucky!) 30 min............I AM HUNGRY!!>,<
From a troubled and HUNGRY(>.<) friend...
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Results of...BUM, BUM,BUM....RAH-RAH CAMP!!!

Oh!I never told you guys how Rah-Rah camp went!!(Just now remembered...-.-)Well it was....EXHAUSTING!!!!!I was sore on the second day!!!I had pulled a muscle the first day because I had to change positions in our stunt group(I am a base now.(I suck at base but I guess they will have to deal with it!)) I used to be the back spot and always had been!I was the best and still are.And before school cheerleading I used to do competitive cheerleading and I was put in different positions on the stunt group but I didn't do very well at any of the others so I was always put as back spot because...Like I said...I AM THE BEST!But the cheer coach of our team has a daughter on there and guess what...She is the back spot!Just because she was a back spot for this squad longer than I but I have like 4 years of experience when she has like 3 or maybe just 2.Oh!Well moving on!!!(sorry that really ticked me off the most.)Well camp was...How do you say...ANNOYING!!!I mean I don't think there was a second where you didn't hear a squad cheering down the halls or just going to practice or lunch EVEN!And all just for a retarted BANANNA!!!(Had to be there...)Well other than it being annoying as heck!I had I pretty good time.Well I must be going so...TOODLES!!!
OH!!Guess what!!!! I am getting to design the cover of next years yearbook!!!! Isn't that grand?!?!!?!Oh! And I am in year book as well!

P.S.OH!!!Something else I forgot!!!!Do any of you have some suggestions on any good fanfic's featuring:

Roxas(KH 2)
And I would like to know where( perferablly And one other thing.....NO YOAI!!!Thanks!^-^
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