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Currently High school student
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Talia( just call me Tay)
Well... I will just leave this one out o.k? I have to many.
Anime Fan Since
Oh... since I was very little.hi 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,Ranma1/2,Roruni Kinshin,Naruto,.//hacksign,Fullmetal alchemist, Mew mew power,Kingdom Hearts(I know its a game),DNAngel( I just read the manga very interisting) ,Yu-Gi-Oh! GX,Princess A.I. and many more...I just can't think of them right now.(-.
Hope to become a amazing anime artist
Drawing,reading,cheering,dancing,and day dreaming.
Drawing and umm.. can't think of anything else?
| SweetTart25783
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Funny avi's!

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*sigh* That's me..I am a sucker for guy anime characters....^-^

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Friday, August 18, 2006
Hope you like it!I Its my story I made!The Princess and the key to her heart.
In one of my stories(yes I make stories!)its about KH and I created a female character name is Rasa. This is what she looks like:

Pretty isn't she?Well I might post the story sometime...MAYBE!If your nice....JK!Well I will post this on my other site and maybe on this one.Oh!And I am going to post my old story I was working on and I am slowly still working on it.SLOWLY.Is the key word!I start stories and then I get an idea for a COMPLELELY different story.Which are good.And I might even post those.Well Here is my first story that I ever posted on theotaku.And it does have a little more added then the old one.Oh!Here is what this Rasa looks like and Bry and The evil Dark!

Rasa(except she is more MATURE looking she isn't flat chested basically.Not that there is anything wrong with that!!Right on to the flat chested people!-_- )

Bry is the silver haired guy and you can guess who is hugging him!(Duh!Rasa!)

And here is Dark.He is SO HOTT! And yes this Dark is like the Dark from D.N.Angel!(remembers he is bad in story)So what!He still is HOTT!>,<

King Phillip

Lady Akari
The Princess and the Key to her Heart.
This story isn't like any fairy tale you have ever heard. It isn't about dragons and mystical beasts but rather of a princess with an extraordinary destiny. A destiny within her heart.....
Dear dairy,
Today is a special day a day of destiny if I might say and this is first time I ever fell in love.Well,actually today is the day of one of my greatest decisions....I HAVE TO FIND MY FUTURE HUSBAND TONIGHT!!!!!Isn't that just bizarre? Why?
You ask. Well I am a Princess and I have to find a husband to marry before I take the thrown to my kingdom. Which is why I have to find him? Tonight! My mother and father (King Phillip and Lady Akari) are throwing a ball in order for me to choose my husband.-.-* Why me? Sigh...Well it is a party and I should make the most of it!
Love, Princess Rasa
Later that night......
Sorry this is a character's scheme I forgot to introduce him I apologize for the unconvinced.
*I will have the princess, she will be mine!*Dark is thinking. Dark is a loyal
Vizier to the King and has been with the family for ages it seems, but the royal family has no idea what Dark is up to. Dark is an evil man and wants to rule over the kingdom but first he has to marry into that family. So he plans on how he will swoon the princess so he will rule the kingdom. But unbeknown st to the family Dark is also a notorious art thief and has been hiding under cover in the palace.Oh I forgot to mention he is a real ladies man too.Anyways back to the story!
Later that night.....
Princess Rasa is bored and all the eligible bachelors are so....not cute. And the only really good looking out of the bunch is Dark. Yet Rasa doesn't like him very much she has a bad feeling about him. So he is out of the question. What can I do now....Hmmm...?”Oh Rasa!" *Oh no not him* "There you are I have been looking every where for you!" "Why hello Dark. It is nice to see you here." *Mom told me to be polite just smile and look cute. I was trying to avoid him I guess I am not very good at that yet* "Oh no it is my pleasure to see you. My, my don't you look ravishing tonight." "Why thank you." *She isn't buying my charm!!!I think it is time for plan number two* *Ugggh when he is he going to leave?*suddenly the lights go off. Everyone stops where they are and then they here the Princess scream. Everyone is panicking trying to find her that is until someone turned on the lights. They all look around trying to find her."Hey there she is!” Everyone gasps.” Dark let go of my daughter!” pleads Lady Akari."Not a chance.” Dark smirks at everyone and jumps out the window with Princess Rasa in his arms. Wings appear out of nowhere from Dark's back and they start to fly. The Princess starts to regain conscious."Uh....Where am I?" "Dark!!" "Where are you taking me?" "Why, hello Princess." "I am just taking you somewhere where we can talk in private." Dark gives a sexy look to the Princess.” No way! Let go of me now!" "Princess don't try to struggle or I might drop you!" "Let go now!" A bright light shines from the key necklace that Lady Akari gave Rasa before the ball started and it blinds Dark making him drop Rasa. Rasa starts to fall and is screaming she looks at the ground and passes out. Then white angel wings appear out of her back and she starts to float down to the ground. Dark still stunned doesn't see this, but now he can see and he starts to look for the Princess. But, alas, she is nowhere to be found.
Now it is raining.........
"Miss....Miss...Are you okay?" *Who is that? He sounds so familiar....His voice is so soothing and comforting.....* "Miss! Please wake up! It is really cold out and I don't want you to get sick." *Wow he is worried about me and he hasn't even met me I think it is time to wake up* “Uh...." “Hello there! I thought you were dead but it doesn't look that way." “Uh...My head hurts! Where am I?" "Well you’re outside the Key Kingdom and you’re in the village of Rossington." “You look familiar. Have I seen you before?" “I wouldn’t know I can't remember where I come from or who I really am, but I do know my name is Rasa and that this key necklace has something to do with my past." "Well I can help you find your past. And I can give you a place to stay until we figure out where you came from. That is if it is okay with you?" "You really mean that?" "Yeah.I think beautiful women like you shouldn't be wondering around alone without a man by there side." Rasa is blushing"Uh...Well...Ahem.Okay I will stay with you and let you help me with my quest." "Alright then! Let's head on home. Shall we?" The man is holding out his hand "Oh okay let's go then!" "Ouch!" "Owww! My ankle hurts." "Here let me look." "Yeah it looks like you twisted it.Oh well. Here climb on." The man is offering Rasa a piggy back ride. "A...Okay. Thank is your name?" "Oh! I am terribly sorry I didn't properly introduce myself. My name is Bry." "And I am Rasa. It is very nice to meet you." “Likewise. Your name is so beautiful. It suits you well." Rasa is blushing again and is admiring how kind, sweet, gentle, and extremely cute Bry is. This just seems like a fairy tale now but just waits to see what will happen.
Later at the Castle
"I don't care if it takes you all night! I want you to find my daughter now!!!"yelled King Philip" Oh if any of you see Dark....Kill him.” Where did Dark take my daughter.*sob sob*I want her back! starts to cry again"Oh I hope he hasn't harmed her..."said Lady Akari in a concerned manner.” I just pray that Jesus will protect her from harm.” King Philip walks over to Lady Akari and puts his arm around her comfortingly.
CRAP!!!!!I had written the other part on my comp. but I guess I didn't save it!!!!!BIG STUPID TOSSER!!!>.< I will try and remember how it went.Hold on and let me go and type it.....
In the story "The Princess and the Key to her Heart" Bry and Rasa used to play with each other when they were little and while they were teens.Bry would sneak into the castle and play with Rasa until the sun went down.They swore to be friends forever and to never forget about each other but with the castle getting busier and Dark living in the castle they didn't see each other anymore.Rasa never knew the sweet boys name but the boy knew her name....Rasa .
" Here we are home sweet home.Make yourself at home." said Bry"Are you sure this is okay?"said Rasa "Yeah I told you it is no problem." ^-^ "Thank you for letting me stay here with you." ^-^* Bry blushes* "Well..Um...Uh...Your welcome..." "Um...Bry."" Yes." "Where will I sleep?It looks like you only have your bed and this couch.""Um.Oh right.You can take the bed.After all ladies first.""No I couldn't.This is your house and that is your bed.You take it the couch is fine with me.""Nonsense insist.You are a guest.Take the bed." "Okay.Thank you." "Oh! You need to change out of your clothes so you don't catch a cold"*Rasa looks at her wet torn dress.* "I guess your right." ^_^ "Let me go and get you something. Hold on."
*Bry goes through a box that was in his closet.*"Here it is!" *Bry pulls out a beautiful dress*
(This is what the dress looks like! x3)
"Here you go."*Rasa starts to wonder why would Bry have a dress in his house.*"It is gorgeous!""By that look I can tell that you are wondering why I have that dress." "Um..Yes.I am a little curious."*Rasa is blushing she is embarrassed*"It was my mothers.She passed away and that is all I have left of her." "Oh I am sorry." "No its okay.I promised my mom that someday when I find the girl that I love I would give her that dress.I want a great women like my mom."*Rasa is blushing* "Um..Oh!I don't mean that I ...Um..."*Bry is blushing*"It is okay.I know what you are trying to say." ^-^ *Rasa smiles at him and it makes Bry blush* "Um...Well...lets go to bed we have to get up early in the morning so we can go and find you some more clothes.""Okay."(By the way the bed and couch are in the same room!) *Rasa gets settled into her bed** Bry gets settled on the couch*"Good night Bry." " Good night Rasa."*Rasa has fallen asleep now.Bry is still awake just watching Rasa sleep* * She is so beautiful.She reminds me of that girl I used to play with.Here name was Rasa too.Nah!They can't be the same person.I wish I could see my old friend again.I have something to give her.I want to see my princess again.Princess Rasa.......**Bry fell asleep*
To be continued.....
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
Just sittting here painting my nails...."What color?" you ask. Well hott pink.Nah....More of a magenta color. -,- ' Well I am just here waiting for my nails to dry and posting to get my mind off of school starting tomorrow.... T-T HOW SAD!!!!Back to prison!!!! WHAAAAAA >.< I do not want to go back!!!!*sniffle* Well...It can't be helped....Oh!!!I finally can drive by myself!!!Legally!Hurray!^,^ So I have been driving my self practically all most every day to my beloved B&N (Barnes & Nobles!)And I have been re-reading all of the D.N.Angel series.Which I finished it today.#11 Hurry up and come!!!!!>.< Well....I have run out of....Nope never mind!Yeah like I was saying!I have really been concetrating on the story now of D.N.Angel and I get it!When I first read threw the story I was SO confused!But now I am not!I understood everything!!!except the mysterious guy that shows up in vol. 10.....Who is that guy that looks like Krad?Hm....Must research some more.... -_-' Well..that is all I have to say so....TOODLES!
P.S. HEY!My nails dried!!!!!Now they look pretty!
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Monday, July 24, 2006

Ak!My neck hurts SO BAD!>.< I have been in pain for the past 2 days.I can't really even turn my head without being in pain.I woke up on sunday with a crick in my neck(I have never had one)and so I have been sleeping incormfortably for 2 days now and it HURTS like REALLY bad.Blasted pillows!I blame them.Oh!And the worst part is that I sleep the majority of the time on the side that is hurt and now I can't!!!!! T-T I feel like crying from the pain.And the other best part is I have less than a week before....Bum bum bum...CHEER camp!>.< AHHHHHH!!!!!NOOOOO!!!!I am not prepared!!!T.T I am trying to keep calm....Phew.*sigh*Oh!And another thing!(I know I have ALOT of other things!)I have like 5 girls coming down to stay at my house so they can go to a concert with my youth group!And I don't really know them all that well....-.-*Well Toodles!

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Friday, July 21, 2006

*sigh*I have been delaying the time or a better word would be WASTING my last 2 weeks before cheer camp when I should be learning or going over dances/cheer/chants/bleacher mania's/tanning(I am going to be pictured ALOT at camp and I am going to be in our local newspaper(I have to look good^.~))Well anyways so I have ALOT to do.I guess that is what I am trying to say.*SIGH*
-.-* When did it get so difficult????
WEll...I guess I am off to go practice my Rah-Rah stuff so...Toodles......Oh!And pray for me to have strenghth at camp it is SO draining.I just hope my bum isn't so sore that I can't sit on it for a week like last time. -.-*

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Heart Breaker
My summer is almost OVER!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have to go back to prison(school)on August 14!Why so darn early?!?!?And the best part is that I have to learn 47 cheers and like 6 dances or more in less than a month befor my cheer camp starts!-.-* And I only know 4 dances.Kind of.*sigh*Why can't I have more time!!!!!>.<
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
I just came back from a camp.A church camp.It was awesome!!!!It changed my life some much!I feel so much happier now and more confident.^-^ It really was awesome to see what God was doing through the youth at the camp.There were over 1,000 teenagers from across the nation there.It was extraordinary.The camp was called YFN.YouthFortheNations.It was a life changing experience and I encourage any that would want to have info. on this camp to PM me.Or if you don't want to you can just go to
I hope you youth are ready for what is about to take place.There is a mass revival that is taking place and will you start to stand as a leader or will you just cower away in intimidation?We need stand up and start to spread the word of God through out our church and our school.This isn't a time to be cowardly.Jesus is coming soon and I suggest that you start to get on track and start being a warrior for Jesus Christ.
For many of you reading this message you probably are going ?.? or something along those lines.Well I don't care what you have to say about this post but for one thing I know I will feel better for saying all that I did.I wanted to and so know you now.And for some of you that our confused and are like "who is Jesus?" I am going to give you the opportunity to ask him to come in to your life.Now you don't have to.I am not pressuring any of you.So if you don't want to that is fine with me.But for those that want a Love that will feel that empty feeling in their hearts I am going to give you this prayer.And I want you to pray it out loud:
Dear heavenily Father,
I ask you to come into my life.I confess you as Lord and Savior of my life I believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and I believe in my heart I am saved.
That is it it is simple.But you have to CONFESS it and BELIEVE that in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for YOUR sins.
I know most of you our offended by this.But I could care less if you are.I am just being the warrior I was created to be and am doing what I should be doing.Reaching out to the lost.Well I hope you guys get something out of this.I know it isn't organized and it may sound like jumble but I hope you understand that I want our youth to rise up and start to become and act the way they were created to be. Thanks and God Bless.
Do you have questions?Just PM me or JesusFreak27 for anwsers.Or if you just need prayer or concil on something going on in your life.We are here for you.But always go to God.And your bible.Your bible is your weapon and God your comfort.We cannot give you that comfort.But just provide you with wisdom. Take care!
God bless you all!
~*~SweetTart25783~*~ & ~+~JesusFreak27~+~
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Friday, July 7, 2006

Happy Forth of July to all my American chums!^.^
Sorry its late my internet has been down as of late so I just now got it back!(YAY!)So I just wanted to wish you all(american chums)Happy Forth of July!

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Thursday, June 1, 2006
MHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!I figured it out!!!My computer problem!!!!!!^,^I feel so stupid I didn't figure it out earlier but now I have I can visit regularly again!I BACK!YAY!^,^I am so happy now!I have missed you guys and I am happy that I have still had people visit my sites when I was gone!Thank you SO much!^-^You guys are the best! T-T

I made this!Isn't it cute and funny?!?!
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I am back for now anyways.-.-*
I still haven't figured out my computer problem yet.But I will prevail!!!So until then I still be able to get on the otaku but there is one way in staying in contact with me!
Go to: and look for my user name SweetTart25783
And then add me as a friend!And we can still talk to eachother!But you guys don't have to.Well I am going to go and figure out my comp. problem so...Toodles!^-^
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