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Domino, Japan
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Spike Fabiani
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September 27, 1999
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
My Birthday
I got great games for my birthday! I will explain them 1 by 1. I got One Piece: Grand Battle. It's awesome with cool choices such as One Piece Art, Grand Battle (Versus Mode), Minigames, and Story Mode.
One Piece Art: There are 150 pictures and...I've only gotten 6 of them. They're pics of the Merry Go and the Luffy Crew too. There isn't much to say about this so, I'll give a picture!

Grand Battle: Well my favorite char in this is obviously Zolo because he's my favorite One Piece character and because of hi cool special (above). He spins his swords around and charges at them, then slashes through them 3 times. I am at a competition with my friend (who uses Captain Kuro) because to start his special he teleports behind and hits you. It's really cheap, and it's also very strong.
Minigames: I have only gotten Usopp's Chalenges but I beat it so I can do this idiot racing game where I'm not even racing. I'm supposed to slash these guys who are shooting bombs at the villiagers in the race and they drop bombs and food. Food charge is helpful in that because you can use your Support Character that always hits one of the attacking soldiers.
Story Mode: You get Very Hard but for now, you will have Easy, Normal, and Hard. Don't get pissed if you lose one battle. You have 5 lives. Anyway, I think Story is the hardest with Usopp because he sucks. Badly. His special you have to run into them while fleeing. That's not even physically possible. Well physics don't matter in video games so good luck Usopp-lovers!
Moves: I guess they expect you to know everything the first time you play but this game isn't like that. You have only mastered the basics when you find out X-X-X makes you do Oni Giri and O-O-O makes you do your Upperslash Attack. I guess if your Zolo your in luck. cuz I'm gonna tell ya some of his basic moves. X-O does Charge, X-X-O does Full Charge, and O-O-X does Up-Down Slash. While airborne, press X to do Raven Hunt or O to do "It's Not Safe" then O again if it hits to kick your target.
Well I guess I should start talking about Mario Superstar Baseball and Yu-Gi-Oh!: Troubadour but I'll post about those next time I can.
~ Swift
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Today's my Birthday!
Pharoh Yami was the one who made me my first B-Day Card and it's right here! 
I also have to put up my new club logo! so it will appear in my welcome message. So please see it and believe it. Also inhale the atmosphere around you. So be considerate like the Pharoh and snap to creating me a B-Day Card please!

Join the Melee Club "and from all of us at Optimum Voice, good calling" TM
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Sorry Guys
I was at Montauk for weeks and i didn't have internet till today. We had tons o' fun. We went to the beach a lot. Pharoh 'n' I got sandy, played horseshoes, and frisbee. We did more stuffs in the water too; body surfing, swimming, and boogey boarding. A quote from the Pharoh: "Umm...We did it, like, everyday. After a while it got borin' and all." Anyway...not everyday (though it seemed so). We also played Texas Hold 'em with my Grandparents and my brother, not the Pharoh, taught me a new card game called Egyptian Ratscrew. It's cool. And Once Again, a quote from the Pharoh:"Umm...We did it, like, everyday. After a while it got borin' and all." Umm... he made a card game too. Called Card Jenken or Roshambo, (They both mean Rock Paper Scizzors in different languages. If you played it you would understand why he named it that. And if you are one of those people who just read the last line of a post, too bad!!!
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Sorry I havent...
...posted in a while. As you can see by my icon, I have been playing World of Warcraft. Again. And again. It's a very addicting game. Anyway I have been thinking of making another club so i was thinking the people should vote on it, not me. So vote below and please say yer vote in yer comment. Thanks again.
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Friday, August 5, 2005
My great grandfather died on Tuesday. *sniff* I cried once at the wake and once at the funeral. He was a great man for all of his kindness throughout the years. He was 90. My grandmother cried twice at the wake, once before the funeral, and once at the funeral. So I wrote a poem for him on Thursday.
While you go
Throughout the years
You didn't allow
any tears
When you left us
We were sad
but now you've made
us all glad
You were the best
of the best
always there
with your zest
Great grandpa
goodbye now
you have left me
with a vow
Stay giddy and happy
when your time come comes
go to heaven
not in slums.
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
A New Friend
I made a new friend today! He's Gameboy. You should visit his site sometime. or he might lock u up like this guy 
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Sorry i haven't posted in a while
I was at my cousin's place. Won't be here tomorrow so please don't send me mail unless it's urgent.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Watch this video
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Moved Luffy Zone
The Pharoh has moved his Club. Click anywhere on this text to view it. To join our crew, PM Pharoh Yami or it'll be yer neck!
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Rating of This Week's Game
This week's game is Final Fantasy: Christal Chronicles. This game, like Paper Mario, has no connection to the rest besides myrth. This game is oddly attractive and many players (such as myself) don't understand why. This game is only playable for Gamecube. This is the boss of the first level you find, Mushroom Forest. This game deserves an 8/10.
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