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myOtaku.com: Swordsman Zero

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Fullmetal Alchemist TCG
JoyRide Entertainment is making an FMA trading card game, to be released August 13(I think). Premiere parties will be in certain hobby shops on August 13 and 14. Some places are:
Aug. 13: Lone Star Comics #1
504 E. Abrams
Arlington, Texas
(817) 265-0491

Aug. 14: Attactix
15107 Hampden Ave.
Aurora, Colorado
(303) 699-3349

Aug. 13: Neutral Ground
122 W. 26th St., 4th floor
New York, New York
(212) 633-1288

Aug. 14: Little Shop of Comics
256 Park Avenue
Scotch Plains, New Jersey
(908) 322-9402

Aug. 13: Ground Zero
1203 U.S. Highway 98
Mobile, Alabama
(251) 621-0300

Aug. 14: Dr. No�s
3428 Canton Road
Marietta, Georgia
(770) 422-4642

Aug. 13: Dear Mr. Fantazy
1040 N. Tustin Street
Anaheim, California
(714) 288-1353
Start time: 11:00 a.m.

Aug. 14: Samurai Comics
5024 N 7th St.
Phoenix, Arizona
(602) 265-8886

Aug. 13: RIW Hobbies
29116 Five Mile Rd.
Livonia, Michigan
(734) 261-7233

Aug. 14: Outpost 2000 and Beyond
9243 E. River Road NW
Coon Rapids, Minnesota (new location)
(763) 585-1049

Starting at 1:00 P.M, unless it says otherwise.

There will be decks for the main characters including, Roy Mustang, Lust, Alphonse Elric, Father Cornello(even if he's not a main character), and of course Edward Elric.

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