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In my own little world
Member Since
CNA/med aide and Kenji's GF
Real Name
Ching or Sayuri
I won 5th place in 8th grade mixed doubles Tennis tournament in my city, finished watching the whole Trigun, Yami No Matsuei, and Cowboy Bebop series, getting the Presidential Award, and getting an award for outstanding community service
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Prince of Tennis, Tokko, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell, Sailor Moon, and many more
To become an obstetrics nurse (hooray for taking care of pregnant ladies!)
DDR, anime, reading labels(any kind), and cooking
speaking Cantonese, HTML, and singing well Buttons
| swtanimechick
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Not To Fret, I am Here! ^__^
Hi there! What's been going on? Not much over here I guess...okie, I might be lieing =.=
I did really well on my solo! ^_^ I just need to know what score I got...I think I deserved at least a 2+ (scale goes from 5 being the lowest and 1+ being the best) I took a look at Monday's scores and the lowest was a 2, so I hope I did well...the judge said I had really good vibrato(where your voice vibrates, and that's a good using vibrato on violin) and I had a nice, loud voice. Some not so good things were that I needed to make my sound smoother by opening my mouth more and I was kinda off tune on some notes. Overall, I'm glad to have gotten that done and over with. Lj said I was incredibly good ^^;;; she claims she bragged to her friends about how good I was...but's all right with me....Lj's such a sweetie!
As for Shimeru-kun? Samantha scared him away with her constant the end, she gave up...called him a b**** and flipped him off. =.= So I sent him a note explaining that it wasn't my idea at all and that Samantha tried to convince him on her own free will. I seriously hate it when Samantha does this...she did it in the 5th grade, and it worked...but this time, it wasn't so lucky(yeah, Samantha and I go way back, but yet, we're not all that close...maybe because we don't have anything in common...because she happens to hate anime and mocks me for liking it.)
Sorry for not updating or visiting that much...-.- I've become a Neopets addict again and that's what I spend most of my limited Internet time doing...if you have a neopets account and would like to add me as a friend, my SN is the way...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 20 COMMENTS ON MY LAST POST! You guys are truly are the best! ^_^ *hugs all of you*
Today's Wednesday, which means that both my parents are home! ^_^ As a reward for my hard work(doing chores and taking care of David) we all get to go to a Chinese buffet to eat! Yatta! The food was totally even had sushi! ^_^ Me love sushi! ^_^ Afterwards, we went to Gameworld and guess what they had? DDR EXTREME! DOUBLE YATTA! Bad thing? The second player's dance pad was busted because the "up" arrow didn't work...the other bad thing? On the first player's pad, the "right" arrow wouldn't that stupid machine owed me $2.00...but not to fret...I got the arcade fixer upper to gimme back the 2 bucks, so all was mom really wanted to see me dance...^^;;; I'm actually awful! lol I'm only good on light mode...but I guess I could move up to standard on some songs...just never had any guts to do it because I don't own DDR myself...WHICH I REALLY WANNA! Ok, I'm done rambling.
Well, that's it for me! See you all later! ^^ I'll try to visit you guys today and tomorrow.
Quote of the Day: "The questions for each man to setle is not what he would so if he had the means, time, influence, and educational advantages, but waht he will do with the things he has."
--Hamilton Wright Mabee
Question of the Day: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (XD Sorry about that, but I've always wanted to know some answers)
Check out my cosplay gallery!
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
*tilts head and smiles* HI!!!
I have a piccie to share with all of you! and I have to thank Sakura Hyuuga for it! ^_^
Well, other than the funny picture, I wasn't able to gather my friends over to my house to watch anime DVDs...we were going to watch more Furuba(because we love that anime so much!) and the 2nd Inuyasha movie! ^_^ But hey, ever since my mom got her new job, my schedule's been so screwed up! I was even thinking about going over to Patty's to try to install the internet into her computer(we have the same service) but alas, I can't.
I finished most of my homework...all I have left is to perfect my solo once again...because Tuesday after school, I have to sing it in front of a high school choir teacher! ^^;;; It's our audition to get into a varsity choir...of course, I have no intention to join choir in my high school years, but the solo's for big points, so I have to do well lol. I also memorized my 8 lines of the beginning of Romeo and Juliet(I know! It begins with a "P", but I forgot how to spell it) ^_^;;; I also had fun with my Science. We had to draw little cartoons representing the types of synthesis, decomposition, single and double replacement. ^_^ For my double replacement, I drew a girl wearing a skirt and a guy wearing a pair of pants, and then the product was the girl wearing pants and the guy wearing a
oh oh! My friend, Leigha, finally joined! ^_^ Please be sure to visit her site...her username's so close to mine, it's scary(ok, not that scary) It's swtanimelvr. So be sure to visit it sometime, okie?!
Well, that's about it for me...I visited most of my friends yesterday, so I'm sorry I just don't have much time to visit...darn my mother's new job! lol
Quote of the Day: "Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires, but according to our powers."
--Henry F. Amiel
Question of the Day: How are your weekends?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
Comments (20) |
Saturday, April 16, 2005
*dreamy sigh* Aishiteru, Shimeru-chan...(this was dated "yesterday")
Ha ha...I never thought I'd ever use this mood, but here it is...and yes...I am indeed in love...with who, you may ask? Shimeru! ^_^ Of course...I love him more than ever now...he told my friend Samantha that he likes me as more than a friend...well, lemme start from the beginning.
During lunch(I was away in Drama Club...even though I'm not exactly a member, but I go there because I wanna be with AG and Lj)...while Shimeru-kun and Eriku-san(Shimeru's best friend) are just standing about in the football field, Samantha and her posse(yes, they have those at my school) came up to Shimeru and she asks him if he likes me as more than a friend...he pauses and answers shyly that he does...somehow, Samantha convinces him that he should ask me out because I happen to not like asking guys out(which happens to be the truth)...of course...Eriku hears the whole thing...after Samantha leaves, Eriku asks Shimeru if he's really going to do it (I'm blushing wildy as I type this)...and he thinks about it and says that he's going to try to!!! ^__^
The bell I am sitting down in the Algebra room(I like getting to class early) and Eriku-san plops down in his seat(he sits right beside me)...he moves his desk closer towards me...and I'm thinking "What the heck is he thinking of doing?!" He leans in...and says softly "If you see John anytime soon, he's going to ask you out...or at least try to" I'm like "O.O Really?!" and Eriku-san nods. I, being the dramatic Ayame-like girl that I am, giggle with glee and shout "It's like a dream come true!" Eriku has a shocked look on his face and backs away(I like to freak out people with my dramatic, sarcastic attitude). I just can't contain I just stand up! The teacher's like "Ok, Judy, you get to stay like that" The reason for that? All tardy kids had to stand up for 20 minutes straight...but I didn't care...of course, I paid attention to the Math, don't worry.
Time for 8th period! Samantha happens to be in that class and she's like: "Judy! I have something important to tell you." I roll my eyes and say "I already know." Samantha looks at me funny and says "How?" I reply "Erik told me." Samantha scoffs and says "Damn Erik!...well, just so you know, John's gonna ask you out after school, so prepare yourself." I smile and go through with my business.
The bell rings for dismissal, and what do I do? I bolt out the door, get my things and sprint out the school before even seeing you're probably thinking "YOU BAKA! WHY?!" The thing is that I don't want to ruin the good relationship that we're in already...I've had past experiences and before going out with the guy, we'd be really good friends..then during the going out session, we'd never talk to each other and sooner or later, we drift apart, and then he loses interest in me, dumps me, and goes for another girl, then we just stop talking all together. I love Shimeru way too much to risk that. I just don't want to hurt myself anymore. It's not my fault that I happen to be one of the most boring girls to have as a lover because I never do anything romantic with my lovers. *sighs*
I decided to talk with out with some friends...first, Yuki-chan IMs me and I tell him about my situation. He says that I should tell Shimeru "No matter how hard things get, please promise me that we'll still be friends." He's so wise, I love him so much for that! I talked with Lj about that and she told me to go for it...I think I will...I hope Shimeru didn't give up on me yet...he can try again this Monday. Patty also gave me advice. She says that sometimes when a couple go out, their relationships might go further than what they were when they were just good friends. Nixie(very nice internet friend) gave me advice too...I thank all of these people! ^_^
Wow! I never knew I was going to talk that much! ^^;; Sorry about that story...I bet it was pointless to some of you. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE BROTHER DAVID! He is now a teenager! ^_^ Here's the card I gave him:

Well anyway, I bought a Boston cream cake with strawberry filling and a five cheese pizza for the little gathering party(just my mom, dad, and me) celebrating David's birthday. I felt sorry for him for not getting any gifts, so I also bought a helium filled birthday balloon! ^_^
Oh you know what would have been very ironic? If I said yes to Shimeru-kun today, our anniversery would have been the same as my brother's birthday and Lincoln's assassination? Strange, but true.
Well, that's it for me! ^^ See you all later! I'm so sorry that this post was focused on Shimeru-kun, but still, if you loved someone, wouldn't you talk about them too?(ok, maybe not a whole long post about them! ^^;;; )
Quote of the Day: "Responsibility is to keep the ability to respond."
--Robert Duncan
Question of the Day: Do you think I should go out with Shimeru-kun?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
Comments (14) |
Thursday, April 14, 2005
[InSeRt SuBjEcT hErE]
Never ever bother your parents when they're attempting to install a toilet was upsetting hearing my parents arguing in how to do it, because they weren't given instructions in how to do it...*sighs* oh well...we got it took 3 hours, but it worked! ^_^ At least now when I have guests, I don't have to tell them that they can only pee in the main bathroom. ^^;;
My mom doesn't have to work today! ^_^ That is another break from cooking and all those other chores...^_^ but hey, it's all right with me! I could use a break's hard to cook dinner, do laundry, meditate, clean the kitchen, garden, and force David to bathe does my mom do it?
My computer is now up to date again! is a total computer live saver! Not only does it choose good upgrades for your comp, but it makes your computer safer! ^_^ So I'm grateful for the website.
I wonder if I'll be able to do another Fruits Basket watching day...Lj can't make it and I doubt Shimeru-kun will(he also has to babysit)....the main reason I threw the last one was so Patty could meet him...and so that Lj can watch the first DVD...and yet again, she'll be missing know what? I might as well let Lj borrow the first Furuba DVD...make her happy! As for Shimeru-kun...whatever.
Today is supposedly the play date where the Drama Club is presenting the play...AG had to take over my part...I thank her greatly...I LOVE YOU, AG! *huggles her* Not only does she play my part, she plays her own...and both are very different(I play a casual business man and she's this flashy, young, beautiful wife, so you know...she has to play both parts...seeing as I had to quit ;_;) Good luck to them all! I wish I could see, but alas, I can't...I have to stay home even though my mom's going to be home today.
Well, I'm done rambling now...I think I'll go read some of the manga that I've checked out a while ago! ^_^
Quote of the Day: "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
--Chinese proverb
Question of the Day: What's your secret talent?(If it's really that much of a secret, then you don't need to share it...I respect all of my loving friends! ^_^)
Check out my cosplay gallery!
Comments (11) |
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
And Though I Have Seen You Before, It Was Only In My Dreams...
Konnichiwa, Minna-san! lol ^_^ I'm feeling rather dandy because I don't have homework and I don't have to babysit because my dad's home! ^__^
I'm having some fun chatting with AG ^_^.....she was talking about me asking Shimeru-kun out...but I'm the stubborn "guy ask girl out" type of girl, so he has to instead! In fact...I hope he asks me out to the Freshman Farewell...which is this end of the year dance that only us Freshman get to go to...I think that's gonna be the only dance I'm going to, so nothing better happen to it!
I LOVE SAVAGE GARDEN! I WANT THE SECOND CD AGAIN SO I CAN COPY IT INTO MY COMPUTER! I AM OBSESSED WITH THAT BAND! I LOVE THEIR VOICES, THEIR MUSIC, THEIR LOVE LYRICS! YAY!! *ahem*...Sorry..I just ate a Milky Way bar...which happens to be my favorite candy bar...and I got hyper from it! ^_^
We went toilet bowl shopping today. (sarcasm: It was really fun) There's so many things to learn about installing a toilet bowl...such as getting the right brand and buying a wax ring to stick the bowl in also have to make sure the bowl can hold the right amount of water...old toilet tanks used to be able to hold 3 gallons per a days, it's 1.6(about half taken away..I wonder why?)...I just hope our tank holds 1.6...or else we have to go toilet tank shopping too! ^^;;...why are we taking our valuable time buying this? David clogged the main toilet bowl with a yo-yo 3 years ago...we were thinking it would slip never did, so we gave up and bought a new bowl *shrugs* Not like I my dad's being angry about installing the thing.
I had to sing my solo for the second time...I had to be stopped to sing more lightly ^^;;'s not my fault I like to sing the low notes more than the high ones...-.- and it wasn't my fault for getting a Saprano song, when it's obvious I'm an Alto.
Never eat the expensive meals at my school! I had spaghetti yesterday...after school...I had a really bad stomach ache and I felt like barfing...the cause? I think it's from food poisoning! XD My mom was so upset at that fact that she basically made me fast! lol...I ate something anyway...but I did take a nap during the stomach ache..for some reason, when I'm feeling crappy(physically or mentally), then I just hop into my bed and take a nap...doesn't matter what time of the day it is(exception: during way am I sleeping during school)...even if I'm not done with homework...I just plop down and sleep...I just believe that if I want to escape the world from pain, then I just sleep and when I wake up, I'll be a little bit better.
Well, I think I've blabbed enough now! See you later!
Quote of the Day: "I am only one, but still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And, because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do what I can."
--Edwin Hale
Question of the Day: Were you able to read my popup greeting?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
Comments (6) |
Monday, April 11, 2005
La La La La La La LA!
Hi there! How was everyone's weekends? Mine was all right...Sunday was sorta's why:
I forgot to dry the laundry...I almost set my stove on fire by turning on the wrong burner and accidently cinged the burner cover! XD...all because I was trying to cook soup...but hey...All is well...I just hope my mom doesn't yell at me too much...*sighs* It wasn't a kitchen disaster, but I feel like it is...I hate it when I don't do what my parents tell just leads to trouble.
I always wanted to take this quiz! Now I have to try out this kind of Pocky:
 Sweet Milk Pocky! You're an elitist, since you're not really suited to the American taste. You're sweet, as your name implies, but sometimes you do get a little haughty.
What Kind of Pocky are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Hey all you Miroku fans! If you love Miroku as much as YokoBandit and I do, be sure to join our Miroku fan club! Exclusively for those who love that perverted unholy monk! ^_~ What do you get when you join? A beautiful member's banner that has your very own name on it (just so nobody can steal it!) and it comes in two different sizes...if you want the size that's pictured in my intro, talk to YokoBandit, but if you'd prefer a more compact size, talk to me! ^_^ But hey...if you don't want to, it's cool with us.
I'm so glad I memorized my choir solo during the Spring Break because we have to sing it from memory today! ^_^;;; Unfortunately, my singing voice isn't near normal yet...I'm still kinda sick...I just hope the teacher doesn't pick me this week.
Thanks for all of the suggestions...I put all of those things (the shout-box and dancing chibis) on Patty's check them out! Be sure to visit her site because she's looking for more friends...
Science has gone evil...I hate balancing out atoms...the Conversation of Mass is more complicated than the definition...*sighs* If only I understood it more -.- Maybe I'll get it later! Because it's not as hard as's actually just finding the LCM, but still! I hate that kind of "guess and check" stuff!
Well...that's it for me! ^_^ See you later!
Quote of the Day: "To protect those who are not able to protect themselves is a duty in which everyone owes to society."
--Edward Macnaghten
Question of the Day: What's your favorite animal?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
Comments (15) |
Sunday, April 10, 2005
What's Up? The Sky! ^^
Yo! How's it going? Not much yet again...^^;;;
The DVD party was all right...only 2 guests...I decided to just go on with it when Patty arrived, so *shrugs* It was very fun...after watching Fruits Basket again, I seriously had the urge to do a Furuba theme for Anime Oasis! ^__^ AG and Lj think I should be Ritsu or his mother because I do a really good impression of them! But how am I gonna make a kimono? Any tips? ^_^;;;
Sorry about the overload of quizzes...I was totally bored yesterday! So yeah...^^
Unfortunately, Patty didn't get to meet Shimeru-kun even though she really did...he had to babysit his little 3 year old brother. Perhaps next week, ne?
*sighs* There just isn't much to do anymore except read people's journals...maybe play a game or two on MySpace, but other than that, not much...maybe I'll read some manga or maybe those Shonen-Ai fics that Lj always sends me...I think they're really good...I just am too lazy to read them or just ran outta time! XD
Oh yeah! Since my mother took up her new job, I can't go on the choir teacher's gonna be totally ticked off when I tell her the news, but my family comes before electives, I'm afraid...maybe I'll do a big choir project to make up for the huge points that are going to be taken away.
Well, that's it for me! ^_^ I have to make some changes on two of my friends sites (Night Shade and Anime Artist), so if you see changes on their site, most likely, I made them! ^_^
Quote of the Day: "You can't escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."
--Abraham Lincoln
Question of the Day: What's something I should add to my site?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
Comments (14) |
Saturday, April 9, 2005
Hey ya! Not much going on...decided to update again...I'm kinda bored...the party has been cancelled because Shimeru-kun and Lj couldn't make it...and I have no idea what became of Patty or AG...tried calling them...they were unavailable, so I just decided to cancel it all together...oh well..that just means more computer time for me! ^_^
I downloaded some more crap for my computer...the new Microsoft AntiSpyware, MSN Messenger 7.0, and the opening theme of DNAngel (I love that song! ^_^). I still need to tell my mom to sign my Honor Society community service hours...I did 2 hours in March and April....what do I do for my community? Not be honest, I just help my mom with chores for free and tutor David on Math...not much, but it technically is doing something worth crediting.
I went to the doctor's yesterday because of my everlasting cold (I've had this stupid cold for 3 weeks now) so my mom decided to tell me to make an appointment...I almost didn't make it because I decided to walk home instead of taking the bus(I just like walking with Shimeru-kun, all right?)...seeing as I didn't have Tennis practice that day because it was a 3/4 school dad's car almost left when I got home....^^;;;
Well...Since I don't know what to post are tons of quizzes for you to take/enjoy/flame:
 You like the prince charming type.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You have a beautiful soul. You are helpful and are kind. You put others ahead of you. You are bound to get far! You tend to put yourself second though and that's not good either. People sometimes take advantage of you and you don't want to want them to know that you know so you act as if nothing is going on. Don't let people walk all over you; draw the line. But over all you are a very nice person. ^_^
CONSTANT UPDATING(NEW ANSWER) What kind of soul do you have? ( ENCHANTING anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are light. You are bright and happy and usually do your own thing because your not afraid to just spread your wings.
What's your Element? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a water girl. You are flexable and very nice. You are quiet so people who don't know you think you are weird or just mean and high and mighty like. You aren't though. You like to have a good time and you also just like to relax and just enjoy the stars.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
 you represent the begining of life. you are bright and cheerful and love being who you are!
What part of life do you represent? ( AWESOME anime pics ^_^) brought to you by Quizilla
O.o This isn't me at all!...I think Mitsuko took over...
 In your eyes, people see shards of ice everywhere... You are cold and distant, pushing away people that love you and truely care for you! You want to be able to reach out and love them but... You can't for some reason... You're just too.... You :P Underneath that cold exterior lies a warm, happy soul that wants to let loose and have fun! Your sanctuary would probably be anywhere up high where you can look down on life below you, like the roof of an apartment building... Your eyes resemble a saddened, crestfallen person seeking out attention, but doesn't know how to handle it. However, you do find comfort from your friends, they're always there for you, and they know the REAL you :) Even though you do seem rather cold, you can be very protective over something you truely believe in or love. Let go of that "tough" rep and just be you! It's impossible to live life without some fun and love ^-^
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
Ta ta for now! I've visited the sites that updated...aren't you proud of me?
Quote of the Day: "We want a society in which we are free to make choices, to make mistakes, to be generous and compassionate. That is what we mean by a moral society."
--Former British Education Minister and Prime Minister, Lady Margaret Thatcher
Question of the Day: What's your favorite anime theme song?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
Comments (3) |
Friday, April 8, 2005
Gomen Nasai!
*sighs* Whew! I'm so tired! Wanna know why? Well, it has to do with my mom's new job...she now works all day! Which means I have to do all of her original home chores! That inclues tending to the garden, praying that David be rid of his disease, cleaning up, washing dishes, laundry, and the biggie of them all....making dinner! So yeah....not much time to do anything else anymore...that includes visiting and I'm really sorry!
Another reason why I haven't been on is because of tennis...I used to be on the team for about two weeks, but then I quit because I have to house sit! -.-
To make it up to you, here're some quizzes I took that you can take yourself! ^_^
Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% Male |
Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! |
The last part's not true! XD
You Are A Loyal Sidekick |

While you aren't the most visable one in your group...
You're always up for a good time or conversation
And you stick with your friends no matter what
You may feel underappreciated - but it only seems that way! |
You Will Die at Age 91 |
Congratulations! You take good care of yourself.
You're poised to live a long, healthy life. |
Your Love Number is |
Who you fall in love with is all about who you trust.
Loyalty is important to you, and you want the most faithful of lovers.
In return, you never let your heart or eyes wander.
Open and honest, your relationships tend to be free of secrets. |
Ah! I deaged two years! XD
You Are 13 Years Old |
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
S |
is for |
Sweet |
W |
is for |
Weird |
T |
is for |
Thoughtful |
A |
is for |
Adventurous |
N |
is for |
Nice |
I |
is for |
Innocent |
M |
is for |
Mushy |
E |
is for |
Extraordinary |
C |
is for |
Complicated |
H |
is for |
Happy |
I |
is for |
Important |
C |
is for |
Conservative |
K |
is for |
Keen |
Oh yeah, AG, Patty, and Shimeru-kun are coming over tomorrow to watch some anime DVDs...Fruits Basket 1, the first Inuyasha movie and maybe DNAngel 3....most of them I've seen already, but I guess I wanted to see them again. I hope all goes well...Patty really really wants to meet yeah
Ok! Here's a picture of me as Keiko! Please don't tell me that I look ugly because not only is that rude, but it hurts my feelings because I happen to be self conscience and whatever anyone tells me, I believe them because I happen to be gullible too...okie...I'm done...
Me as Keiko:
Patty as Kagome:
Well, that's it for me! See you later!
Quote of the Day: "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink."
--American Saying
Question of the Day: What anime conventions have you been to?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
Comments (7) |
Saturday, April 2, 2005
myO's Been Advanced!
I see the changes in myO are for the better! It's getting very modern and very cool looking! ^_^ Now if only I could make my own site like that! lol
Not much going on...sorry I haven't been updating in a while...I really do have a lot to say, just don't have the time to say it, y'know? Well, I have a little bit of time to spare, so I think I'll update! ^^
Well...for those of you who want to know what I look like, you might get the chance to see me in my Kayko uniform! Beware, I look kinda chubby...I blame myself for that to be honest...I haven't been exercizing like I should be because of the computer time I spend...-.- I will post a piccie of myself tomorrow.
Yesterday was the Honor Society Orientation for the new inductees...never try to explain this to your mother! She thought I was there for tutoring..."no mom, the people here are smart too" ..."Well then, why were you there then?" ::"Because I had to, Mom! It was a party! I didn't have to tutor"..."How old were the people? Were they 12 year olds?" ::"No, Mom, they were 8th and 9th graders" *sighs* She still didn't get's the time where I need to expand my Cantonese vocab! Anyway, when the ceremony was done, there was cleanup duty to deal with...well, there was the punch bowl and what to do with it...there was still a lot of punch left over...I decided to drink all of it...because I hate wasting things...Shimeru-kun was so grateful that the punch didn't have alcohol in it, or else he'd be dead scared(it's not like he's seen me drunk and I'm not saying I've gotten drunk, I'm just saying I could do something I could regret to him if the punch was indeed spiked...which it wasn't)...and then being the forgetful girl that I am, I left my change of clothes that had my Teacher's Aide badge, my student ID card, my favorite pair of jeans, my Honor Society shirt, and my pedometer, I was pretty much doomed...thank goodness I found the baggie today at school(It's really Friday over here)
Tomorrow, Lj, AG, and I are going to be watching Edward Scissorhands and will be doing our English projects on them...what is it? We have to write an essay comparing Boo Radley (from To Kill A Mockingbird) and Edward (from the movie)...we'll also be taking a trip to the library because we're manga-holics and must check out what we haven't read of the manga...
Today was solo day....for some people...I would have gone today...but! We ran outta time and now I'm first to go on Monday...I hate singing on Mondays for some reason and now I have to do it by myself! >.< Oh the tragedy!
Question of the Day: What was your most embarassing moment?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
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