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CNA/med aide and Kenji's GF
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Ching or Sayuri
I won 5th place in 8th grade mixed doubles Tennis tournament in my city, finished watching the whole Trigun, Yami No Matsuei, and Cowboy Bebop series, getting the Presidential Award, and getting an award for outstanding community service
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Prince of Tennis, Tokko, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell, Sailor Moon, and many more
To become an obstetrics nurse (hooray for taking care of pregnant ladies!)
DDR, anime, reading labels(any kind), and cooking
speaking Cantonese, HTML, and singing well Buttons
| swtanimechick
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Hello! How is everyone on this fine, Wednesday? I had a very productive Tuesday yesterday! ^_^ I finished with the Science research, I gathered my materials for my lovely 3D cobalt atom at the dollar store(and spent 3 dollars from Lj's mother...maybe I'll pay her back, but I know she won't accept it..XD), and I let AG borrow the 3rd and 4th Fruits Basket DVDs and I let Lj borrow DNAngel and Fruits Basket 2(Patty took FB 1 back with her, so Lj's gonna be missing episodes 1-7, but that's ok! ^^;;), then I studied for my Algebra and History test(which is today; good luck to me! ^^), and I read 2 long chapters of The Chosen...Yes I know...I've had that book for 3 months now, but I swear I'll finish it this week! The secret to finishing a book for me is not going on the computer until I've read it! I know, I'm cruel to myself, but I'll quickly lose interest in the book if I don't read it daily! So yes! lol
Well, with all that said, not much is going on this Wednesday...I might go to Gameworld today...Oh yeah...AG's gonna watch the DNAngel DVD today and Lj will finish Fruits Basket DVDs today as well! =D I'm so nice to everyone here! I'd have to say that Patty is the nicest of us all because she's letting everyone borrow her 150 dollar value of DVDs! *hugs Patty* I love her so much!
Hmm...sorry this was such a short post! ^^;;...but maybe it's just a break from reading my incredibly long posts! lol
Quote of the Day< /b>: "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact, they do."
--Bertrand Russell
Question of the Day: If you were given the chance to touch Inuyasha's ears, would you?....or would you ask him first?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Rambling, Venting if you really wanna read it...then do it
Grr....I'm getting really mad at my computer and all of the viruses in it...I swear, I bet there are more than 80 of them in there! Wahh! I want them to go away, but the only way to do that is to buy an anti-virus software(which is about 40 dollars, and if you know me, then you know how much I hate using my parent's money to buy anything), or I bring the hard drive to a computer repair shop, which will cost about 150 dollars plus, I want the anti-virus software! Lj has told me many times to call the computer company and see what they say about fixing the computer yourself without having to bring it in...but I'm too lazy to do that...and plus, I absolutely hate calling anybody these days...*sighs* I need help. is everyone on this nice President's Day?...Yes I live in the United States, and yes, I wrote this "yesterday"(it's the late night right now)...but seeing as I've talked about my pen pal, and complaining about how long it takes for a letter to go to Yuki's place from the US, you'd probably already know that I live in the US...but anyway...I'm kinda bored and irritated at my virus attacks...I've been getting more and more each day...I'm afraid I'm gonna have to bring the stuipd thing in, which means no computer time for about 3 days....unless I use the library's computers which I might have to do if I decide to bring this in.
I have a Science project to do where I have to build a model of the element you chose. I went with Cobalt because of its really nice blue color and also, it doesn't have very many electrons to make...^^;;; I already have some info on it, but I might want to research more I'll do that sometime today.
Ooh! I'm doing this as a favor to Lash27 and the rest of the myO community...also, you might not know, but I am a member of the Dragons...created by no one(blah! the user!) and he created this club exclusively for those who will protect the myO world...anyway...there has been a major problem with this one particular user...she's Lash27's sister and she absolutely hates might be wondering why you would sign up for an anime journal if you hate it so much? Ask fubooreturns for sure to flame her as much as you can! Then afterwards, contact Adam, Panda, or James and beg them to kick her off(they're the administrators...or at least the ones I can remember right now)....she's really rude to all of us...and from what Lash27 says to me...she's really mean to her...she abuses her and Lash27 wants to get of Fuboo once and for all...we were discussing if the administrators can block an e-mail address because I know once one of them deletes Fuboo's account, she'll just create another account and continue with her idiocy....please...for the sake of the myO world, do me this favor and visit her site...see how evil it is...-_- I'm done ranting about this...are you happy now, Lash27? I hope we can get rid of her.
I'm so bored now....-_-;;; I've already been to most people's sites, but I might go back, but right now, I'm downloading the update for MSN Messenger...oh yeah...for those who were able to IM me through that, it was because I was using Windows Messenger, which is a downgraded version of MSN Messenger that doesn't require that many updates...but whenever I'm downloading anything, I can't browse on the Internet, IM people, or check my pretty much, I can't go on the Internet! >.< So stupid! So now I'm complaining and rambling like I always do on these posts...that's the secret to my long posts...I ramble 80% of the time! =D
Quote of the Day: "I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of mind."
--Antoine deSaint-Exupery
Question of the Day: What makes you laugh?
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Me Love Fruits Basket and DNAngel!
Sorry about not being on yesterday...I'M SO SORRY! *starts flipping out like the hostess at the hot springs from Fruits Basket* I HAVE SHAMED THE WORLD AND I'M SO SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE MY WRONG DOING!!! WAHH!! I'M SO SORRY! AHHH!!!
*clears throat* Anyway...I had a nice day yesterday...Patty, AG, and I had a Fruits Basket DVD party! ^_^ Lj couldn't come because of too much she had to miss hoo -_- but oh my gosh...I love Patty so much for buying the whole Fruits Basket DVD series and the first volume of D.N.Angel!!! We had a blast! Patty had to leave at 10:40 PM, and AG decided to spend the night..and AG still wasn't able to finish'll give her the rest of the DVDs today! ^_^ Oh yeah...we would have watched Flame of Recca, but Patty didn't leave that with me, but that's all right! ^_^ We'll watch it next week or something! lol...
Before the DVD party, I went to the library to get Ranma 1/2 vol 4 because I was putting it on hold, and I was secretly meeting Patty there, but she arrived there half an hour late, so instead, she made a trip to this cheap entertainment store that also sells anime stuff(a lot cheaper than Suncoast for sure when it comes to buying manga!)...but other than me getting Ranma, I also checked out Bleach 1 and 2 and Paradise Kiss 1 and 2, but I let Patty borrow Bleach because she thought it was very good...even though I didn't read it yet, but since she let me borrow the DVDs, that's the least I could do to repay her! ^^;;
I really enjoyed Fruits Basket...I am now a Yuki Somah fangirl! ^____^ I absolutely love Yuki from the bottom of my heart! He is a true gentleman, and he's so sweet, and he's strong, and nice, and of course, he's sexy! lol Oh, and I love Momiji and Ayame! They're so hilarious! It's so shocking that the voice of Ayame is the same voice actor as Kuwabara from YYH!(Chistopher R. Sabot)...gosh, there are tons of voices from lots of other Shigure is Kurama, the cow is Yusuke(So sorry...I forgot his name, but he is very cute! =^.^=) and Hiro(the sheep) is Ed from FMA, Tohru is Kayko from YYH, and we think that Kyo is Jin from YYH without the Irish accent, but we can't be sure...and we think that Akito is Shishi from YYH too...lots of YYH voices! lol Oh yeah...and being so sensitive, I cried at the last episode because of the depression of it all(funny how it just gets instantly depressing near the end since it's a comedy/
I enjoy DNAngel's really cool...the weird thing is that it's like Lupin the 3rd because the hero is actually a bad guy! lol...I think anyway...I love the opening theme song to it though! It's so awesome! ^__^
I'm setting up an account with my friend! She's Dark Moonlight in the world of myO! lol...^_^ Please visit sometime...especially if you're a Sailor Moon and Inuyasha fan!
Quote of the Day: "The way to gain a good reputation is to endevor to be what you desire to appear."
Question of the Day: What do you think of my friend's site? ^_^
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Vegetarian: Native American definition for "lousy hunter".
Goodness Gracious! You certainly miss a lot when you haven't been on a computer for 2 days...I've just been ambushed with a busy week and I'm glad we get a 3 day weekend as a reward! ^_^
Now then...I'm rather tired because I only got 4 hours of sleep last night...James really kept me up...he was my baby for 17 hours...even though he was Japanese...I didn't care...he was nice though...but his weight made my arms sore from rocking and burping all the time...but the really good thing is that I beat the record for best parent...I didn't get any neglects, shaken baby, head support failure, rough handling, or wrong position...and James only cried for 8 minutes throughout the whole day! I was so shocked...^_^ but I certainly know for a fact I don't want to become a teen parent(I never wanted to in the first place! XD)
So, what's up? Nothing much over here except for the baby bit...Oh yeah! We had a choir concert Tuesday night and now my dance partner knows exactly where I live...kinda's just that my ride had to drive him too...but I guess it isn't too's not like he's gonna come visit! XD...hmm...I sent my letter to Yuki-chan yesterday...I sent in more postage so it might just get there faster...^_^...he's a pretty good artist...way better than I am...and he makes it look so simple too! lol
I might have some fun with Patty this weekend...we might check out some books from the library, watch some Fruits Basket DVDs she bought...and maybe hot tubbing! *_* ooh, I could definately use a nice relaxing hot tub after taking care of a baby! lol...and next week I'm going ice skating with Jessie! It seems fun to me! Hooray for the weekend!
Yuki-chan has the best quizzes on his site! So I took some and will be posting them right now! ^_^ Enjoy!
I absolutely love this quiz! It's so flattering! ^////^
Quote of the Day"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
Hamlet, Act 4
Question of the Day: What is/was your favorite school elective?
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
This was Originally Yesterday's Post! ^^;;;
Hey, how was your V-Day yesterday? Mine was actually pretty good! I got a carnation from Lj, and I got 3 Valentine cards! ^__^ Aren't I special? and I almost got 5 dollars from Noise-san(Shimeru-kun's best friend....pronounced "Noy-Ee-Say"), but being as the considerate person that I am, I gave it back to him(he didn't deserve it though...he pulled my ponytail and whined for me to give it back to him)...then I went to the church that my choir is performing at today and helped set up some stuff for the dinner show today! It was rather boring though, because we just rehearsed after setting the dining hall...*yawn*
Oh yes! Thank you so much for the Valentine cards that all of you sent me! I loved them all! *huggles*
I know I haven't talked about those BITOs, but I have to now...I'm checking one out tomorrow, so I won't be able to get on the computer at all because those things are very very time consuming(especially during the late night hours...-_-) sorry about that! ^_^;;;;
Oh man, I wish I had a faster internet...I have dial-up and having that is very evil...know why? It takes at least half an hour to download something...such as music MP3s, to updating software...this effects MSN Messenger order for me to IM anyone, I have to download the required update in order to sign in, and it's 5 MB, and that's very very large of a file! It'd take me about 3 hours to download...and sometimes my computer is a baka and only downloads halfway! >.< Such an evil thing!
Since I'm in Drama Club, I got the opportunity to go to this play at this big theatre! We watched "Tom Sawyer" was a nice, funny, musical...though Lj and AG were complaining how it was a straight coupling play(since Shonen-Ai has brainwashed their mind! XD), but I still enjoyed it!
I absolutely love Savage Garden! ^__^ I mean, I've heard of the band like 4 years ago, but I never gave it a chance! Now that Yuki-chan recommended it to me, and I borrowed the first CD from Lj, I've fallen in love with their songs! *sighs* They're so sweet and nice! ^___^ Now I want the second one...or borrow it or whatever.
Honor Society is going downhill...I swear...if we're going to do a big project, we should meet more often! I mean geez! Once a month to get something done doesn't do it! I'm just frustrated at this unproductive group! God! I knew I should have been elected an officer...but no! I had to miss the election meeting...darn it....our current president is a lazu bum who doesn't do anything...well...I'm done venting...-_-
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Quote of the Day: "Treat people as if they are what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being."
--John W. Von Geothe
Question of the Day: What's your favorite movie?
Check out my cosplay gallery!
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Monday, February 14, 2005
I'm So In Love With You!
Hey! This is a very special dedication ceremony to some of my incredibly close friends(online and real)...since it's Valentine's Day and all...and of course...I love them dearly! This is in no particular order, I swear!
To Alex: Oh my goodness...I am soo happy that Mai has introduced us. I'm just so glad I'm there for you and vice versa! I wish you the best in life and total happiness! I've seen a ton of progress and I hope our friendship never ends! You are so caring to all of your friends, you are truly blessed. Thanks for the daily IMs! Peace to you, dai goh!
To David M.: For your have the same name as my brother, so to make it clear, you are my official Runescape buddy! Thank you ever so much for giving me those free things and armor upgrades. They totally helped! Your name says it absolutely rock! Thanks for being a great friend to me. I really appreciate it!
To AG: Well....what can I say? You're a really awesome friend to me...I just wished we were friends in elementary...I absolutely regret stereotyping you back then, I truly do...I guess that's a part of growing have to start out kinda dumb! I'm just glad I'm your friend too! I just can't wait for the convention...and Tennis of course! You better join! ^^
To Lj: You would have to be my funny valentine. Your personality is incredibly hilarious! If I need a laugh, you're at the top of my list! I love your sensitive side too! You are so caring and sweet! Oh...and thanks for introducing me to Shonen-Ai...ha ha...I hope to see you at the convention and Tennis too! We can be doubles...or maybe you can be doubles with AG...or maybe you won't even join! Oh well...^^;;;
To Yuki-chan: Hello, my love! Your mysterious, dark past and how you blush each time I hug you makes me love you even are really nice and you need to show that to more people...they'd like ya more! Thanks for all the fun over's been great getting to know you better...oh...and thank you for the Gravitation pictures...they're..umm...great. Heh heh....
To Jessica: Hey, my Freckle Friend! I wonder if you're gonna visit my site today? Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't...oh well! He are my one true role model...even though you're younger than me, I really look up to you for being optimistic and happy. You seem to have your cool all the time and oh my never insult, stereotype, or talk bad about anybody behind their back...and you're so brave too! I totally love how you are! Don't ever change your ways. I especially love our long, detailed discussions about the world around us! I love you so much!
To Patty: You are my Giggle Girl...that's all I have to say about that issue! Anything I talk just burst out laughing...which is a good sign that you're happy! I wish we could hang out more...but of course, we never really get to...darn our car handicap! I really love your e-mails that you send to me...they're so nice, long...and rambly..but those are the kind I enjoy reading! Therefore, I get to reply back with an even longer letter! ^^ It's been so long since we've been friends, I even forgot how we even met! Thanks for being a wonderful friend to me!
To Shimeru-kun: Are you ever gonna read this note? No, of course don't even know this page exists! So...I'll e-mail this valentine to you! Muahaha!! always seem to find a way to cheer me up(even if I don't need it)...or weird me out, ok...most of the time, weird me out, but are really great! You're about the only guy friend I know who is more intelligent than I am(with some exceptions) anyway...thanks for being my other funny valentine. See you around!
To nel: Hey sister! ^__^ Thanks so much for the really sweet, nice PMs! You're really cool and you're so great to me...thanks for everything! You're the best! I hope to see you around someday! Have a splendid Valentine's Day!!
To Yahiko: Hey! You're so cool(and cute XD) but that's besides the point...I know you must feel kinda bad that you don't have a Valentine, but let me tell you, try to enjoy it...I know! You can make fun of the people who hold hands and stuff like that...but of course, that's not nice or mature, so forget that. ^__^ Peace to you, my friend! I hope your day is splendid!
To Mai: Hey sweetie! ^_^ I miss you too much...I'm so glad we still get to talk to each other through IM, but still...I'm so glad I love how I can trust you with everything and're so kind to me...thank you for everything, and I'm so glad I met you...I love you lots! Happy Valentine's Day
To all of my friends that come to my site to comment: Who are the people that keep this site running? *points to each and every one of them* yeah! It's you guys! Without my daily comments, my site would be a bust...really! It's all about you guys! My loyal fans! Ha ha! Thanks for the comments and PMs even if I don't comment or reply on your site! XD

Otaku Friends!
Afro Jones
angel kat
Elf of Light
little inufan
Matt Prower
Night Shade
no one
Rose Lover
Sakura Star
Vicious 2
yami seto
*Gives everyone a chocolate and a big hug*
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Sorry for the Delay
FYI: Time of this post was written on Saturday, but since had some difficulties, the entry is posted today. Hey! I just got back from a nine o'clock concert at this was very fun and kinda cheesy, but it was very very exciting....we got to dance with our partners, and the audience really enjoyed their breakfast today! Unfortunately, when it was time to go, the girl who gave me the ride there, she didn't have a ride back! So, we had to get a ride, along eith 4 other boys! The ironic thing about it was that one of those boys was my dance partner! XD...but anyway...all was well in the end.
Sorry I didn't visit yesterday...lots of crap was going on last updating all my softwares, and I was feeling so stressed, I cried about it...but all is over and done with...
Before all the chaos, during the Honor's Society meeting, while Shimeru-kun was looking through past year's scrapbooks, I tried tickling his ears...seeing as Yuki-chan's myO avvie was so cute...I decided to test it(cept I didn't kiss his ear...I ran my fingers over them)...and what do you know? It worked! Shimeru-kun kept blushing like crazy and he started covering his ears! lol...he was still red though...^_^
After school, I walked home with Lj and AG...we pigged out on snacks and burnt tasting caramel corn...then we watched AG play Kingdom Hearts...Lj kept telling her to do this and that(because Lj already beat the game), but she eventually had to go too...but Kingdom Hearts is very very hard it seems...or at least when AG was playing it! Then when her mother came home, we went out to the mall and ate there...we went to Hasting's and ShopKo....but while at Hasting's...there were some demos...and I played the FMA game...there were very good graphics and it was really fun! ^_^ That's because I like those fighting games! lol
We're going to my temple today...then we'll go to some more places...going clothes and grocery shopping! I wonder what I should buy? Oh, and I might buy AG that anime magazine she wanted...not sure though...and I can't give away much because she sometimes reads my journal! XD
Quote of the Day: "No man is an island entire of itself..."
--John Donne
Question of the Day: What is your religion?(and if you don't wanna say...then comment about the post and don't answer the question)
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Friday, February 11, 2005
Hi...what's news? ^_^ I finished all of my homework now so I'll start with this post! There isn't much on my mind right now...but's nice to try to think of some things.
My Chinese New Year was very swell! ^^ I had a very nice dinner...spareribs with chow mein and fresh, white rice...nice hot soup, steamed chicken, and shrimp...very good!
During first period, they announced the Best of the Best finalists...of course, when it's something that deals with voting, always expect the worse...I was hoping to get "Most likely to succeed" but since I'm not very popular, it didn't work out...the strange thing is that this boy named Beau got nominated, and he's not all that popular...I guess lots of people just know who he is...oh need to worry about it...I don't need any democracy to tell me that I'll be most likely to succeed...I know I'll succeed! ^_^
Lj fell ill for the past two days...but she feels absolutely peachy today! *hugs her and gives her a teddy bear* Her stomach's doing backflips inside her and she just thinks she's gonna throw up, so I'll try to cheer her up! ^_^ I get to go to this art college field trip next seems very fun...I hope it will be! I watched a fireworks show on TV was very cheery and fun! ^_^ Even if it was on TV...and in Chinese, but hey! I liked it! ^_^ Oh yeah...sorry for clumping all those various subjects together...If I put them separately, they would have been very short sentences!
Sorry for the short just wasn't eventful! ^_^;;;
Quote of the Day: "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug."
--Mark Knopfler
Question of the Day: What are your Valentine's plans?
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
Hey! How's it going? ^^ I'm feeling just happy! Very happy...because I'm done with homework and I got to choose what classes I wanted...for 10th grade, the electives I'm taking will be Orietation to Health Occupations/Sports Medicine 1 and Japanese 1...I wish I could have taken Beginning Sign Language so that I can finally communicate with David...but alas, I'm only allowed 2 year round classes unless I were to take PE in the summer...but, I can't afford Summer School...bummer! But no need to fret because I'll be taking Sign Language for sure in my Junior year! Oh, and I hope I make it to Accelerated English 10 too! ^^
I wanted to say rest in peace, Tamm(Alex's friend)...she didn't make it through her operation...she had leukemia and a collasped lung, so it must have been hard on her...I'm just glad she doesn't have to suffer any longer...I can't really talk about death because it's still Chinese New Year(I typed this yesterday)...and it's bad luck to talk about death, swear(I don't do that on any day, so I'm safe), or loan/borrow I don't want to be cursed, I'll stop talking about this subject.
Today, I have to turn in this permission slip to my TRiO advisor...but the thing I forgot to do was to get all of my teacher's signatures before the bell rings to go to first period, Kristin and I have to rush to get all of those names! >.<(I convinced Kristin to join TRiO with me...Lj too, but she forgot to turn in the application sheet to join) Such a rush..I knew I should have done it yesterday, but I forgot to bring in the slip!!! See how rushed I can be? The slip was sent to me on about turning something in on time! Limited time!
Hmm...what to talk about? Oh I of my friends wanted me to be his pen pal...but...I'm already Patty's pen pal(now more like e-mail mate) and Yuki-chan's...and I have to send 2 stamps to mail something to I can't handle any parents are gonna be crazy when it comes to billing time and they find there are no more stamps because of my pen pals...I'm just so swamped with 2 pen pals...I mean, I love reading about people's lives and having them ask me their personal questions and I love learning about the climate and such...just not enough stamps...the thing about me having pen pals is that my parents don't know about it...they just wouldn't understand...oh wait..with Patty is a different matter...they know who she^_^ Anyway, Yuki-chan finally got my letter that I sent 2 weeks I have to wait half a month to get his reply...he sent it 2 days ago...I can't wait to see what he says! ^_^
Only one person took my quiz...kinda sad really...she's one of my closest friends and she got a 50% on the quiz...but was rather hard and it dealt a lot with my past and what I like...and I rarely talk about those things...^^ but thanks for trying!!
Quote of the Day: "I have learned silence from the talkitive, tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind."
--Kahil Gilbran
Question of the Day: Do you have a pen pal? If you don't, would you like one?(If yes to second part of question, please don't ask me to be yours)
Check out my cosplay gallery!
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
^__^ HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL! Let's celebrate the wonderful Rooster's year with their horoscope! ^^: A pioneer in spirit, they are devoted to work and quest after knowledge. They're selfish and eccentric. Best matches: Snake(me! ^^) and Cow. Enemy: Rabbit(watch out, Momoji!)
I have so much to tell you all! Ok ok...Monday! ^^ I missed half of the school day to get a new missed periods one through I missed my solo chance in Choir, lots of writing in English, and sitting around being Teacher's Aide...but I so wanted to do that solo! Wahh! Oh's done and settled with. I met up with Lj...she glomped me because she missed me...and of course, I missed her another thing I missed was nominating the Best of the Best....unfortunately, I wasn't able to carry out Samantha's wish, which was for me to nominate her for "Most likely to become famous"...but...I missed it and my History teacher wouldn't let me vote!(that's where the voting was held...history class)
Drama Club was fun of course....I keep forgetting to memorize my lines, but they're both quite small, so it won't be too much of a hassle! We got to work on voice projection and body language...we are being over dramatic and that's what the people want! lol
After school, I hung out with Lj and AG...worked on homework and goofed around...then when we arrived at AG's place, we were all thirsty and all had different drinks...AG got a bottle of chocolate milk, I had bottled orange juice, and Lj had Diet Cherry Coke...AG was saying that her milk tasted worse than the one she had at the airport, so I took a sip and I said my orange juice was sweeter...and just for the heck of it, I took one little sip of Lj's coke...bad choice! I keep burping every 3 was so funny! More like an inside joke that won't be funny in about 3 days, but was funny while I was there...then we all had dinner...Lj and I thought it would be better to eat up most of the food, so that there wouldn't be we did that!(exception of green beans and cranberry sauce...I dare not touch that!)...but AG complained that it gave her more dishes to wash...we never thought of that...but oh well!
After dinner, we went to Freshman orientation that lasted until 8 at night...but it wasn't time wasted...I'm gonna love going to Borah High....because they have a Japanese/Anime Club where you get to make sushi, watch lots of anime, and play DDR! Oh's my dream club come true! T_T...I'm so gonna take it over! Muhahaha!! Just kidding...*clears throat*
We get to register for our classes today for next year at Borah...first off...I'm so taking Japanese and sign language...and then AP English...and maybe some health classes....oh yes..definately need those! ^^ I'll have to see!
Quote of the Day: " I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"
--Abraham Lincoln
Question of the Day: Have you've seen/read Fruits Basket?(I highly recommend it! ^^)
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